Reverse 3 gen?

I was just sitting here thinking; "what if the survivors 99 3 gens and just hide for the remainder of the match?" This would be similar to survivors just not doing gens and hiding but having even one gen that is basically Repressed Alliance permanently sounds pretty good for forcing the killer into having to completely give up certain gens. Either that or perks that apply consistant instant regression like Surge will actually become bad because survivors could FORCE the killer to make a gen untouchable for the rest of the game. If used right a swf could bully a killer Even harder than usual, leaving them with literally nothing they can do at all. Similar to how a swf can manipulate Deadlock except its permanent instead of 30 seconds.


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    I don't see how this is an efficient use of their time. The longer a game is, the less chance a survivor has of escaping as their resources start to dwindle. Purposely extending the game makes no sense.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    They will just rush gens and get out like normal, strategy won't be changed.

    Time is on the survivor's side now in a 3-gen. So if anything it only makes rushing gens and not caring about 3-gens even easier.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    As an artist, I wish I have the creativeness equal to some people makeup a DBD scene on their own to prove a point.

    I think the creativity of the Artist is overrated. Just shoot your crows out at loops or gens.

    Kidding, but the first time I read that I did a double take as I thought what being an Artist main had to do with creativity.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    is there any plans to do something about end game stealth where 2 survivors hide entire match and continuously prologue the match? The killer is unable to kick hatch to begin EGC leading into prologue hide and seek match.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,414

    People here trying to make sense of the nonsensical. Because they can is the answer. Yes it can be done today without 99ing the gen, but having the gens at perma 99 is just that little extra.

  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 366

    Isn't this already achievable right now in the live servers? If anything the new Kick regression will make 99'ing a generator harder as they can't just hide and then tap it when the killer leaves.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    it's the exact same thing where 2 or more survivors hide and take the killer hostage, just as @Peanits pointed out or an extreme case of a killer getting bullied, hard. what to do? killers can have the ability to open gates after the match reaches a certain length (15-20 mins would be ideal)

  • Hito420
    Hito420 Member Posts: 89

    What about in that same scenario, when a killer downs a the 2nd to last survivor, doesn't hook them, and the last one doesn't come save them, so the killer picks them up and let's them go free and has them lead them to the last survivor? This should not be allowed as in the rules working with the kilker/survivor is clearly listed as something against the rules, yet its something that is done constantly

    And it's not like this behavior is needed anymore, with all the tracking perks killers could have, and when I play killer I just hook the 3rd survivor, unless I see the 4th when I down the 3rd, because otherwise it's risking losing the kill when you already have them down

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    in the same scenario survivors also should have an option to die on the ground if they are dropped by killer, or on killer's shoulder if it's their 2nd time of being carried without getting hooked; past 15-20 minutes into the match.

    snitching is a bannable offense.

    HINGIRIK Member Posts: 110

    As a 3 gen Knight player, I shut down my PC crying when I read the patch notes. I think there is no need because survivors need to pay attention to gene placement. They should not finish every gen that comes their way, so that they are not left with 3 gens. Also, what happens if the distance between genes is extremely large? Why nerf killers but not survivors? Also, this issue was not something that broke the game tremendously (unless there are 3 gen knights or 3 gen merchants).

    HINGIRIK Member Posts: 110

    The ability to open doors can encourage the game to door camp (after all, there's an open door, why wouldn't they just run out). If only killer can open doors, they will force them to do so. What you're trying to say is that if survivors can also open doors, it's even worse. And unless the guy in front of you is injured and your power or perks don't help insta-down, there's a ridiculously high chance they'll run away. Instead, if a gene is not finished for a certain period of time, an end-game collapse begins and they must advance any gene by a certain percentage and the hatch will spawn in a closed manner...Or just crows circling overhead and giving you sound notifications.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    Won't ever happen. Bully squads have no patience because they're going for clips. If they're really giving you that much trouble, look up and wiggle from time to time. They lose out on clips and leave asap, then mmr, hopefully but don't hold your breath, puts you in lobbies more your level

    HINGIRIK Member Posts: 110

    The ability to open doors can encourage the game to door camp (after all, there's an open door, why wouldn't they just walk out). If only killer can open doors, they will force them to do so. What you're trying to say is that if survivors can also open doors, it's even worse. And unless the guy in front of you is injured and your stats or perks don't help insta-down, there's a ridiculously high chance they'll run away. Instead, if a gen is not finished for a certain period of time, an end-game collapse begins and they must advance any gen by a certain percentage and the hatch will spawn in a closed manner...Or just crows circling overhead and giving you sound notifications.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    improved afk crows would be a nice implementation against this situation as well.

    though what i meant was, killers would have the choice to open gates not survivors. if they wish not to they won't and look for the hiding survivor for as long as they would like, it's up to them. survivors still wouldn't be able to open the gates before doing gens unless killer chooses to open one, then the survivor(s) can open the other.

    HINGIRIK Member Posts: 110

    Let's say a killer who didn't want to look for the others opened the door. Survivors also go there to escape from the open door. If the killer's special abilities or perks are not insta-down or the survivor is not injured, he will escape guaranteed. You can think of it like hatch standoffs, but only if you can insta-down. Does it make sense for a killer who does not want to look for someone else to provide an escape opportunity directly and give 2 escapes? If we want the update to be on the killers' side, the opposite will happen. I think it's more logical that if you don't do gen for a certain period of time, a crow will come to your head.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    why would a killer that cares about killing the last survivor open the gate? opening the gate would basically be saying "i can't bother with this just leave"; if the killer wants to kill survivors that bad they can take their time and look for them. they can MAKE THE DECISION themselves.

    you are trying to argue this would be worse than current hatch which might give the chance of both not wasting your own time and getting to kill all survivors but it is still an rng free undeserved escape that's out of killer's agency which also causes lots of other issues that makes it not worth at all.

    HINGIRIK Member Posts: 110

    I thought our goal was to prevent the Survivors from hiding until the end of the match. But right now we are willing to give a free escape to the survivors who are hiding. Don't you think this will encourage more hiding? Survivors hide, they make the killer tired, then the killer opens the gate and they get a hit from the killer in front of the gate, t-bag and escape. Also, while hatch escapes do not increase mmr, all types of gate escapes increase mmr.