STBFL change is bad and it promotes tunneling

First of all, none of the top tier killers use or need this perk to beggin with. So we are nerfing perk that is fine since strong killers don't use it anyway and it helps mid to low tier killers to catch up in chase.
Second, since now Obsession needs to be healthy in order for this perk to work, you will have to play with 3 Survivors and just totaly ignore the obsession. Before, when you used it on killer who could sometimes bypass the losing stack (Trapper, Nemi, Demo, etc.), you could still want to chase the 4rd Survivor and lowering the overall heat for the rest of the team.
Now when someonebody unhooks and its obsession... why the hell would you go for the obsession since you can't even touch them? Yea...
Perk did not even nerfed that badly lol.
It still same value pre 6.1.0 which perk was fine.
And now m2 killers won't abuse it. If m1 killer is losing stacks for hitting obsession, i don't see reason why m2 killers should not?
Too bad; Wesker, Xeno, Chucky, Demo, Nemmy players who was using this perk will need to learn to use power now.
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The perk does not require "the Obsession to be Healthy for this perk to work"? You only lose stacks once a Survivor loses a health state but you can still technically hit them and keep the perk's effect if you have enough stacks, you can also pair it with Exposed perks/Killers to save on stacks.
You only lose stacks whenever you hit the Obsession, it wont "encourage" tunneling since the perk was already used with tunneling to begin with. I think people are just more likely to use other perks to pair with it, like PWYF to get Haste from ignoring the Obsession.
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Nah, they will just use more gen blocking and regressing perks instead.
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I hope they do because gen block and gen regression perks are not working together. So they will waste PR stacks or they will make us to protect gen from Pop.
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Just swap it out for more regression - EZ PZ
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No I mean they will pick one of these two. Who in right mind would run both at the same time :D
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Pig and Trapper sure needed that nerf right?
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We talked this before too if you remember. Trapper and Pig needs help outside of perks. Perks should not be way to make them viable, their base-kit need to be strong enough.
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Whenever a nerf happens to Killers it "promotes tunneling". Never change, DBD-Forum, never change.
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Eliminating (M2-ing/ a way) to circumvent losing stacks was a bad idea. The core problem was farming stacks at the hook and making it impossible to save. neither was adress
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Now when someonebody unhooks and its obsession... why the hell would you go for the obsession since you can't even touch them? Yea...
That already was the strategy with this perk. There is no reason for you to chase the obsession if you are using STBFL, unless you want to avoid tunneling.
The nerf will have no impact on this matter.
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No Patchnotes, but a Dev-Update:
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Im looking forward to the Pig tweaks. I'm gonna remind you when they come around.
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The correct nerf would have been to nerf it's camping capabilities.
The chase part was absolutely fine.
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I think the perk didn't need a nerf, but thankfully it wasn't a devastating change.
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People gonna tunnel regardless. They still do with pain res and pop.
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I should also mention that there's already a potential exploit where the survivors will have more control of STBFL than the killer does by simply having one person run FTP + Plot Twist while having another person run We're Gonna Live Forever + Botany Knowledge then just keep Plot Twist spamming as the obsession on the other side of the map since the perk will lose stacks any time the obsession loses a health state by any means.
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Tunneling is already promoted since the start
nothing new here
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Nope. The effect is a bit weaker than before (won't make much of a difference but still) and more importantly, the perk does even less, if you're not at 8 stacks. This means it takes even longer until a killer can capitalise on it.
As it is, you start to notice the effects at about 4-5 stacks (sometimes 6 depending on the survivors and the map). But with the nerf you will need 1 stack more to get the same effect. That's not much on paper but when M1 killers are already in a bad spot, anything that makes them weaker in chase is a problem.
All of the killers you listed (exception being Demo) weren't good users of STBFL. They dedicate a perk slot to effectively nerf themselves (wasting time playing M1 killer to even build up stacks and then still achieve worse results than normal) . Is that really a problem? Demo still has to play M1 killer a lot because his power doesn't work around many loops but I can live with that change.
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Like I said in other posts, the only problem I see with the nerf is the "by any means" part. It can lead to some unwanted situations and abuses, like the obsession getting into a trap to force the lose of stacks in the case of Trapper.
It should work like PWYF and lose stacks with "Basic attacks" and "Special Attacks", which would do the same without allowing for indirect damage to eat your stacks even if you completely avoid the obsession.
