Trickster Music

So, I recently gave Trickster a shot and for me he feels quit nice. He plays fluid, 115% feels much better, his voice lines are dope and his Mori is cool. Main Event is a bit useless but funny non the less and I can relax quit a bit while playing him. Overall, good times.

However there is one thing I am missing: He is a K-Pop star and his theme music offers very little to enhance that feeling. I loves the trailer that played on his release and the song that was playing during that. Also Legion now has the mix-tapes and can change their music...

Why no add some of this to Trickster as well?

He has Killing Part Chords, On Target Single, Melodious Murder, Cut Thru U Single, Edge of Revival Album and the Death Throes Compilation. Now, I know that most of them are the sound of his victims screaming as he tortures them. But these add-ons could changes his music (and maybe his Lullaby) when he equips them still.

I would love to see this change to add more flavour to the Killer. I want to get blasted with the songs while running from him.


  • MrLollersnakes
    MrLollersnakes Member Posts: 38

    He's a psychotic killer before he's a KPop star imo, and I think his chase music reflects that, especially with the sheer highs of the song, I really feel like they're supposed to replicate screams of his victims (similar to how you can hear something that sounds like a baby crying/victor screaming in the back of twins chase music) and it incorporates exactly what you mentioned towards the end of your post.