4 MAN SWF squad SHOULD not be able to repeat perks more than 2 times.

That + perks should have different buffs when playing soloQ
Do you know why Tinker got the rework? Because it is very difficult to balance addons considering that there was a perk that improved these addons. For the same reason, no one will balance perks depending on whether you play swf or not. Don't dream about something that will never happen for reasonable reasons.
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Hunt showdown did it. DBD can for REASONABLE reasons
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You cant punish players for playing SWF.
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What a nightmare to balance...
You're asking the devs (who are already trying to juggle over a hundred perks for each side) to juggle a second set of 100+ perks that's designed only for 4 man SWF.
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I will say this time and time again.
We SHOULDNT punish players for playing with their friends. IT SHOULD be encouraged since it promotes more social activity with the game THUS it spreads the word about the game more.
SoloQ and SWF being at different strength levels is a result of many different problems at once; Instead of nerfing SWF, we should be BUFFING SoloQ.
IF SWF gets too out of hand, we THEN can BUFF/REWORK Killers.
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only a few, not everyone of them.
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Why would we punish the killer for going against a full man squad with toolboxes and high mmr? why do you think in comp you cant repeat perks?
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My point stands though, you're asking the devteam and the players to manage the balance systems of additional iterations of perks when it's enough work balancing the ones we have.
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Cause theyre supposed to play vs people the same mmr? Also stop assuming that every swf is a high coordinated team. Those are just a super small amount of the playerbase.
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Its not that hard. Iron will for swf groups stay as same (75% reduction) and if u play soloq that goes up to 100%... its just a numbers buff
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You totaly overestimate SWF on comms at that level.
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i play on comms everytime as survivor with different groups. I can guaranteed you that with Good comms using the numpad + REPAIRING on singles its absolutely devasting for killers. in 1 chase you pop them 3 gens
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limit maybe, different buffs no.
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"its just a numbers buff" a numbers buff that then has to be watched to ensure it doesnt break game balance, create two seperate metas for SWF and Solos, and also doesnt accidentally kill SWF entirely by over-nerfing it (in turn killing the game).
It's far more delicate than you make it out to be.
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I think that adjusting mmr when you are solo or with 1/2/3 friends. Solo q -10 mmr, swf123 +10/+20/+30
This would solve problem without changing the game
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People dont get more skilled just because they can communicate. SWF are at least 9 out of 10 just playing along. Stop telling lies about the averga dbd swf. theyre not as good as you tell, and are by far not as ofter seen as you say. thats already stated so often and guys like you still dont get it.
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eemm im no liying, literally my experience playing with different groups