Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

I'm glad this game mode exists.

mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
edited February 7 in General Discussions

This game mode has succesfully allowed us to witness DBD's issues in an amplified manner, as someone mentioned here on the forums. With multiple discussions being formed regarding the unpleasant experiences people have encountered, one thing seems to repeat the most - tunneling. Who would've thought that in a game mode where anti-tunnel perks are non-existent and killers are ENCOURAGED to tunnel (thanks to survivors being stealthy, the whole point of the game mode) that this would happen? Proxy camping is a whole other issue I'm not even going to go into here because it's self-explanatory with no terror radius presence and goes hand in hand with tunneling. Tunneling has stained every experience it touches and nerfing Onryo's tunneling potential does not compensate for this stain. Something more has to be done about this playstyle or there needs to be a new matchmaking system that provides reliable teammates to have games not end up in 3v1's at 3-4 generators every couple of games. I understand that it's a strategy and necessary sometimes, but it shouldn't feel necessary. Mitigate tunneling so that it doesn't ruin just 'one' person's experience (when it affects the entire team) and compensate for it. I don't have a specific idea in mind, but I really want to play old DBD again, where different playstyles were encouraged and it didn't feel stale and mind-numbingly dull to play. Being happy that I'm not getting tunneled or proxy camped shouldn't be a thing, I shouldn't feel forced to run anti-tunneling perks to have a chance at countering such an obnoxious playstyle, I shouldn't be punished for spreading hooks, etc.

Incentives can only do so much so I really don't know what the next steps are here. Tunneling isn't going anywhere until something sufficient will be done. I'm glad this isn't a permanent game mode, but a little reality check where you play a couple of games and then never want to play again since it's that bad. Had high hopes for this game mode, but here we are.



  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    I'm looking for things that would mainly restrict it's prominence, not eliminate it. But yeah, those observations are correct.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    It's only been a few hours. You shouldn't expect everyone to change their playstyle immediately. I've only played survivor so far today and my teammates are basically trying to play the same as normal and being punished for it, or being too afraid to work on gens that aren't in the open. Most games I'm finding most of the chests completely unopened even though they're a major help. They'll adapt soon.

    As far as tunneling goes, for me at least it's been far less prominent in Lights Out. A lot of killers are going completely out of their way to avoid tunneling.

    What I've noticed the most being on display is the lack of survivor skill and lack of genrushing. People are getting pulled off gens like they aren't even trying to pay attention. When the hud shows a survivor in chase a lot of them are still too afraid to work on gens with blind spots.

    TL;DR: We're seeing how the abundance of information, powerful perks, and strong items are carrying a lot of survivors that have no business winning, and how tunneling wouldn't be necessary at all and could be safely nerfed if the survivors weren't given tools powerful enough to let low skilled players compete far above their skill level.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,426

    I haven't played yet, just woke up and was planning to. Here I thought people would treat this mode as a fun experience. Shame to hear it's still all sweating.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Well here's some recent examples I'll summarize: Tunneling only ruins the experience of the person getting tunneled (false), tunneling means three people will be on gens (to have three people on gens in solo queue is a miracle + killers finish chases faster when the person being tunneled has one health state), tunneling is necessary to win games (false), etc.

  • Cramps
    Cramps Member Posts: 114

    Not really exaggeration though, is it? I doubt that people who make those claims even believe that rubbish themselves, to be honest.

    For what it's worth, I agree with you. Tunnelling ruins the experience for everyone. Tunnelling rarely means that three people will be on gens if playing solo and you certainly do not need to tunnel to win games. Bad players use this as an excuse instead of trying to actually improve their gameplay. This boosts them to an MMR level that they don't belong in and can't compete in without that "strategy" and then of course they double down on how "necessary" it is.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited February 8

    In my solo q experience, that 1 survivor being chased kites the killer into me, the killer almost always switches to me, the previously chased survivor runs off to look for heals instead of taking over my gen, and I end up getting tunneled out of the match from that point on (either because I looped too long and the killer's ego was hurt, or I didn't loop long enough and am seen as the weak link).

    This has reinforced my stealthy selfish playstyle. The killer can't tunnel me if I don't get found in the first place.

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    I don't think anyone says tunneling isn't effective. The whole argument is that it's the most effective strategy, especially now.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    If the killer finds you on a gen and has been chasing another survivor, you weren't being tunneled.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,940

    I don't think a perk behind a pay wall is the solution. It's a start, but not a good start. A base mechanic would be much better.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    This is typical of my experience with the 12ish games of survivor I've played today.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    You said another survivor kites them to you, meaning the the killer is chasing them, then you said once the killer starts chasing you the other survivor doesn't take over your gen, meaning you were working on a gen. Nothing about that situation is being tunneled.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    I see how my wording made it sound like that. I meant that the killer proceeds to tunnel me after I've been caught. Fixed it.

