Alan Wake: Perk Feedback



  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,417

    Boon: Illumination could do with a lingering effect once you leave the Boon's radius, and the bonus action speed should be increased to like 20%.

    Deadline should provide a bonus to Great Skill Checks while active.

    Champion of Light is pretty good.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    The bonus action speed should be either increased, not have the requirement of the boon being active, or have it work if any boon is active. It is just too restrictive at the moment.

    Personally I would love it if they changed it to be something like this, "When you have a lit Boon Totem, you bless Totems 60% faster".

    This change would actually create some interesting gameplay by allowing a survivor to spend time to boon a totem in a safe area and then quickly being able to move it by booning in a more dangerous hot spot location. Its the only way I see the perks secondary effect being useful with a numbers buff. Without something like this is it basically never the right call to move your boon totem if it is already active and not snuffed by the killer.

  • gyajoy
    gyajoy Member Posts: 58

    For what is worth, I love the character and I believe the perks really fit his theme. Like every dbd survivor some perks are really good and some won't be useful as "stand-alones" (Yui and Meg are the only exception, imo, cause they got three amazing perks).

    I just have a problem with the boon... seems like it would be better to see the aura intensity on generator progress. I mean we already got a ton of perks that can show generator aura and they are unique in their on way. This tweak would make it better as a boon perk.

  • Frizouw
    Frizouw Member Posts: 96
    edited February 8

    Champion of light: I think it's a cool perk. It's just using it is always a kind of gambling because you never know if the killer will use "light/shadowborn", but you know I like it, it's the same as a killer using "lethal pursuer", he never knows if the survivors will use "distortion".

    Boon:illumination: ugh... for me it's kinda weak, knowing that even if you solo Q, in my opinion "deja vue" is better.

    Deadline: This perk is interesting, need to be buff somehow, I think it could do a good synergy with hyperfocus, stake out. I just don't know if it's a good idea to buff, because it will encourage gen rushing.

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650
    edited February 10

    They are pretty underwhelming in overall.

    Champion of Light seems fine though cool-down might be bit long.

    Boon: Illumination is very bad. It should additionally show the aura of dull totem, hatch, and exit gate imo. Also, maybe it can give speed boost for unlocking chests and gen repairing speed that is revealed by this perk.

    Deadline is also poor perk. I want this perk to also have when you are healthy, and have bigger value when you are injured. So, it is like this:

    Healthy -> 10% skill check possibility increase, no missed skill check penalty.

    Injured -> 15% skill check possibility increased, 50% reduced missed skill check penalty, causes skill checks in random places.

    In overall, this chapter is not attracting at all to the people who are interested in perks rather than "Alan Wake" itself

    Post edited by Astel on
  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Champion of Light seems only to encourage the playstyle that most annoys killer players. It's also rather annoying to survivors when you get a teammate who spends all game trying to use a flashlight instead of being useful.

    Deadline is downright terrible. It's bad enough when you get the occasional Doctor game, why would I inflict that on myself? Worse, it has no baseline benefit except for MAYBE hitting a couple of extra great skill checks over the course of the game. A perk shouldn't need a secondary perk alongside it to have any benefit at all.

    Boon Illumination is just bad. I'm not going to spend the time finding a totem and booning it just to see information that other perks like Deja Vu give already. Again, it only really has a point when you're already using other boons, and even then it's hard to justify using.

    Considering he's the entire content of the DLC, Alan's perks might just be the worst value on a survivor in a very long time.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 946

    I think Boon: Illumination should break the mold of boon perks and just make it so all survivors can see the auras of generators all the time regardless of whether they are in the boon's range or not. It would be great for less experienced survivors and help solo queue players coordinate against 3 gen strats.

    It's benefits would be limited for experienced SWF players whilste being genuinely useful for everyone else.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,552

    Thank you for the feedback everyone! We'll be unpinning this thread now, but please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts in this section of the forums.