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Dude i'm getting tired of all this Billy

Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

i'm i the only one who can't enjoy the game anymore because of all this Billy who slug for the 4k and proxy camp? i can't even tell if i'm facing a very good Billy or a baby Billy because they play all the same. If we didn't get a inside map it's already over at 4 gens.

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  • Member Posts: 6,131

    He just got a massive buff so he's pretty popular at the moment. Best bet is to just not play for abit, the hype will die down soon.

  • Member Posts: 3,479

    People are just trying him out now after buffs. Soon Billy will have a 5% pick rate at most so 1 in 20 games. People complained as much about Wesker before being in every game and now he is also at around 5%.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    So this explains why there were so many The Game offerings today lol guess you're not the only one

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I don't know for sure obviously but did find it interesting that a bunch of my games had the offering played. Only had a Billy in one of those games though, and he pretty much let us leave. I think he was just doing a Tome challenge.

  • Member Posts: 937

    I just stopped playing lol. That fixed the problem. It gets old, fast.

    Maybe after a couple weeks people will get bored of him and such. If not, then yeah, only real solution is just don't play for now, unfortunately.

    I'm not touching the game till this dies down and some other stuff gets fixed.

  • Member Posts: 162

    I have a lot of fun playing billy now, before he felt awful to play as but I understand that overdrive can be a bit unfair sometimes

  • Member Posts: 253

    Yes? He got coddled this patch he got straight up buffs you want to see who BHVR hates? Look at Sadako straight up nerfs just because he was a meme for 4 years doesn't mean he should be OP now he needs to either not down in overdrive or have his cooldowns nerfed you should have disadvantages for using your ability not being able to spam it non stop if you miss

  • Member Posts: 5,612

    i feel like some people forget the point of hillbilly is supposed to be a high mobility killer with a instadown, its in his description. Either way like most people have said they just need to rework the overdrive and cooldown add-ons and give him more balanced options because the cooldown add-ons are busted and the overdrive addons are worthless. And everyone already showed their feedback on the Sadako changes (me included because i hate they were told she was great on the ptb then nerfed her) . so much so the same day they announced shed be getting changes in the hotfixes. I do hope sadako comes out of this in better shape.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    It wasn't even a week and people are allready hating on Billy. He was one of the more rare killers to see for 3 years and when he is finaly great again and strong its bad and need to be nerfed bad.

    You put bad on devs and they will just refuse to give big buffs anymore after this outrage.

  • Member Posts: 113

    It's the same problem this game has always had. Balance. However, I don't think the issue with balance is between killer and survivors as much as it is just among survivors. All it takes is one bad or selfish survivor to make a match a guaranteed loss for all survivors. That goes double against a killer as powerful as Billy is now.

    That's my biggest issue with this game. The matchmaking system is horrible. I don't know if it's impossible to create a good matchmaking system or bhvr just doesn't care about doing so, but as a survivor main the amount of fun I have and the chance I have to escape are directly proportional to the skill level of the survivors on my team.

    That's been my experience so far with the new version of Billy. The matches where I've been paired with 3 other survivors with experience that are trying to win and the match is competitive. The matches where I get paired with even one bad survivor and this version of Billy is killer on zero challenge mode.

  • Member Posts: 1,307

    I don't mind anything of reworked Billy except the cooldown add ons which they're ridiculous and very forgiving. It's like pre "bugged" Xenomorphs tail attack. They're definitely need a nerf.

  • Applicant Posts: 137

    I think they need to just tone him down a little but don't overnerf him. But, yeah he's just too much right now. Comes at you out of nowhere, no time to heal after hook or even run for that matter. And many play him in away that abuses his power. Like slug, easy 4k for example.

  • Member Posts: 436


    My son was doing it in his first match as Billy. Is that considered monumental?

  • Member Posts: 311

    "If you go down in the first 10 seconds of the match, that is your fault. How hard is it to move a few steps to the side or get behind an object when you the match starts and you hear him revv?"

    On console, billy moves faster than controller allows a response for. He's a problem

  • Member Posts: 504

    I find Billy to be perfectly fine as he is- He requires a lot of skill and control to use properly, but I do wish that a few things were tweaked on him a little.

    The main thing that I want them to change for him is make Iridescent Engravings still give the 20% speed boost, but removes the speed boost from Overdrive as well. Essentially giving him a permanent, but smaller speed boost at all times. The main reasons I want this change is because A) I can control the 20% speed boost perfectly fine, but even just the normal Overdrive speed boost I struggle to control due to just how fast it is and B) I feel like this change would solve the issue of Billy going at the speed of light causing it to be near impossible for your average survivors to react in time.

