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Rancor should prevent obsession transfer

At the very end of my match I pallet stunned a killer which then transferred obsession to me. I didn't have it the entire match. There is no way of knowing the killer has rancor in this situation. This is part of the endless balance issues in this game, in that too much of it comes down to RNG and just plain randomness in general. It also makes the ranking system in this game pointless.

If the killer uses rancor, the obsession should not be able to switch from the survivor who has it under any circumstance. This perk is already too rewarding to the killer, making the survivor who has it have exposed and can be killed. Its too much, and completely unfair when the obsession can switch to another survivor under unpredictable circumstances.


  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,122
    edited February 13

    Nemesis + Rancor is rng now?

    You would have a better argument if it was Game Afoot/Friends til the End + Rancor

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I'd prefer to not become the obsession with exposed and instant kill status effects for dropping a pallet. There are too many random chance encounters in this game, and so many of them favor the killer.

    Rancor is in fact RNG. The obsession is chosen at random in every match unless you're using something that makes you the obsession. The randomness of it all is dropping a pallet in a time when it should mean the most and you get insanely punished for it. There is nothing fair or balanced about that.

  • mugi
    mugi Member Posts: 54

    Goodbye, my Rancor.😥

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,122
    edited February 13

    If you spawned as the Obsession and see the Killer's aura for 3 seconds when a gen gets completed, it's a sign that the Killer has Rancor and you as the Obsession should get as much distance as possible from the Killer towards the end of the game especially when 1-2 gens are left. If the Killer brings Rancor, they tend to not hook you much in the early and mid game. Jump into a locker before the last gen pop and count to 3 before leaving the locker and Stealth move to another location. The Killer will get the Notification for the general area you are but won't see your aura if you were in a locker/have Distortion.

    As for Obsession switching, on the Killer's end, there are four ways for the Obsession to switch

    Game Afoot: The Survivor with the longest chase time becomes the Obsession when they are hit. If you see a non Obsession become the Obsession after getting hit at the start of the game, this perk is in play. The Obsession effect only applies after you get hit so even if the previous Obsession died in endgame and you got chased and hit immediately, the exposed effect won't apply until after the Obsession Switch happens.

    Furtive Chase: Obsession changes over when a non Obsession rescues the Obsession.

    Friends Til The End: Obsession switches over to a random Survivor when the current Obsession gets hooked.

    Nemesis: Blinding or Stunning the Killer transfer the Obsession Status. If you notice the Obsession status switch during the game with no injury or hook/unhook/DS/FTP, it means the Killer has Nemesis. This Obsession Switch can be countered by predropping and not blinding the Killer.

    Even as a solo player, it is pretty easy to tell if the Killer has an Obsession switching perk from the HUD alone. Once you know what strategy the Killer is utilizing, it makes it easier to prepare and outplay them. Perhaps before complaining excessively, you could apply the information I've given you to use and see how it works first? Or is that too much of a hurdle?

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374


    If you spawned as the Obsession and see the Killer's aura for 3 seconds when a gen gets completed, it's a sign that the Killer has Rancor and you as the Obsession should get as much distance as possible from the Killer towards the end of the game especially when 1-2 gens are left.

    I stopped reading your reply here, because you clearly didn't read mine and assumed I didn't know how Rancor worked when this had nothing to do with me not knowing how it works.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Simply asking for obsession not to switch survivors if the killer has rancor is not me asking for rancor to be removed.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,122

    I'm not you so naturally I won't know if you are aware of how Rancor works or how to play against it. So sorry that I can't read the mind of some random stranger from the Internet.

    I addressed your point about the Obsession switching with Nemesis being in your own words "Unpredictable circumstances" in the latter half of my post as well and pointed out how it's not as unpredictable as you think. Naturally if you're not interested in a conversation and just want to complain irregardless of input then I rest my case.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Everyone in a SWF on comms knows about Rancor; not just the Obsession.

    Revealing Rancor's presence to all the survivors, not just the Obsession, would solve these issues.

    KateMain86 would have known the killer had it. It would be up to them to figure out if the killer also has Nemesis and is it worth stunning the killer.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    The implication was in my post when I said "I didn't have it the entire match. There is no way of knowing the killer has rancor IN THIS SITUATION."

