New type of perks - Blessed Hook
I thought of these perks to counter tunneling, to """"""counter"""""" scourge hooks (ALL SCOURGE HOOK EFFECTS HOWEVER REMAIN UNAFFECTED), and to make some interesting strategic plays. I thought strong effects because for the survivor it is a big risk, a waste of time and because the killer can avoid these hooks.
General mechanics of the "Blessed Hook"
Press and hold the Active Ability button on a Hook to bless it and create a Blessed Hook. Animation to bless a hook lasts 32/28/24 seconds.
A blue aura of blessed hooks will be visible to everyone, including the killer.
A hook can be both a "scourge hook" and a "blessed hood" at the same time.
A blessed hook cannot be sabotaged.
You can only have one blessed hook in the entire game, and it can never be changed. (4 surv for max 4 blessed hook in a game ... like scourge hook)
If a survivor is sacrificed in a blessed hook, the perk will be deactivated for the rest of the game.
If one survivor has multiple "blessed hook" perks... all perks will go into one hook (like boon totem)
Blessed Hook: Easy suture ----> Increases Altruistic Healing speed by 100 % to the survivor dropped from the blessed hook. When this survivor is completely healed, the perk is deactivated
Blessed hook: Silent crying ----> Reduces the volume of Grunts of Pain by 100% of the survivor saved by the blessed hook. When this survivor is healed, the perk is deactivated.
Blessed hook: Ghost essence ----> it is impossible for the killer to read aura of the survivor saved by this blessed hook. This survivor also represses his urge to scream. When this survivor is completely healed, the perk is deactivated.
Blessed hook: Phoenix blood ----> The survivor released from this blessed hook has "Unbreakable". If the survivor is healed or uses his "hook unbreakable" ,the perk is deactivated.
Blessed hook: Patience ----> automatic "rebecca's reassurance"
Blessed Hook: Brittle metal ----> After unhooking a survivor, the blessed hook will break for 180 seconds
NOTE: blessed hook is a really "lazy" name, but I used this to give an idea"easy to understand"
Sounds interessting but also insanely hard to balance with effects you want to give them.
Easy Suture: Sounds good i think.
Silent Crying: first i want to say i really like the name. I think the existence from Easy Suture makes it not worth using. You could just heal the unhooked person in 8 seconds instead of giving them those effects while they are injured.
Ghost Essence: Same on this one.
Phoenix Blood: That one on the other hand sounds a little bit to strong because it can give all 4 people UB and I can't read out of it if it's only 1 time or even more than 1 time.
Patience: Idk sounds okay i guess, don't really know how often it will do anything.
Brittle Metal: Sounds like it would be more a negative than a plus for every combination. Could be good in some cases as single perk i think.
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I thought of these effects to counteract tunneling. You may not use these perks together, but for example if is you use "easy suture" and "silent crying" together, you have two options: 1- if the killer tunnels you can use "silent crying" 2- if the killer doesn't tunnel you can use "easy suture" 🤣
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Sorry, I forgot to comment on this "Brittle Metal: Sounds like it would be more a negative than a plus for every combination. Could be good in some cases as single perk i think".
I thought this perk to be in combo with sabo, tool boxes for sabo, jeff's breakdown, unbreakable, jonah's boon and blessed hook "phoenix blood"
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I'm gonna be honest, i don't think silent crying will do too much against tunneling, before the nerf it was normal that basically no survivor had grunds of pain and it wasn't too much harder.
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But if the Killer can see the blue aura on the hook, why would they ever hook someone on it?
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This condition is to give a counter to the killer, but the survivors can force killers by sabotaging nearby hooks.
In SWF (but also in solo q) you can make a whole area of blessed hooks (so leave no choice)
Remember : you can bless a scourge hook 😁
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these are simple game perks, not the ultimate solution to tunneling. However, they certainly make life a little more difficult for the killer who wants to tunnel
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It's a 99% cool idea, friend. I do think you should rethink the Killer seeing the aura though. It sounds like it could lead to a lot of slugging. Just something to consider.