We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

I have over 2k hours on Nemesis, and every update feels like a kick to the shins.

I have played on the Killer the Nemesis since October of 2021, going so far as to p3 him with the old Prestige System, and even getting him to p100 with the new prestige system, being proud of my love and dedication to this Killer.

This context is important, because I am begging for some attention for this Killer, be it a small buff, or even just a reworked addon, or even just making some of his addons just be better in general. The original Resident Evil chapter for Dead by Daylight is one of, if not THE most successful chapters to this game's lifetime, just by numbers alone. Looking at Steam's player charts, we've yet to see another chapter bring in the numbers like it did for the original Resident Evil chapter.

So what would I want to ask of the developers if I were allowed to control an update or even a buff to this killer? First, I wouldn't even completely fundamentally change the power itself. It feels unique enough, it feels strong "enough." But there is something missing to it.

Every update we've had since Nemesis' release in June of 2021, we've only seen paltry buffs, and even more frustrating tweaks and nerfs. And the most recent PTB just feels like a further kick to the shins.

So here are my experiences with this killer, my complaints, and what I would ask of to make this killer be better:


The Nemesis has 20 addons, like all other Killers in the game. However, unfortunately, this killer suffers from having an issue with the addons in that a vast majority of them feel incredibly worthless and useless, to being marginally good, to being the only few useable addons I would recommend anyone use in general.

For reference, of these 20 addons, 8 of these are for the zombies, from the four speed-increasing addons, to the two wristband addons, a respawn timer addon, and for Serotonin Injector, which gives the Nemesis 15 seconds of the Undetectable status effect whenever a zombie is destroyed by any means.

After this, there are 6 addons that exist for the Supply Cases and related Vaccine Syringes. The only one really worth running casually in any game that I play in has been Broken Recovery Coin, which removes a Supply Case from the Trial.

  • However, Adrenaline Injector is okay, but is an annoying Addon to run for me in general, as I feel that the Killer Instinct that is given with the basekit 3 seconds from a survivor vaccinating is more than enough information.
  • Broken Syringe is kind of whatever, and would have been extraordinarily nice to run when Hoarder still worked with Killer Belongings.
  • Plant 43 Vines, which adds 4 seconds to opening a supply case, feels like it has no reason to exist.
  • Jill's Sandwich is a fine Addon, as it gives decent information, even if it only actives up to 4 times in a single match under normal circumstances.
  • Iridescent Umbrella Badge frankly sucks. I remember starting playing this Killer when it was only a 30-second Exposed Duration, having it be increase to 60 seconds is nice, but generally is terrible to run if you're not running anything else to compliment this addon. Such as running it with Jill's Sandwich. This addon simply encourages skittish survivors to hide away from the Killer, especially if they are on Death Hook.

After this, we have 3 addons that increase the number of Contamination Points this Killer gains from both Zombies and Survivors. Marvin's Blood is a phenomenal addon, encouraging to use your power and have a slightly easier time in getting your Mutation Rate up. The same could not be said about Zombie Heart, which only adds an extra half point to gaining Contamination from your zombies, and T-Virus Sample, which only adds one extra point to gaining Contamination from the zombies. I feel as if Zombie Heart and T-Virus Sample have no reason to exist as long as Marvin's Blood exists, because it's always more beneficial to Contaminate and further injure Survivors with the Tentacle Strike.

Finally, our last 3 addons, if you could even call one of them an addon in the first place. We have the Ne-a Parasite, which causes Survivors to become afflicted with Oblivious for 60 seconds. However, confusingly, sometime after Sadako's release in 2022, this addon was changed, and nerfed, so that it was possible to cancel the effect early with a vaccine. I know of no other Killer addons that do this with a Killer Belonging, and feels like an unnecessary and frustrating change, especially since the Nemesis' footsteps are thunderous and frighteningly loud.

Next we have Licker Tongue, an addon that completely and utterly feels like a joke, which is a huge shame, because it is a green rarity addon. The Nemesis has the strongest basekit Hindered Status effect in this game, at a whopping 20% hindered, twice as strong as the Skull Merchant's Hindered with her Claw Traps, and 5% stronger than Clown's Afterpiece Tonic bottles without addons. Sadly, this effect only lasts for a quarter of a second. On a 60fps console or monitor, this merely lasts for 15 frames, and can be made less with perks like Vigil.

