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Are we getting more info on the Finisher Mori anytime soon?



  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Oh, I really didn't like the transition at all. Granted, it was an early indication, and maybe things would have changed had the continued, but the original idea was jarring and empty to me. The trial ended with a damp squib and felt unfulfilling to me. Not saying that you're alone in what you say (I'm sure others also liked it), but for me it felt way too rushed.

    I think the other thing which really didn't appeal to me was it promoted slugging as a primary tactic, because once all 4 Survivors were down it ended so quickly. Of course, one way to deal with it was basekit Unbreakable (which went down like a cold bucket of sick), but even if people were bringing in that perk to counter, the Perk was being brought in as a necessity, not a choice.

    It really did nothing for me. Some may like it and I respect that, but for me it would have really hurt the game had it gotten through.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I remember reading the feedback and this suggestion came up a few times, since some Killer players wanted that freedom, whether it was for challenges, mercy or just choice.

    The problem for me was the change in mechanic promoted slugging. Even with the basekit Unbreakable (which very few agreed with), it wasn't a viable counter because once that final survivor fell it was game over, even if one Survivor had nearly fully recovered.

    Some liked it, but for me it was a horribly ugly mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 1,491

    That PTB was such an awful experience. So happy they decided not to implement that system. It would officially ruin DBD.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    But here is the thing: they aren't BM. Choosing a cool animation instead of a third hook as a way to finish the game does not reflect someone's toxicity, or lack of, in any way.

    The same reasoning can be applied to keys, as they are an optional way to finish a match. Instead of going through the gates, you jump inside the hatch. Sometimes an entire team did it, I myself had the achievement before they made it impossible to get. But it doesn't mean anyone was being toxic, it just means the match ended in a different manner.

    Its usually when it involves proxy camping and tunneling that I do, which unfortunately is what I see most common with them. If you're tunneling survivors, I just consider you toxic.

    Your complaint here has nothing to do with Moris themselves, but instead with playstyles. A toxic killer can tunnel someone out immediately without a Mori, just like a toxic survivor can tbag at every pallet without having a key. There is very little difference in the two.

    But the offering itself doesn't have anything to do with toxicity. Like I said, if you assume the worst for everything that happens in a match, you'll see toxicity everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    It was scrapped bc it paradoxically gave killers an incentive to slug

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    You can keep saying the same things but it doesn't matter to me. Moris in DBD are no different than fatalities in MK. They are 100% BM when you have the option to hook the survivor or kill them in a brutal manner. You can take it as agree to disagree or keep rambling on. You're not going to convince me otherwise. I don't assume the worst for everything that happens in a match. I come to reasonable conclusions based on player behavior. If I see a killer tunneling, I consider that toxic. If I see the killer go after the unhooker instead of the unhooked survivor then I respect that killer. Its all about discerning situations, but its also personal because there are players who don't think camping, tunneling or slugging is toxic at all despite the fact changes have been made to the game to address some of these issues.

  • Member Posts: 2,374

    Sometimes I wonder how much thought actually goes into some of these proposed changes.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Then, this is pointless. If you wish to cease the discussion, I'll press the matter no further.

  • Member Posts: 4,879

    Yeah the way they implemented it first wasn't great. I just think it'd be cool if Moris could be part of the base game without affecting the gameplay as much.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    They have said they are going ahead with the Finisher Mori soon.|


  • Member Posts: 1,960

    Just make the yellow mori basekit and end it there. No harm done, and one less useless offering in exchange for a nice finish to the trial.

  • Member Posts: 4,879

    It's literally just yellow mori basekit. What's wrong with that exactly?

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    They will make it so you will mori last survivor at a certain place on the map. And rework offerings into bloodpoints. So another things not only no one asked, but everyone asked not to bring into the game. "Let's waste another month of time on a thing community didn't love, just because we can't accept that something was a mistake".

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