Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Hillbilly Feedback

Member Posts: 75
edited February 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Grab your Chainsaw - the changes to The Hillbilly are now live! Overheat is in the past, we've added a new Overdrive mechanic, and adjusted his Add-ons.

Please share your feedback on The Hillbilly's changes in the comments.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 121

    Play him on indoor maps, rpd, badham etc. It's needed, if they nerf him he will go back to being unplayable

  • Member Posts: 121

    I am not, I've been playing Billy nonstop, the hitbox is smaller and there's more room for error, also, again indoor maps he will still struggle, increasing his cooldown is punishing for his bad maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,048
    edited January 2024

    I really do not feel this way facing the basekit recovery. Facing the addons feels awful, not fun at all. The basekit recovery feels like a normal recovery, I make distance against it. Are you sure you haven't just been facing Thompson Mix spamming billys lol?

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 7

    Can we make Q and E curving with Hillbilly a feature again? While curving with a mouse is not impossible, it makes sharper curves much harder and less stable and accurate.

  • Member Posts: 21

    Time to my dear Hillbilly to glow up <3

  • Member Posts: 279

    I love New Billy He's Perfect please don't touch his base kit at all-

    I think his Base Kit Cooldown Miss is fine and with Overdrive it's fine too!

    The addons to reduce cooldown on miss are a little to strong though, perhaps rework them and just keep the basekit the same.

    Also his dissapation add ons are all useless because you use the chainsaw enough it never decreases at all. It's INSANE that there are 4 high rarity add ons dedicated to something so useless.

  • Member Posts: 279

    Als please bring back the higher movement speed while recovering from a Collision, it felt so good to move like Nemi does after a whip.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Imagine if the doctor could use his power endlessly without a cool down. Hillbilly's chainsaw feels like it should work on charges instead of a cooldown. Have each charge cool down at maybe 15-20 seconds each and start him with 10. Something like that. It would feel less stressful if I could feel like I could be in chase with this killer without constantly having him sprint at me with an instant down power every single time he chases me.

  • Member Posts: 5,498

    Make sure you observe his Kill/winrate and figure out what is too strong on him BHVR, we dont want another long dead Billy Silence.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Every chase is a chainsaw sprint now. They seem to be able to hold the chainsaw up for much longer now so they can better time the sprint. Its all they do now and I was over it after the first match. He is so annoying to play against now. Before it felt good to dodge his chainsaw. Now every freaking chase is a chainsaw sprint and you don't feel like you gained an edge for dodging something he's just going to do over and over again the entire time he's chasing you.

    Awesome forum name by the way. 😂

  • Member Posts: 4,634

    Doctors shock does not have a cooldown though? Sure his second one does have one but not his primary... Overshocking is something to avoid on doctor, same with Billy's chainsaw, overusing it is something you need to learn to avoid, as it looses you time and distance. I think it is a good thing that the chainsaw gets used that much, because there are more than enough m1 killer where you can have that type of gameplay, but with m2 killers the counterplay to their power is the unique and fun mechanic that I want.

  • Member Posts: 121

    The people leaving feedback are not playing against him in lerys or rpd I've beaten most Billy's that aren't on open maps

  • Member Posts: 4,118

    Trying to control Billy during the curve window still feels unnecessarily difficult, compared to killers like Blight.

    Can Billy have two sensitivity sliders: one for the curve window, and one that's for the rest of his chainsaw dashing? My mouse DPI is always fairly high, and during the curve window it feels like I need to move my mouse in 1 millimeter increments so that I don't spin uncontrollably.

  • Member Posts: 23

    The Hillbilly possible to delay the Overdrive Meter decay indefinitely by repeatedly "pressing the chainsaw button for a moment and then releasing it." During this time, Hillbilly only holds his chainsaw momentarily, so his movement speed will not be slowed down.

    Therefore, the add-ons "Idler Screw" and "Discarded Air Filter" are completely worthless add-ons.

    Hillbilly should either "these add-ons reworked to a different effect"' or change the specifications so that "Overdrive Meter decay cannot be stopped unless hold the chainsaw button for a while.''

    * I'm not good speaking English.

  • Member Posts: 605

    By far the strongest killer I have ever seen.

  • Member Posts: 121

    Despite overheat one thing that held him back was his power was basically unstable on most maps. Again, MAJORITY of the maps ingame handicap him. Survivors use map knowledge to their advantage, same thing with loops.

    It's the map,killer and survivors

  • Member Posts: 4,428

    Cracked Primer Bulb is still really bad, I know that the purpose of these meme add-ons is to give you BPs in exchange for making your power worse, but common, only 15% overdrive generation increase for not being able to insta-down?

    Please increase the Overdrive generation from 15% to like 50%, so if you're forced to double tap every Survivor no matter what, at least you're cracked. :)

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2024

    Thank you behavior you made a great rework for Billy, please give Onryo some love now!

    Post edited by jonifire on

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