Field of View (FOV) Setting Feedback

dance Member Posts: 75
edited February 16 in Feedback and Suggestions

With Update 7.5.0, you can now adjust the field of view (FOV) settings for the first person camera. This should help with motion sickness and accessibility.

Leave a comment below to let us know what you think of the FOV settings.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Rumble
    Rumble Member Posts: 121

    I agree, 110 is perfection

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,863
    edited January 30

    The killer accessibility feature fov also comes with its own penalty - you're more suspectible to blinds if you use it.

  • aerie
    aerie Member Posts: 68

    mhm. i remember them mentioning to consider fixing that, but with how slow fixes can come, it probably won't happen for years :)

  • Shaddoll_Serpent
    Shaddoll_Serpent Member Posts: 153

    I love it, feels so nice to have that heightened FOV without having to devote a perk slot for it.

    As others have said though, adjusting the minimum and maximum number for FOV would be nice and appreciated.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,861

    Would be nice if we could change FOV inside a match.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,018

    The new FOV slider is a welcome addition, however I still believe it should go up to 110 or 120 for the first-person gaming standards. If animations look buggy with 120 FOV, then that's fine because people can choose to lower the FOV down if the animations bother them.

    That being said I am still grateful for this addition, so I appreciate it. Shadowborn being mandatory just for an accessibility option was ridiculous.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 554

    I'm thrilled to finally have features that are on par with options in other FPS games. I hope BhVR continues to do so and learns a lot from other successful games to create a more comfortable game.

  • aerie
    aerie Member Posts: 68

    not saying you're saying otherwise/disagreeing with this but quoting your post because it gave me the idea of a talking point:

    neither should have downsides. sure, people who don't have accessibility problems use these features and get small advantages, but punishing people who use the feature for accessibility on the basis of able-bodied people using a feature for a small advantage is not okay, and the other person saying it's okay because of the small advantage it gives is pretty gross.

    i don't watch many dbd streams anymore but when they did and used the visual TR it was very cool for me, as someone who is hard of hearing :) i think people need to stop thinking about the uber competitive nonsense and just make these features purely accessible features and not give them downsides. it's not very fair, especially since i've heard bhvr likes to tout and brag about their accessibility features during steam award nominations.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,863

    I'm all for either both sides have downsides or no downsides. I just think it's lame that one side has to pay a price to use accessibility features when the other does not. Needs to be equal.

  • aerie
    aerie Member Posts: 68

    yeah i mean like i said in the original post i wasn't saying you disagreed

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    Its an accessibility feature that everyone is going to use for its advantages just like the Visual Terror Radius feature. The people who need it for accessibility reasons are in the minority, and without a drawback it is just a straight buff to anyone who uses it and essentially punishes anyone who wants to stay on the old FOV for not taking advantage of it.

    I'm all for accessibility which is why I'm okay with BHVR adding the FOV, but if your accessibility feature gives you advantages over other players, it is completely fair that this comes with downsides. You are getting an advantage, even if you are using it for an accessibility reason.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,863
    edited January 31

    Agreed. I'm just waiting for BHVr to finally add that downside for survivors. It's been months since they added it. You can see the terror radius and lullaby before you can actually hear it. That gives survivors using the visual tr a few seconds early warning which could very well mean the difference of a match win or loss. Those few seconds can mean the difference between getting to a safe loop or getting downed.

    So as you said, accessibility giving a gameplay advantage is "completely fair that this comes with downsides" (your words). When are survivors getting this downside? What's unfair is when survivors get no downside gameplay advantages with accessibility, but killers have to pay a price to use accessibility options.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    You are not going to see me complaining about this. The Visual Terror Radius is something most survivors run now because it can tell them the killer is coming on the edge of the TR even when they can't actually hear it. Some killer lullabys are very subtle but the VTR gives them away 100% of the time even if there is no audio playing. Terror Radius music starts off very quiet on the edges but the VTR lets a player know immediately that the killer is in range. This gives players a competitive advantage for using an accessibility feature. The VTR needs to account for this.

    However this thread is about the FOV, which is why I am saying the downside on the FOV should not be removed. Accessibility features are perfectly fine to add to the game, but when these features give players a competitive advantage, players should not expect the features to come without drawbacks if they choose to use them.

    It is unreasonable to think that you deserve to have a competitive advantage over other players without a downside. It might bad slightly annoying for the players that do legit need the accessibility feature but they still get the extra benefits that come with using it. Accessibility features should not be something that the general playerbase just automatically selects and equips so they can have an advantage over other players.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,693

    I recently saw the new Billy and Blight addon nerfs, that didn’t exist on the PTB.