    "In my solo q experience, that 1 survivor being chased kites the killer into me, the killer almost always switches to me, the previously chased survivor runs off to look for heals instead of taking over my gen, and I end up getting tunneled out of the match from that point on (either because I looped too long and the killer's ego was hurt, or I didn't loop long enough and am seen as the weak link)."

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    It only lasts 10 seconds and goes away after one hit. Killer can easily catch up. The devs could be doing so much more than just focusing on perks to balance the game. They proved it with stopping gen tapping and face camping. Although the killer can still face camp after the last gen is completed or proxy camp basement for 4k. I get that the game was heavily survivor sided but now it's heavily killer sided because they still think the game should be balanced around 1v1v1v1v1 instead of 4v1. And a lot of games were balanced for 4v1 metrics in the past, just not for PvP. Final Fantasy for example started with 4 characters against a different number of enemies, including just 1. Had this game actually balanced with stats in mind since the beginning, it would be easier to keep it balanced today. Instead, they chose 1 to 2 huts on survivor and stunning killer. There is no way to balance this game efficiently the way that it is.

  • baharuto48
    baharuto48 Member Posts: 112

    I think a lot of killer players who thought they were actually good at this game are going to realize how much they rely on scratch marks and perks. And I think a lot of survivors that could pull off those flashlight saves and jump through windows and drop pallets realize that without their perks they're just like the rest of us.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    If they can enjoy tunneling, I'm sure this won't get in their way either.

  • baharuto48
    baharuto48 Member Posts: 112

    Also, someone got tunneled and really didn't like it. What matches are short anyway so what's the use in getting upset? I got upset and I still get upset but I just play on.

  • Tabatha
    Tabatha Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5
    • Survivors get two lives each. They die when hooked and respawn away from the killer.
    • Killer gets regular, intermittent KI on other survivors so they can't hide.
    • Killer gets permanent BL gain from chases until they kill the next survivor, at which point it resets (survivors get a permanent slower version of unbreakable to avoid killers slugging and using BL to go after other survivors without trying to hook the first one).
    • Survivor who is killed is immune to KI and cannot be hit or bodyblock until one or two other survivors are killed.
    • Points 2, 3 and 4 disable when all gens are completed or only one survivor remains, at which point regular hook play begins.
  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Base game's problems will be amplified in any game mode that involves randomizing perks or removing them altogether. Killers will be encouraged to tunnel because they won't expect any solid anti-tunnel perks. Sometimes there'll be cases where it's necessary or whatever, but most of the time it'll be voluntary just like this game mode has shown. You could easily jumpscare survivors and both have fun but majority of killers just tunnel thanks to the BP incentive being boosted and only kills being rewarded well over hook stages.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    You'd have a point if the killers vision WASNT obscured so much. Tunneling is only that when the killer is CHOOSING to chase 1 target over their teammates. This game mode's hamstringing of tracking heavily limits that. The only thing you can really track is bloodstained and grunts.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,370

    Also sometimes the survivor just runs into you, because both sides can't see very well and survivors don't get TR sounds.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    I'm noticing killers with some kind of tracking ability work really well for this. All of a sudden Legion is S tier and Nurse sucks, lol. It makes sense that ppl are chasing injured survivors simply because they are easier to find. 90% of tracking comes down to sounds on this gamemode.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,370

    Even though Legion is strong for the mode, he's still legion and is still an M1 killer for downs.

    It's not the full map pool, it's like 3 or 4 maps selected specifically for the mode and all maps are still quite big so Frenzy TR won't cover most of it. Legion also doesn't have access to his duration and speed addons for frenzy which makes quite a difference. Feral Frenzy itself is still not lethal without 5 hits which can be avoided by survivors spreading out a bit.

    Frankly, without having some gen control, gens will still pop. I haven't really encountered a game where no gens were finished simply because you still have to locate a survivor without any help.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    This WOULD be true normally, however it's difficult to know which way Legion is even coming from. "Spread out" only works when you know where your teammates are. Survivors can recognize that a legion is frenzying from the HUD, but they dont know if the Legion is coming to them next and from which direction.

    As for being an M1 killer... it's actually not that bad. After you get ppl injured, tracking them down later is alot easier due to sounds and bloodstains. You're also going to get a whole lot closer than normal against survivors who can't see where the closest pallet is most of the time. Chases end alot faster than normal.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291
  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,123
    edited February 8

    I feel like people are tackling this game mode with a Core DBD mindset and applying Core DBD “rules” to it leading to overwhelming negative feedback.

    I hope that the devs don’t end up shelving or delaying their plans for other game modes solely based on how Lights Out was received.

    Lights Out would have been a great game mode in another time where the community was less optimized and experienced perhaps.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,940

    Something like that, yes. But with restrictions.

    The most important one being:

    • If the survivor that has the mechanic active AND another survivor is being chased, the killer loses collision with the survivor that has the mechanic active.

    Making the perk basekit is a better idea than making a healthy effect (if used healthy) locked behind money.

  • Garboface
    Garboface Member Posts: 278

    Mics are not necessary for genrush. As long as genrush exists, tunneling will be necessary for killers that like to win.