Are any of Alan Wakes perks considered good?

Title. Just curious if any are worth using for more than memes. Boon: Illumination can be useful to help avoid three gens since it's deja vu for the whole team minus the repair speed bonus but... it requires survivors to enter the boon in the first place alongside finding a totem to bless.
Not so sure about Champion of Light or Deadline.
Champion of light is alright and deadline basically has no effect unless combo'd with skillcheck perks like hyperfocus
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I mean, CoL has synergy with Residual Manifest and, to an extent, Background Player when going for Flashlight saves.
Still not sure on how good Illumination is though. Like I said, information is useful but it requires other survivors to use the boon. Maybe in a SWF but in solo queue it might be more of a mixed bag.