    It’s just so sad that BHVR is so quick to create new nerfs that didn’t exist on the PTB, but we’re still stuck at 103 FoV even though we all know the functionality to go to 110 is in the game, if BHVR would allow us to use it.

    Seriously, how many people have played lots of games with FoV sliders, and thought that 103 is a reasonable upper bound for an FoV slider?

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 425

    It's good, Killer players have been wanting this forever. The Shadowborn rework is just another useless meme perk to add to the list though.

  • irishbutcher
    irishbutcher Member Posts: 77

    I'm just so happy to have an FOV slider at all for killer. Honestly the default FOV did make me motion sick at times and it's so refreshing to have the FOV change without needing a perk slot to have it. BHVR, keep it up with these quality of life updates. Personally I really don't mind the max being 103. It's enough to make me experience no motion sickness.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,197

    If behavior ends up, creating a drawback for the field of view, which I think they already did, due to being able to see more openly, then the same thing needs to happen for visual terror radius.

    I main onyro and people are a mile away the time I try to sneak up due to the visual heart beat. Grrrr lol.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    Increase it to 110-120, then its perfect. 103 is a bit of an odd number to have it at. Yes it gives an advantage, but so does an FOV slider in every FPS game.

  • aerie
    aerie Member Posts: 68
    edited February 1

    punishing people with accessibility issues because "they're the minority" is such an awful and gross mentality. of course people use the new fov slider for the slight advantage but why do people with accessibility issues have to have a disadvantage just because people min max advantage on this game??? like i'm so tired of this mentality. i'm SO sick of it. you're lucky the moderation here is oversensitive because i'm trying so hard rn to be civil but i'm so grossed out you're filling my replies with this kind of stuff and i'm grossed out that you're even allowed to say it. people with accessibility issues getting told to just deal with this stuff because they're the minority is such a harmful approach and is why people are afraid to ask for more accessibility stuff, because of people like you shunning them for being in a minority

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 861

    Firstly, I want to say thank you. I'm very happy to see this feature be added to the game. I also suffer badly from motion sickness when playing first person games, so I know how horrible it can be.

    But for me, the trigger is a wide field of view and not a narrow one, as is the case for others. The default FOV of 87 is fine for me and it makes DBD one of the few first person games that I can actually stomach playing for any great length of time.

    However, I would like the text that accompanies the FOV slider to be a bit more clearer in stating that increasing the FOV may also trigger feeling of nausea. It already does this to a degree, but could be more explicit in my opinion. I've found that I can no longer watch any Killer content on streaming and video sharing platforms, because every streamer now has the FOV set to the maximum.

    They may by doing this for accessibility reasons, unaware that some of their viewers won't be able to enjoy watching their content anymore.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    Sorry you feel this way. Again I am all for accessibility features being in the game, but it should be implemented properly.

    An accessibility feature should not result in gameplay changes significant enough that the general playerbase overwhelmingly adopts it because it gives them advantages.

    Accessibility features should try to reach parity with other players ideally. The VTR is almost perfectly implemented and I'm sure is a huge help to those with hearing issues. The issue with the VTR though is how it can be used by all players to get advantages over certain killers like Sadako/Onryo that would not exist otherwise. Parity with the VTR can be achieved by having a bit more of a slight delay on the visual effect appearing when a survivors enters a killers TR; this is fine and reasonable, as most general players would not notice or even hear the visual terror radius at this range. This makes the accessibility feature in line with the general player experience. For lullabys like Sadako's, there are lots of spaces of quiet or where its hard to hear, to the point that many players did not even realize she had a lullaby until BHVR added the VTR. With the VTR, it should be changed so that the lullaby notification fades in and out during these parts. Not because I want to punish people who need the feature, but because that is a change which brings the playerbase to the same level.

    This isn't me hating on people with accessibility issues or wanting them not to be able to play the game unless they have a disadvantage, this is a desire for both players to be at the same level and to make it so that the general playerbase don't just start using a new feature as the new default because it is strong, resulting in a change of gameplay. If a killer is punished and made weaker by a majority of players using an accessibility feature that is a bit of a problem for the games balance and the devs should address it.

    For the FOV, think about it like this. If the game always had an FOV slider since release, and that slider gave killers an advantage of getting that higher FOV with the downside of being slightly easier to blind, no one would be complaining about it at all.

    It would simply be a feature of the game. Players wouldn't be here calling me gross for suggesting such a change, players would just turn the FOV up and accept the trade offs that come with it. Gameplay requires balance and its is okay for there to be trade-offs. This should not be controversial in the slightest.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,224

    I absolutely love it. I can play back-to-back Killer matches now without having a headache and when I am done for the night, I don't feel unwell as I did before. This is a wonderful feature, thank you so very much!

