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Feedback and Suggestions

the dc ban/timer

i find it utterly ridiculous that i just came back from a 2 day dc ban and now have got a 3 day one, im a paying customer/player of dbd but i can’t play it due to the servers being all over the place

i would love a dc timer cap of 30 mins at least, as it will put new players/veterans players off from playing a game that punishes you for something you cannot control unless you manually disconnect, this has really itched at me for months and shocked this hasn’t been addressed yet, people shouldn’t have to feel like it’s their own fault for like i said before something they cannot control unless they are having internet issues or actual game issues

i would love if this was addressed bhvr no other game punishes you this harshly for dc’ing as they want players to keep playing and enjoy what they have paid for and it feels like a waste of money not being able to play a game i mainly play

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  • Member Posts: 9,436

    It really should cap at 24 hours max, the idea is to allow survivors to 'cool down' and force them to take a break, there's going to be no real difference between one day and three.

    And depreciate incrementally rather than all at once, so that in your case having come back after 2 days (1 day ideally) sone of your dc counts would have expired so you'd maybe get 30 mins for the next one instead.

  • Member Posts: 45

    the game keeps on kicking me from the server i don’t dc that often

  • Member Posts: 813

    If people are wondering why people choose to throw on hook over DC'ing, they need look no further than this thread.

    I understand DC penalties are healthier for the game, but I will keep reiterating that there is ZERO reason for the penalties to stack to this level. It needs to be capped, maybe 30 minutes, maybe an hour, but no more than that. And when it does reset after 24 hours, it needs to reset to ZERO, not just to the previous tier.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Have you contacted support over this issue? Tell them that you keep receiving bans because of their servers?

    I know you'll probably just get sent internet troubleshooting steps, but you might as well give it a try.

    That's a ridiculously long ban, I've never received a ban even close to that long.

  • Member Posts: 45

    i used their website to submit a report for that and it said “we don’t offer requests for this issue” or on the same lines as that it’s so stupid how something like that is not available but is still on their website it’s mindblowing

  • Member Posts: 621

    I have seen server disconnects more than normal lately. I have NOT been given a disconnect timer for any of them.

    SO, this says to me that you are either at fault, or at the very least are seen to be the cause of your disconnects by BHVR. You might want to put a ticket in to actually talk with support about it.

    Also, if you have a 2 day timer you are disconnecting way too often already. If you are quitting out of the game at all, STOP IT NOW!

    If I was in charge of this then the timer would progress from 1 hour, to 1 day, to 1 week, and finally to 1 year. So you should be thankful that BHVR are being so kind to you.

  • Member Posts: 156

    If you're having server issues AND you're getting penalties for it, sorry bub it sounds like a you issue. Either do something to fix your platform, your connection or alternatively play something else. As harsh as it sounds, your issues effect all the other players in the match with you, so just stop until you actually have a solution.

  • Member Posts: 363

    Not only that, but if they determine you have disconnected for any reason too much in a certain time period, they'll slap you with a week ban or more. That includes Disconnected From Server errors.

  • Member Posts: 363

    Your proposal is entirely too harsh. Server disconnects can and do provide penalties, because BHVR claims they cannot differentiate between a real server disconnect and someone pulling their Ethernet/Wifi. There is not a single other game out here with penalties that stack like this and punishes players to this extreme.

    Especially with the addition of bots, there is absolutely no way a DC, intentional or otherwise, "ruins the match" for everyone else. That's the whole point of the bots, who are actually sometimes better than the real player.

  • Member Posts: 3,379

    All I can say is…

    1) Work on improving your internet. There’s clearly an issue. Find the solution or upgrade your internet.

    2) Stop dcing in general. Even if you’re not dcing much at all it’s clearly adding up to you getting booted.

    I get booted once in a while from the Seevee as killer and I’ve never received a DC penalty for it. Not once.

  • Member Posts: 3,379

    i generally prefer the bot. The teammate is 90% of the time awful. Lol

  • Member Posts: 363

    Sometimes as killer I forget there's a bot in the match, and 9/10 times, that's the last survivor and they always know where the hatch is lol

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