This quarter of a second feels like nothing happens when a survivor is contaminated initially. And simply works like a second speed boost in first chase and in extra chases against fully healthy Survivors. I tested the difference in time Licker Tongue saved with another player. In making laps around Midwitch, with the survivor player running Overcome to extend the chase as long as possible. The difference in chase times with and without Licker Tongue, was only a few frames. (Comparison proof here: https://twitter.com/Indigo_Ninja/status/1745822970163900783 )

And finally, my most hated, detested, and certifiably worst addon any killer could ask for: S.T.A.R.S Combat Manual. This brown rarity addon is the worst information addon you could honestly ask for. Take the randomness, and the majority uselessness of the zombies. Take how rare a random zombie attack is in any given game, in any given MMR ranking. It's so incredibly rare, and only really ever happens by chance or accident, sometimes with intent, by corralling a survivor into a zombie during chase. Now, lets have this event make it so that the zombies turn yellow for 6 seconds.

I could rant and rave about how awful this addon is. But I wish to give options to the developers on how to potentially improve on the addons that are unfortunately tied to this killer's kit.

To start:

  1. Make Licker Tongue's effect basekit. The current effect that it gives is that it adds and additional 0.2 seconds of Hindered to initial Contamination. (Basekit it's 0.25) Adding this .2 extra seconds of Hinder shouldn't make a terrible difference, but it will make the power feel much better to use. Additionally, I would rework Licker Tongue into a Hemorrhage or Mangled addon on Tentacle Strike, similar in effect to Artist's Thorny Nest addon, which gives survivors injured by the Dire Crow Hemorrhage and Mangled.
  2. Make Brian's Intestine basekit. The zombies currently move at 25% speed, or just 1.0m/s. This wouldn't make the speed overwhelmingly faster, but again, would make the zombies feel better to have around, allowing them to wander the match a slight bit faster. However, for this brown addon, I'm uncertain what I would rework this into. Simply put, I would rather there be less duplicates of an addon that gives a similar effect.
  3. Combat Manual. I wish I could suggest anything for a change to this addon, but honestly I would rather have it wiped from existence and a new addon be created in its place. If anything, I'd rather it be a Meme Addon for the zombies. Make it so that whenever a zombie is destroyed by any means they respawn 10 seconds faster (does not stack with any other respawn timer addons), however they do not give Contamination when destroyed via Tentacle Strike, and increases the Zombie Gambit bloodpoint score event by 100%.
  4. Another Addon that I wish could receive a change or update would be Adrenaline Injector. Make the effects of Killer Instinct on survivors vaccinating increase from 3 seconds to 4 seconds basekit, and whenever a zombie is destroyed by any means, the Nemesis gains a 5% Haste Status effect for 12 seconds. (Made to compensate the missed cooldown attack whenever the Nemesis destroys a zombie with a Basic Attack, and whenever he destroys zombies with the Tentacle Strike.)

Otherwise, this is all I have as a start to improve the addons to some degree. Onwards to my other issue.


My primary complaint for this entire post is stemming from this. The zombies are slow, and at the best of times act as basekit Spies From the Shadows, letting me know when it's tracking a survivor nearby, or across the map. The worst of times my zombies are getting stuck on hills, waltzing into corners, or are standing still in the middle of nowhere where nothing is happening.

The most ideal I've seen these zombies be is when they're suddenly assisting me in chase, I.E., pushing a survivor away from a strong loop or filler tile, or when they end a chase much more quickly than anticipated. I.E., when a survivor drops a God Pallet, and a zombie on the other side down's or injures the survivor.

It's been known since the Live Release of the Nemesis that the zombies' hitboxes shrink slightly whenever they are Blinded by a survivor, or whenever they are on cooldown for an attack, whether or not they successfully hit a survivor or not.

I've seen in the recent PTB that the zombies have been changed so that they lose all collision entirely whenever they attack a survivor. While I understand the reasoning behind this, I want to remind everyone that these zombies are painfully slow. Moving at a whopping 1.0m/s basekit. This change to the zombies feels insulting, especially with the state that the Blight's addons can allow him to do.

I would rather that the zombies' hitboxes be shrunken even smaller, rather than be completely removed when a survivor is attacked. This can very easily compensate narrow doorways and halls, of which many, many maps have, and are unfortunately not the recipients of any changes to the widths of these doors much like RPD's split and rework in 2022.


I adore this killer's power. I really, genuinely do. No other killer power has clicked with me in such a way before or since his release to this game. He's one of the fastest resource deleters on any given map, has a medium-range special attack, and even has a lingering hitbox that, quite frankly, has allowed me to raise my skill cap so much higher than when I first starting learning the killer in 2021.