    The secondary change(s) that I want them to make is, yeah, his recovery speed addons probably do need slight nerfs, but I think they should also buff his bump recovery addons because they hardly feel any different AT ALL. Even with double bump recovery addons I hardly feel any difference which just makes the addons too weak. In short, nerf the chainsaw recovery addons and buff the bump recovery addons.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Yeah. No. That's not how it works. He moves at 15.6 m/s max. That is the absolute fastest he can manage with Overdrive and Engravings. You still get out of the way easily, if he isn't too close already. In which case, that's your fault again for letting him get so close without trying to dodge / get behind and object sooner.

    If you can react to everything he does, then he can never hit you. So there needs to be a little precaution involved in his counterplay. Otherwise he goes straight back to where he was. To being a killer that is only threatening on paper. You can dodge a hatchet too and that's even faster than Billy (quite a bit faster at that).

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited February 2024

    Yeah the closest ive seen to "uncounterable" from him is when he has boots and engravings he can fake leaving hook and come back and instant down a unhooker after the unhook animation. Hes very fast at hook trading and "proxycamping" hell ive done it on accident a few times when returning to the hook. You have to be very careful in a open map and make sure you keep your eyes out before fully commiting.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    The only problem I have, which is IMO the only real problem with him - his missed hit cooldown addons need addressing.

    Besides that, love the pressure he puts on in chase. His curving is fine, his speed is fine, his mobility is fine. I've realized a lot of people are just not good in chase..and thats where Billy excels. If your whole team is going down at the start of a match, thats not a killer problem. If you're still going down within the first 5-10 seconds of a chase starting with him, thats a you problem.

    Just nerf his cooldown addons and see how it goes from there. I'd start there. Nothing crazy.

  • Member Posts: 5,951
    edited February 2024

    That's true but it's not like that is unpredictable. You can hear and see him coming from miles away. So the only thing you need to do in order to avoid him is either to unhook from the other side and use the hooked survivor as a meat shield or bait it out.

    I view that similar to a Huntress proxy camping. It's mean and definitely not the most pleasant to play against but it's by no means unbeatable.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Honestly he deserves it after years of horrible map design, collision and overheat.

  • Member Posts: 1,168

    I find it funny killers complain when survivors get perks that double down on things, but it's ok for their side. Why would anyone play Weaker, Blight or Bubba anymore when Billy now combines all of their attributes together into a rediculously overpowered killer?

  • Member Posts: 5,612
    edited February 2024

    Lets see

    Wesker:his dashes can go over pallets and windows forcing the loop to end. And he can forcefully displace a survivor away from a loop and throw them to gain more distance. Also has added slowdown with the infection mechanic and the hindered instant down. Doubling as a slowdown and high mobility/displacement killer. Can even turn after grabbing to guarantee slambs on some maps. Can slide along objects to catch survivors off guard and get a grab confirm.

    Bubba:can use his saw at any pallet loop forcing it to go down and break it. Has full movement of his saw allowing him to swing fully around loops. His saw doesnt end after hitting letting him go through endurance or survivors to get chain downs. Generally better in chase than billy as he can end his saw and manage his tokens and use as many as he needs. With addons like engravings and chilli can basically catch most survivors at loops or guarantee a pallet drop which he can immedately saw again afterword.

    Blight:Can dash in multiple directions in a loop to cut off survivors quickly. While billy goes strictly in a straight line. Has addons to make him able to fully curve around loops or infinite bounce basically guaranteeing hits. Can control his movement easier in indoor maps with a lower more controllable speed and less cooldowns. Can also m1 into dash down quickly actually faster than billy if he uses it right. Generally better in most maps than billy and chasing with how much control he has from his power via techs or strats and no hard limits.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I'd miss Bubba, but the less I see of Wesker and Blight the better it is.

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Billy an OP is not something that should be said in a single sentence.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    You ever think it's the player and not the character?

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    Pain res + Pop Billy is impossible to beat

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    If people are sick of a killer because they’re so common due to how fun they are, then bhvr is doing something right.

  • Member Posts: 1,584

    *Jukes chainsaw hit* -> *immediately backrev'd anyways*

    Feels skill expression. Feels meaningful counterplay. Feels release date xenomorph missed tail cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    I don't think people love Billy, they love Billy mains. The OG Billy mains are fun and stylish. Most of the new ones are just jumping on him because he's really strong and easier to use than before. I haven't seen a single M2 only Billy since his rework released.

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    If M2 Billy was prevalent we be getting post about chainsaw spamming.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Yea hillbilly is not fun to play against now. Its just endless power spam. I think I've seen a hillbilly use their basic attack maybe 3 times since the changes.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    M2 only Billies are a blast to go against if they're competent at curves and flicks. Various room for outplaying them too. Shame that I only go against M1llies these days. Still decently fun to go against a M1lly but I like Billies that go for experimental chainsaw hits, I gotta respect them for hitting those crazy downs.

    Billy's skill floor has been lowered big time so more people have learned the basics of Billy: feathering and backrevving, without having to worry about the unforgiving chainsaw cooldown.

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