The Hillbilly Feedback

Grab your Chainsaw - the changes to The Hillbilly are now live! Overheat is in the past, we've added a new Overdrive mechanic, and adjusted his Add-ons.
Please share your feedback on The Hillbilly's changes in the comments.
Please do NOT touch him again!!! He is AMAZING!!!!!!
I love him so much he actually feels amazing to play as.
EDIt: actually there are some things.
his miss cooldown on objects is strange, in the ptb he would still be able to move when crashing it was to remove clunkiness.
I noticed his hit box is a lot smaller I kept missing survivors even when I slid past them. Maybe make the hitbox a tad bigger
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He feels great
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Missed hit recovery is too fast, especially with add ons involved
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I love the update overall. The only thing that needs to be addressed imo is the chainsaw miss cooldown being way too forgiving now. There's almost no punishment for missing a chainsaw anymore and survivors get very little distance after a miss (especially during Overdrive, but even without it too). It was a bit too punishing with the old Billy but now it's way too far in the other direction.
Other than that, I'm very happy with the changes and I'm excited he's finally a good killer again.
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The penalty for missing or bumping into objects should be increased, right now it feels too forgiving.
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absoluetly agree. I played around 7 matches now against him and his cooldown is definetly too short to be punishing while he just walks behind you. So even for looping well you get punished. Especially combined with the new map reworks where you only get clutter there is sometimes nothing you can do.
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His recovery is perfect, it helps for the amount of bad maps he has. If you touch the recovery he will be dropped just like alien was after you nerfed his cooldown.
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Please dont need the missed cooldown, it's frustrating already colliding with non existent things on maps like badham, also many indoor maps.
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His only problem right now is his cooldown when missing, it's so forgiving that no mather if you make him miss or not, especially with addons
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Play him on indoor maps, rpd, badham etc. It's needed, if they nerf him he will go back to being unplayable
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And Alien is still a perfectly strong killer with the nerfed cooldown.
You should not be rewarded for misusing your power.
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You are overthinking, he's not going to die if they increase his cooldown after a miss, and all killers should be punished for missing his power
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Billy’s power isn’t just anti loop, it’s utility and mobility, he’s cooldown is fine as is, and nerfing it would hurt all of the 3 other aspects. He should not be touched, he’s been in the dirty for too long, he deserves being a little above average in some aspects
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I am not, I've been playing Billy nonstop, the hitbox is smaller and there's more room for error, also, again indoor maps he will still struggle, increasing his cooldown is punishing for his bad maps.
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Missed hit recovery IS FINE BASEKIT, but the addons feel terrible to play against and shouldn't exist. It's been just fine playing against him without thompson mix + the other one, I feel like I'm still allowed a normal amount of distance.
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I really do not feel this way facing the basekit recovery. Facing the addons feels awful, not fun at all. The basekit recovery feels like a normal recovery, I make distance against it. Are you sure you haven't just been facing Thompson Mix spamming billys lol?
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His Recovery is too fast. There should also not Add Ons exist for that. They 100% need to go.
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slightly overbuffed tbh.
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Make the cooldown addons not stack with overdrive otherwise he'll be fine.
Replace downside for tuned carb from 4.4 to disables overdrive and then lower the charge time to 10%.
Also his revving animation when he’s walking has been bugged since patch 3.7.0. It made him look more menacing to go against.
Heres a gif to see what I’m talking about.
Post edited by Moodyy on5 -
Can we make Q and E curving with Hillbilly a feature again? While curving with a mouse is not impossible, it makes sharper curves much harder and less stable and accurate.
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Time to my dear Hillbilly to glow up <3
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I don't think he needs any more changes moving forward other than the overdrive dissipation add-ons that are completely useless and Counterweight being god awfully useless. What I suggest is to make Counterweight disable Overdrive completely while giving a 100% bloodpoint bonus like Speed Limiter in order to help beginners learn the basics of regular Billy.
The missed chainsaw cooldown is fine, it encourages using the chainsaw more often rather than playing M1lly, and allows him to navigate through indoor maps such as Lery's and RPD W/E. Survivors still have very much room to utilize a window or a pallet in order to outplay him.
Billy is perfect now and has been in the gutter for the past 3-4 years, it's about time he finally got the justice he deserved!
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I would post it in regular feedback with some tweaks if I could access it, but I'm unable to. I did however realize that I could embed it at the bottom of the thread, so you can read it there!