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,205

    Exactly. Just make it, that regardless of my settings, I can see the person blinding me as it isn't the case right now.

    I am sick of people blinding me who I can't see.

  • tuttoinunavolta
    tuttoinunavolta Member Posts: 198

    It's a much needed and well-done change, but maximum FOV allows survivors to pretty much blind you from behind your character's ears. I'm not necessarily against the idea of higher FOV = higher chance of getting blinded, but not like this.

    AssortedSorting is right: if a survivor can blind you, then you should see them in your screen. By doing this, equipping an higher FOV still kinda comes with a slight disadvantage, but it is fair and makes sense, unlike the current "you dare using an accessibility feature? Then you'll get blinded on your nape while facing a wall". No point in using this feature if it leads to situations that are almost impossible to counter.

    One visual bug I noticed is that Freddy's right arm moves very very weirdly at the highest FOV setting while he's walking, it looks like he's constantly getting electrocuted. Although to be fair at this point there are no non-bugged things about that guy lol. His power doesn't work anymore in tight loops (like in Hawkins' hallways)

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,693
    edited February 6

    Behaviour's new game has a real FoV slider. Look how it's an actual FoV range, that's not purposely bad like it is in DBD. So Behaviour does understand what FoV sliders usually look like, and just purposely gives DBD the worst possible FoV range.

    Seriously, can we be allowed to go up to 110 FoV in this DBD game? It's going to be so sad when I'm playing 110-120 in their new game, then I load into a DBD game and get stuck at this garbage 103 FoV.

  • elderwitcher96
    elderwitcher96 Member Posts: 77

    Fr, it's enough to make playing killer more comfortable, enjoyable and accessible with giving only a minor advantage occasionally. Asking for anything more is just asking to get buffs just because.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,444
  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    FOV for 103 seams comfortable enough imo. Its a good design change.

  • Felgoose
    Felgoose Member Posts: 163

    Killers are already first person view. You can tell what they do and do not have line of site to. Limited fov is especially painful for console users. The frame rate already drops as a chase closes in, allowing survivors with the right amount of lag to fully disappear between frames. Visual tracking through lag teleports and frame drops is difficult, and with ajoystick it's sometimes impossible. Widening the field of view can drastically improve these technical shortcomings and make playing as killer much more accessible for console players.

    Just make flashlights and other blind events work as long as they're in fov to balance out the advantages.

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650

    It is good but would be better if it can be increased to 120

    The increased FOV also increasing the possible blinding angle is ridiculous. Nobody should be punished for using option for accessibility. The blind angle should be fixed value.

  • Felgoose
    Felgoose Member Posts: 163

    No one would be "punished" by coupling blind angle to fov. Larger fov allows killer to see survivor running for a blind earlier if they have to run through several degrees of fov to get to where they can successfully blind. If an accessibility feature gives players an advantage, it's perfectly reasonable to balance against the feature.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    Nobody should be punished for using option for accessibility. The blind angle should be fixed value.

    If an FOV slider like this was in the game since release and it affected the blind angle like it does now, I can guarantee no one would be complaining about it. They would just select the mode they are comfortable with and accept the rewards and downsides for using whichever value they select.

    As @Felgoose said, if a feature gives players an advantage just for clicking a button in a menu, it is perfectly reasonable to have some minor downsides to balance it.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,693

    That's incorrect.

    It doesn't matter what your FoV is, because survivors can always blind a killer outside of their FoV. There's zero requirement for the flashlight (or the flashlight user) to actually be visible on the killer's screen.

    Also, if a survivor is running for a blind, it usually means the killer is already animation locked, and therefore can't move to avoid the flashlight.

  • aerie
    aerie Member Posts: 68

    love that yet again more people who do not have accessibility problems feel the need to chime in that people using the fov slider for accessibility deserve the downside because it's tEcHnIcAlLy aN aDvAnTaGe :)

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,863
    edited February 10

    Agreed, but BHVR ignored that with the visual TR. That gives an advantage of knowing the killer is near before you can actually hear the TR, and it is incredibly noticeable against onyro. Goes both ways. Either both options should have a disadvantage, or neither should.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,197

    I’m happy with the FOV slider we have now. I no longer get sick 🤢 no pun intended this happened a lot when I played plague 🤣

  • Rick1998
    Rick1998 Member Posts: 241

    Pinhead is allready bugged at 103 idk if other killers would bug out even more at 120 fov