However, something is to be desired with this killer's power. I feel as if some adjustment is needed for how much of a buff Mutation Rate 3 gives. For those that don't know, in MR1 and MR2, if you hold your power the killer moves at 95% movement speed, or 3.8m/s. When in MR3, the Nemesis moves at 100% movement speed, or 4.0m/s, moving at the same speed as survivors, but due to the nature of killer hitboxes, he may as well still be slower than survivors in tiles.

In the five and a half months of suffering under MFT, I've joked in frustration that he should be allowed to move at 103% (4.12m/s) speed while holding power in MR3, since a huge counter-argument about people running that perk was that "it's just 3%." In all honesty that feels like a small yet significant buff that would further encourage more Nemesis players to use the power, especially with the nature of said power.

From my time playing this killer, I've come to understand that MR2 is worth 2/3rds of his total power, with MR3 being the rest of his power. Which I will always enjoy using, and frankly have no other complaints or other grievances with the power itself outside of a radical rework of the entire power and kit.

I adore this killer, and feel as if I have an innate understanding of what I can and can't do with the power and kit. All I wish for is that his killer is given some attention, and would like to remind everyone reading this that the release of the Nemesis is the reason why we even have Wesker in the first place.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I'm willing to answer constructive questions and criticisms to this post.


  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    I didn't read all that but his zombies have gotten alot smarter.

    You realize they just added the antidote animation for survivor which is awesome but shows priorities.

    Maybe next year?

  • StarstruckFrog
    StarstruckFrog Member Posts: 56

    Nemmy needs all the help he can get. His power is so underpowered compared to other characters considering he has not much going on. It sucks

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,501

    Nemesis is a tricky one considering you can't really add much to his power without making him EXTREMELY unfun to go against. There's a reason why his power essentially takes 3 hits and that's because he has one of the best 1v1's in the game.

    Zombies are cool and all, but 90% of the time they don't do anything which is frustrating for the Nemesis player, 9% of the time a zombie just refuses to leave a gen and its just frustrating to deal with, and the last 1% they actually get a hit/happen to be nearby to zone a Survivor.

    Adding some of his add ons to his basekit doesn't necessarily fix his issues. Would it be nice? yes, but he's still gonna perform very similarly if not the complete same.

    Making him 4.12m/s in tier 3, or hell even 4m/s in tier 1 or 2 would have the same problem as above, would help, but not enough to make much of an impact.

    All that being said I don't think his basekit needs much attention, his add ons how ever do need a bit of a looksie.

  • IndigoNinja
    IndigoNinja Member Posts: 4

    Even if Nemesis is one of the best 1v1's in the game, there's such an insanely poor macro design for the killer, even with all my experiences with him. Did you know that in a perfect game, where this killer doesn't tunnel off the rip, isn't running Broken Recovery Coin, allows for all survivors to be healed off the hook once, and Vaccinate each time once, he has to chew through 32 healthstates? (4 survs x 3 hits x 2 chases fully healthy, adding 8 healthstates after all vaccines are gone.) Not assuming that these survivors brought medkits, healing perks, and have extraordinarily altruistic teammates, taking hits and healing each other and making sure that the game is "fair."

    If anything he needs more tweaks/adjustments that make the power feel even a little better to use. More than anything else he needs some addons basekit, because a lot of the addons that he has currently are a joke and even worse in comparison to say, Pyramid Head's addons. (Did you know that he has 3 range addons?)

    I wish the zombies were better. There's so much fluff between when I actually get zombie value in matches, and more often than not, this usually happens on smaller, indoor maps. Which is highly unfortunate because these zombies simply suck on larger, often outdoor maps. It just feels like there's so much more downtime that the zombies have that I simply can't ordinarily afford if I'm actively participating in the game.

    Like I mentioned earlier, the basekit is "fine," but more could be desired, outside of a radical rework. At this point for basekit I just wish that I could have some more QoL adjustments, like a slightly better movement speed when holding power, slightly better duration on his Hindered effect, and some other adjustments.

    (Also hey man how's it going.)

  • IndigoNinja
    IndigoNinja Member Posts: 4

    You will read this because everything in this is important.

    Also, if you've dedicated any amount of time to this killer in a least several matches, you'll see how insanely frustrating these zombies are.

    The vaccination animation was given to this killer over two years after his release.

    You may as well say never if you're saying next year. Again this killer has gotten paltry buffs, insulting addon adjustments, and infuriating nerfs as well. I am no longer waiting for change, but demanding it.