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But if you were playing a character like demo in a situational like this you could go for the unhooker if it was the obsession as well instead of his just the unhooked survivor again. You had more of a choice and now you get punished if you make the one thats more fun for the match
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the problem is: obsesssions using blood rush, for the people, plot twist, steping on traps etc will make you lose stacks
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This should be fixed, yeah. Killer should not lose any stacks outside of by their own actions / power.
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Finally, a counter play.
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i agree, the problem is the m2 stack saving
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Ngl as someone who loves the perk I highly like how the obsession can make you lose stacks outside of trying to body block although I will miss saving stacks on the rare occasion on pig
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Note it says "loses a health state" so it's going to be very easy for survivors to mess with this with perks like No Mither or Plot Twist, unless it only means a direct health state loss from the killer.
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We dont know yet about losing a healthy state by anymean. But
- Blood rush is rare, require being obsession, and only 1 use.
- FTP making used alot because of BU exists, FTP was never that famous before BU change. Requires being obsession. FTP can make it work the 2nd time they use though, but is it really worth all that work to lose killer 2 stacks? I rather heal Dwight and keep both of us healthy, than injures and broken myself.
- Plot twist is 1 time use mid match and 1 time at the end, also requires being obsession, not big deal.
- Why on Earth should I being healthy and step on trap, losing a heal state myself just to make you lose 2 stacks of STBFL...? A survivor lose a healthy randomly at the opposite of the map is always Trapper's favor. With or without STBFL.
Unless a survivor use DS to take the obsession role then use BR, FTP, PT to lose your stack like 3-4 times in a match.., but do you think such perk build is easy to pull off?
The most crucial part of STBFL counter play is the obsession recognize it and willing to body block ,take hit mid chase on purpose that some M2 killers can by pass it. Not those perks
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remember me works when the obsession loses a health state by any means, so i think we can imagine how it would work
and i will add some points there:
blood rush is not a problem and i agree, i just wanted to point out every way to lose a health state (i like to use it but meh)
actually 🤓 ftp makes you be the obsession when you use it, you don´t need tto be the obsession or something
if you for some reason have a friend with we gonna live forever, you can use plot twist and make them heal you how many times you want, it can be really good for end game saves if the killer has it imo, cool macro interaction
trapper is not a strong killer and i think survivor with friends can abuse it a bit against them, my only real problem is the trapper being the only killer that lose stacks without having control of it
poor trapper, suffering from success :(
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actually 🤓 ftp makes you be the obsession when you use it, you don´t need tto be the obsession or something
If they're the obsession in the beginning, good for them. If they're not, that requires the 2nd use of the perk to make it works. Just randomly put myself injured and broken instead of healing other is never a good play. 2 stacks dont worth the effort.
Trapper is something else, I cant explain, if his traps dont count as a hit/down. There would be many other perks not work on him, Honing stone and Infectious fright for example. Blood favor, Hysteria, Remember me, Dark devotion...
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If they're the obsession in the beginning, good for them. If they're not, that requires the 2nd use of the perk to make it works. Just randomly put myself injured and broken instead of healing other is never a good play. 2 stacks dont worth the effort.
oh i see what you mean
Trapper is something else, I cant explain, if his traps dont count as a hit/down. There would be many other perks not work on him, Honing stone and Infectious fright for example. Blood favor, Hysteria, Remember me, Dark devotion...
bhvr probably can´t do so much about him, just sad
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i hope they revert the 5%->4% change.
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Same although I kinda like how a obsession can counter it outside of body blocking if they have the perks to do so and depending on the killer now
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What if stbfl transformed the unhooked into the obsession, so you were encouraged to follow the unhooker instead of tunneling, it would not solve the camping power of this perk but at least you would get punished for tunneling. It would really mess with the flavor of the perk but upgrade gameplay.
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OP had a point about the tunneling. If the obsession unhook someone, you're better off ignoring them and tunneling whereas before, you could still just chase the unhooker and go for M2s.
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It was all about M2 obsession to keep stack and continue on tunneling. Now obsession can body block for tunneled teammate with some rewarding.
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Well, go ahead and tunnel then. Eventually you'll reach a point where that doesn't work, and the tunneled survivor will kite you for a long time.