Chris (and other legendaries) deserve better

As one of the main characters from the RE franchise, I think it's really disappointing that he is only a legendary cosmetic and completely forgotten since Nemesis came out in 2021.

I know that you probably could not know that there would be a 2nd RE chapter and therefore made him and his sister a legendary. But now it feels kinda underwhealming playing as him, because usually legendary characters do not get additional stuff. Then when Wesker came out, I was also disappointed that Felix was getting the BSAA RE5 outfit that Chris wears, while Chris was stuck in his awkward body model which does not really fit either RE1 or RE5 (nor RE: Code Veronica). The release trailer from the first RE chapter also showed Chris looking younger than in-game. This is how Chris should look whith the STARS uniform:

The release of Project W could have been an opportinity to finally fix his looks by making them more similar to RE1 or RE:CV as he is still wearing his STARS uniform and therefore has to be a lot younger and thinner than he is in RE5 (which is more similar to the body model we have in game).

I really hope that you either fix his looks or that you give him some other cosmetics as he really deserves better.

This could also be an opportunity to give us alternatives to already existing legendary cosmetics which could be reduced in price if you already have a legendary of the same character.

For example:

You already own Claire Redfield (1485AC) and you want another outfit for her, which is then the regular price of a purple cosmetic of 1080AC instead of the usual 1485AC for legendaries.

It should also be possible to get bloody prestige outfits for those legendaries, which would make them more attractive to the players.

Here are some examples of alternate outfits for existing Legendary cosmetics. As I am more familiar with RE than with Silent Hill or ST, these are for Claire and Chris respectively:

For Chris:

  • RE5: Lost in Nightmares (in addition to a proper RE5 cosmetic)

  • RE6 (this is similar to the one above, but Chris is a bit older here)
  • RE8

I did not include the RE7 looks as Chris looks a lot different in that game than in the rest. His outfits from the canon animated movies are pretty similar to those of RE5 and 6.

For Claire:

  • Code Veronica:
  • Revelations 2
  • Degeneration (animated movie, which is canon)

I really hope you consider this.

Thank you for your attention.


  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    I really would love more outfits for my favourite characters! I hope they listen to this

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    Making Chris and Claire into Legendary skins was definitely a mistake. Imagine how much better Project W would have been if it gave us the Redfield siblings as fully-fledged survivors, instead of Ada and Rebecca.

    I also feel the same about making James Sunderland a legendary skin for Cheryl.

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I can understand them doing Claire as Legendary as she only appears in one main line game, but Chris is literally in every game except 2, 3 and 4 (even if 7 & 8 are minor roles).

    They could have at least given Wesker's nemesis a bit more attention when Project W came out. (It is also a shame that Wesker has no voicelines with Rebecca, considering he hid her photo in his desk and was interested in her in some way or another.)

    I am fine with Ada being a proper survivor as she also was in 4 main titles (2-4 and 6), but Rebecca is just there because she is cute and they had nobody else to put into the game because they already wasted Chris as legendary. (Rebecca has also not gotten any attention since her release, which is sad.)

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,215

    I would love this. There are so many outfits for Chris that I would love to buy. A character being a legendary should not be an obstacle to them having more cosmetics. I agree with your suggestions on how to implement the system.

    Also, Chris' face has been in need of readjustment. Jill's and Claire's faces got readjusted and look much, much better.

  • eason
    eason Member Posts: 11

    Rebecca is just there because she is cute and they had nobody else to put into the game because they already wasted Chris as legendary.


    dude, it's exactly what I want to say.

    hope there gonna be more outfits for Chris. More cosmetics.

    many players make Chris 100p (not Leon)

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I am one of those who has Chris as 2nd main and not Leon. I'm also aiming for a P100.


  • Foempticol
    Foempticol Member Posts: 232

    You forgot Claire's classic outfit (RE2 1998). Chris and Claire Redfield should of been their own survivor, they have a lot of outfits

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I am not familiar with OG RE2, but I remember that the outfit was an alternative one in the remake.

    I think that the Devs really did not know that they would get another RE chapter or else 2 other ("minor") characters (like Rebecca or Carlos) would have been legendaries.

    The other Legendary cosmetics I wish to be added are Barry Burton (for the full STARS survivor team), Ashley, Mother Miranda (Plague) and maybe Sherry Birkin and Jake Muller. I would also like to have Krauser, but I don't know where he would fit