Most skilled Billy mains do agree with my points, because I got the majority of that feedback from discussing the Billy changes with them and their communities.
There are slight tweaks that I'd like to add, though.
- I greatly appreciate the volume adjustment, even if I do wish it was about 10% quieter. HOWEVER, something I've noticed since the change is that you left Billy's yelp on KILLER SIDE loud enough to overcome the old chainsaw volume, so now it's just insanely loud out of nowhere. It can stay the same volume for survivors, but his yelp when starting a chainsaw sprint needs lowered to match the new chainsaw volume.
- PLEASE REVERT THE CHANGE TO BILLY'S STUN ANIMATION! I normally try to be constructively critical, but this change is horrible. It looks terrible and on max FOV his arms even dislocate. The change of the animation also makes bonking feel MUCH more punishing. Please revert this change, the animation didn't exist on PTB and it felt a lot better.
- Thompson's Mix - One of the things I was worried about on PTB was how over tuned Thompson's mix felt when paired with LoPro, especially if in Overdrive. It's just insta break pallet and free zone. You guys ended up buffing TMix, but removing Billy's movement speed during recovery and this was the OPPOSITE way you should have went. Billy felt so much less painful when missing due to being able to move during recovery, but now if you bonk, you FULL STOP during recovery and it feels horrible. Allowing Billy to have movement during his recovery not only made him overall much more enjoyable, but let him feel like he had add-on freedom. Now we're in this awkward mixture of Tmix is over tuned and miserable to verse, but you feel like you need to run it, because it makes up for how miserable it feels to be stuck in place when in recovery, etc. Please consider reversing this change. A small numbers nerf to Tmix would have been fine, and you could have kept the movement speed Billy had in recovery.
- Sensitivity during Curving - I go in depth on this in my PTB thread (seriously, please look at that thread, I spent HOURS ON IT, and it's well outlined), but there is something wrong with how Billy sensitivity feels now. I assume this has something to do with the conversion of making Controller sens wrap up into just KILLER SENSITIVITY, so it doesn't affect curves anymore. I've always used 80% Killer Sens/80% Controller Sens to curve on Billy and no matter how high I turn my sensitivity up or increase my DPI, it still feels like HALF OF MY SENSITIVITY pre-patch. It's very frustrating. I don't know if this is a bug, or whats causing it, but it feels VERY inconsistent. Sometimes it feels fine, then the next game it feels like I have no sensitivity, something is wrong. It does not matter if I'm no engraving, engraving, or in overdrive, it feels off.
- Speaking of sensitivity, let's talk about the sensitivity during the curve window. Overdrive is fantastic and frustrating all at the same time. It can feel so good, but also make you feel like you can't use your power at loops you normally would be able to. It will also kick in right as you're about to curve and you don't expect it. Because of the increased speed/sensitivity/velocity during the curve window, it leads to missing a down that could have possibly been very easy to achieve. The biggest QoL you could give Billy right now is to not have Overdrive affect the curve window. The speed happening just after the sensitivity period is fine, but the change in velocity makes you feel punished for trying to use your power at so many loops. This also leads to many curves being MUCH wider than you were planning, because, the increased speed leads to you not being able to curve fast enough without throwing your mouse across the desk. If you know Overdrive is about to happen, or happens before you commit to a curve, you can prepare for this and go wide to try and make up for it, but if it happens right as you're about to commit to the curve and you don't know it's coming, it can be VERY frustrating. Simply making the velocity/sensitivity during the increased sens window not affected by Overdrive would make him feel much better. The only other way to solve this feeling so frustrating would be to do as I mention in my thread and make Overdrive feel more like "Main Event" and allow it to be activated, but simply adjusting this sensitivity issue within the curve window would just overall make him feel MUCH more fluid and enjoyable, please consider looking into this.
- Add-Ons are VERY repetitive - It was highly requested that you combine some of the Overdrive rate/dissipation add-ons, so you could keep other niche add-ons like "Leafy Mash" and "Big Buckle". These were silly add-ons that didn't get much play time, because Billy felt required to run one of two add-on combos, but that is no longer true. It's sad, because we're finally to a place where it feels like we could have had fun with those add-ons, but you removed them.
