Show killer number of survivors in SWF in Lobby

MadameExotine Member Posts: 177
edited January 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think this'll make gameplay a lot more fair, and alleviate some SoloQ frustrations.

When I play killer, there have been plenty of times that I played "casual" when I shouldn't have. And times I played like I was in a "tournament", when I shouldn't have! The deciding factor has always been weather I was going up against a SWF or SoloQs. And usually I find that out (through gameplay) when it is already too late (ie all gens pop under 3 min, perfect bodyblocks, obvious callouts etc).

It would be helpful for there to be a number indicator in the lobby showing how many SWFs there are, without pointing out who is with who, like a simple "1+1+1+1" or "1+1+2" or "2+2" or "1+3" or "4!"

If lobby dodging is a factor, maybe this number indicator only pops up once timer is locked (last 5 sec before game loads), or in the loading screen.

I can't imagine there being a downside to this. Most killers would prob play more accordingly if they knew they had this information going in. And those who are toxic enough to not, would've prob play that way anyway!


  • TSQuint
    TSQuint Member Posts: 88

    It's a good idea but it'll never happen. It can't be overstated that SWF was, is, and will always be the biggest problem in the game. I don't understand why there aren't separate modes for 2-4 teams. I can't believe they allow 3 to join with one random. So many matches playing as killer or a solo I've seen a team of 3 play so poorly and so selfishly. Back when the hatch could spawn before the endgame, I'd see teams of 2 use a key and leave and screw over the others.

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    I think it should show this but not until you are in game. Perfectly honest? I see a 4 man in a loading screen I'll probably just crash the game. Same as I would for a goj offering

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    I think survivors being able to tell what the killer's ping is should take priority.

  • Lixadonna
    Lixadonna Member Posts: 420

    Killer Mains perfectly fine rolling SoloQ but once a SWF gives a little push and challenge and rolls you it's unfair. 🤣🤣

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 373

    Your comment is not adding any value to this discussion.

    Stop acting like this is just a 'typical case of a killer main being mad about swf'. You try to downplay the topic and the points made. Thats not very fair as every voice shall be heard in the community.

    SWF is and always has been kind of a problem. The MMR System does not seem to work in a way so solo q and SWF is regarded. Playing with friends gives you a lot of benefits solo q players don't have. That's why many killers are feeling a little thrown under the bus by the system.

    That may not be a problem at lower ranks as everyone is equally confused but in the middle and upper ranks this becomes more and more crucial. Lobby dodging is a thing because swf's have a lot of potential for frustration.

    I mean knowing where the killer is all match long is already a pretty strong benefit.

    That being said I think dbd should introduce a 'Ranked' playmode. So sweaty suvivors and sweaty killers can meet there and play like in a tournament and those who want to have fun can play casual.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 373
    edited January 2024


    Your comment is not adding any value to this discussion.

    Stop acting like this is just a 'typical case of a killer main being mad about swf'. You try to downplay the topic and the points made. Thats not very fair as every voice shall be heard in the community.

    SWF is and always has been kind of a problem. The MMR System does not seem to work in a way so solo q and SWF is regarded. Playing with friends gives you a lot of benefits solo q players don't have. That's why many killers are feeling a little thrown under the bus by the system.

    That may not be a problem at lower ranks as everyone is equally confused but in the middle and upper ranks this becomes more and more crucial. Lobby dodging is a thing because swf's have a lot of potential for frustration.

    I mean knowing where the killer is all match long is already a pretty strong benefit.

    That being said I think dbd should introduce a 'Ranked' playmode. So sweaty suvivors and sweaty killers can meet there and play like in a tournament and those who want to have fun can play casual.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    More lobby shopping for killers. Good idea.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 501

    I can understand why it should not be shown at the start however i don't think there's any reason why it can't be shown once the game is finished

  • MadameExotine
    MadameExotine Member Posts: 177

    I am not even a killer main (I wish I was, my friends are usually on so I often SWF).

    And to lobby dodging comments, it's already addressed in post. Number indicator shows after everyone is locked in/or at the loading screen.