Billy is in a much better place, but I do wish that you considered more of the feedback that was echoed among many Billy mains during the PTB. I appreciate you listened about the volume, but there were so many other things that would have taken Billy's rework from being "GREAT" to a "MASTERPIECE". I implore you to read my thread from the PTB forums, because I spent a very long time providing constructive and helpful criticism based on a LOT of crowd sourced feedback in the Billy community.
Lastly, HUGE thank you to the devs for the Billy update, it means more to the BIlly community than you could possibly understand. I just hope it's not a 1 and done, because he still needs some more tweaks to get him perfect.
I've inserted my PTB thread below! Even though I'm not able to view it any other way, it did let me embed it!
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Agreed. This is the only real issue I have so far. Survivors should be able to get some distance when Billy misses with his chainsaw. That add-ons just make this feel too forgiving for Billy. Everything else feels pretty much perfect though so far.
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He's waaaaaaaay to strong now, you can't even do anything in the game against him and games don't last more than a few minutes before 2 people are dead and the 3rd is slugged. Not to mention with his add ons and the perk changes you're better off just standing around doing nothing as you'll live longer
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I love New Billy He's Perfect please don't touch his base kit at all-
I think his Base Kit Cooldown Miss is fine and with Overdrive it's fine too!
The addons to reduce cooldown on miss are a little to strong though, perhaps rework them and just keep the basekit the same.
Also his dissapation add ons are all useless because you use the chainsaw enough it never decreases at all. It's INSANE that there are 4 high rarity add ons dedicated to something so useless.
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Als please bring back the higher movement speed while recovering from a Collision, it felt so good to move like Nemi does after a whip.
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Can you make these changes not live please? This killer is beyond broken now. Every hillbilly match is just endless chainsaw spams. They don't even use basic attacks anymore.
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I cannot understand how killer using their own power as much as they can is bad thing
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Imagine if the doctor could use his power endlessly without a cool down. Hillbilly's chainsaw feels like it should work on charges instead of a cooldown. Have each charge cool down at maybe 15-20 seconds each and start him with 10. Something like that. It would feel less stressful if I could feel like I could be in chase with this killer without constantly having him sprint at me with an instant down power every single time he chases me.
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Make sure you observe his Kill/winrate and figure out what is too strong on him BHVR, we dont want another long dead Billy Silence.
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Feels overtuned to be honest. I haven't had a huge problem with most killer reworks but I do feel like you went a little too far with this one. I went 0-9 against Hillbilly today (Including four P100s who crawled out of the woodwork). Even by my own solo queue standards that is a bit absurd. I NEVER lose this much and these games were not just losses. They were absolute devastation every single match. My biggest issue is how he seems to have almost no recovery time whatsoever. I'm not sure if it's an addon problem or a basekit issue since I am not an avid Billy player. What I know from playing against him is you can just miss repeatedly with very minimal consequences. His power is too strong for that to be a thing.
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Every chase is a chainsaw sprint now. They seem to be able to hold the chainsaw up for much longer now so they can better time the sprint. Its all they do now and I was over it after the first match. He is so annoying to play against now. Before it felt good to dodge his chainsaw. Now every freaking chase is a chainsaw sprint and you don't feel like you gained an edge for dodging something he's just going to do over and over again the entire time he's chasing you.
Awesome forum name by the way. 😂
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Doctors shock does not have a cooldown though? Sure his second one does have one but not his primary... Overshocking is something to avoid on doctor, same with Billy's chainsaw, overusing it is something you need to learn to avoid, as it looses you time and distance. I think it is a good thing that the chainsaw gets used that much, because there are more than enough m1 killer where you can have that type of gameplay, but with m2 killers the counterplay to their power is the unique and fun mechanic that I want.
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New Hillbilly is blessing and should not be nerfed.
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The chainsaw is way too spammable with next to no miss penalty. 13m/s speed is also kinda absurd. Honestly, I think he’s stronger than Blight right now. Been getting demolished in solo queue. Not a fan of the changes.
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He has almost no punishment for missing and also for just spamming M2 all the time.
He was never fun to verse but at least he was rare to see before this buff
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The people leaving feedback are not playing against him in lerys or rpd I've beaten most Billy's that aren't on open maps
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Trying to control Billy during the curve window still feels unnecessarily difficult, compared to killers like Blight.
Can Billy have two sensitivity sliders: one for the curve window, and one that's for the rest of his chainsaw dashing? My mouse DPI is always fairly high, and during the curve window it feels like I need to move my mouse in 1 millimeter increments so that I don't spin uncontrollably.
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I personaly don't enjoy playing against HillBilly now. It feels like he has no penalty when missing with his chainsaw! The sound of chainsaw is not loud enough I can't understand when he will use it! Also the speed of it is way too fast to react!
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The Hillbilly possible to delay the Overdrive Meter decay indefinitely by repeatedly "pressing the chainsaw button for a moment and then releasing it." During this time, Hillbilly only holds his chainsaw momentarily, so his movement speed will not be slowed down.
Therefore, the add-ons "Idler Screw" and "Discarded Air Filter" are completely worthless add-ons.
Hillbilly should either "these add-ons reworked to a different effect"' or change the specifications so that "Overdrive Meter decay cannot be stopped unless hold the chainsaw button for a while.''
* I'm not good speaking English.
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So basically just a m1 killer. I see
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By far the strongest killer I have ever seen.
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yea but thats the map, not the killer or the survivors which carrys survivors to victory against billy. On every other map he is broken now.
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Despite overheat one thing that held him back was his power was basically unstable on most maps. Again, MAJORITY of the maps ingame handicap him. Survivors use map knowledge to their advantage, same thing with loops.
It's the map,killer and survivors
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I am loving the new billy update and how many new players are drawn to play/try him out! The basekit changes are all great, however there are some criticisms I have with the rework which I shall list below.
T-Mix is just way overtuned in its current state. I have no issues with the ending saw recovery aspect, however breaking pallet recovery is one step too far. It makes zoning with lopro way too free and awards free backrevs for just breaking a pallet, the surv gets no distance. I much prefer the movement speed mid bonk instead (which i am assuming was removed due to the bug where you bump while getting overdrive and can move REALLY fast, but said bug still persists.) Just because Billy was in such a weak state for so long does NOT mean I'm happy with uninteractive addons/values.
My main gripe is this: way too many overdrive addons! We do not need so many overdrive dissipation addons. 1 or 2 would suffice, as overheat billy only had a couple affecting the amount of overheat and this would allow for the return of more niche fun addons, which were previously weak/not used to due old basekit billy not being as strong or viable. The addons in question are as follows:
-Big Buckle: Combined with new overdrive replacing overheat, this could be a fun niche addon combined with monitor and abuse for stealth gameplay. A simple change would be to convert the values/activation from overheat to overdrive.
-Pighouse Gloves: Again, this addon used to be way too punishing for too little of a reward with overheat due to the big cooldown, however with the newly implemented overdrive, this becomes a more viable addon. Numerical values would have to be adjusted in relation to all the numerical buffs to basekit etc, however this addon would actually be worth running with overdrive if it was re-implemented.
-Leafy Mash: Lastly, one of my favourite niche addons - Leafy Mash. It was a fun mini stealth perk that was a unique interaction that rewarded successful chainsaw hits. The only downside was the timer, 15 seconds as soon as you enter the chainsaw recovery, was too short. I would love to see this addon re-implemented in place of one of the many oversaturated overdrive dissipation addons with the undetectable duration buffed. Even to 20-25 seconds would suffice and give you time to end your saw down recovery, hook the surv you downed and then proceed to traverse the map for a stealth snipe.
Billy is overall, from a basekit perspective, in a perfect spot. However some addons and numbers need to be tweaked.
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The missed cooldown needs to be adjusted if you miss it feels almost instant you can saw again leaving survivors no way of making any distance.
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Devs, please listen to at @Lynnziezie, she is one of the best Billys I know and played him through all of the pain Billy has faced. She also echos a lot of the feedback I have given above. Most actual Billy mains love the challenge of him, but know he needed help. We want him to be strong if you're willing to put in the time to learn him, but not broken. Billy is close to where he feels VERY good, but the stuff mentioned in mine and @Lynnziezie's post will get him in a much better place.
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Cracked Primer Bulb is still really bad, I know that the purpose of these meme add-ons is to give you BPs in exchange for making your power worse, but common, only 15% overdrive generation increase for not being able to insta-down?
Please increase the Overdrive generation from 15% to like 50%, so if you're forced to double tap every Survivor no matter what, at least you're cracked. :)
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Thank you behavior you made a great rework for Billy, please give Onryo some love now!
Post edited by jonifire on0