    This is a feedback forum. My feedback is always intended for the devs when I post in the feedback forum. If people want to reply to it thats fine. For rancor I think because of what this perk allows the killer to do the obsession should not be able to change. This is only fair given that if the obsession changes to another survivor in the situation mine did, they have no way of knowing the killer is using rancor. If the perk is designed to give the survivor the chance to figure it out, then it only makes sense to me that the obsession cannot change from who it starts with. It also deters people from using perks that make you the obsession like For The People. There's so much risk and not enough reward but as I said, every match is random. That is my biggest problem with this game by the way. There is way too much randomness involved that often makes our efforts feel worthless.

    Yep. This is a huge solo que survivor problem among many other things. Solo players go through matches with too much blindness. Don't get me wrong though. I'm a supporter of SWF. The game was a MILLION times more fun for me back when my friends still played. However I'm also all for making the solo player experience as fun as it can be too.

  • mugi
    mugi Member Posts: 54

    I don't want Rancor to be nerfed, so I won't go into detail, but this perk is insane. I don't know when it will happen, but I believe your wish will come true.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 868

    It is funny that Adrenaline is considered OP but Rancor is fine. I know which one I'd rather deal with.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,750

    Isn't Rancor just a half-decent endgame perk even with obsession swapping perks? I've only seen it destroy a full team once, and only because the killer ran bloodwarden and hooked, waited for the unhook to proc furtive chase, and then start the obsession swapping with game afoot+nemesis in the span of Bloodwarden's time. Can you even imagine how bad a team has to mess up for NOBODY to escape 4 Mori animations during Bloodwarden?

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774
    edited March 20

    And since when are you the authority who decides if a killer deserved a kill or not?

    What you aks for is to have a gamble who gets got with rancor at the start so you can just chill if you load in the match and you are not the obsession

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,339
    edited March 20

    You should be aware the killer has Friends til the End by the time all gens are done and since it triggers on hook, you can just hide in a locker when the killer picks up a survivor.

    Rancor + No Way Out is a build focus on the end game, you should have no difficulties reaching it to the end game as the 3rd perk listed is Friends til the End so very little to defend gens. Unless the killer has a 4th perk to find survivors, you should just be able to hide out against No Way Out considering most of the survivor should be alive against a build with no gen defense.

    Basically once the gens are done and you know you are the Rancor target or that you could be made the Rancor target, you should be focused on hiding since gens are already done. If you are failing to use lockers to hide screams/auras and getting caught, then you messed up.

    The other fact is you're complaining about a meme build. No killer is running Rancor plus Obsession swapping perks for any other reason than messing around. Would you really rather killers have no fun options and just focus on tunneling/camping every game all the time?

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I'm not. Thats why I'm here, in a feedback forum, giving my feedback.

    The obsession is already a gamble at the start of the match for the most part. I just simply don't want to be the obsession at the END of the match when all I did was hit the ready button. If I get the obsession at the start of the match thats fine. However if I get friends 'til the end and rancor put on me at the end of the match I will consider that extremely unfair. Friends 'til the end shouldn't even work after all 5 generators are complete. At the very least disable it if rancor is also in play.

    "You can just hide in a locker"

    Right because theres always a locker nearby when that happens. And if there's not, you're going to be found. This is besides the point which is that killers are given too much power and survivors are given too little to deal with it. Anything that gives the killer an instant down power is already overpowered in a game where altruism is half the game. In my experience survivors leave matches the most when an instant down is in play and especially when that power is dominating the match. In a game where survivors are constantly told to get good, RNG shouldn't be this much of a contributing factor. There is too much to consider every match at this point in the game. There are too many perks. Too many RNG factors in this game make for a miserable and boring experience. Its exhausting and not fun.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    tldr you dont want to deal with perks you dont like. nothing new with you every perk you dont like you deem unfair or op same goes for killer powers.

    no need to talk to you from this point on

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,130

    One of the best moments I ever had in any match was due to Rancor + Nemesis.

    My friend and I were survivors. The killer, Wesker, turned out to have that combo of perks, so after he mori'd the first survivor my friend and I each ran to a pallet, stunned him, and we both got mori'd. It was awesome. I'd hate to have a chance at that taken away, especially with how rare Rancor is. I don't think I see it more than once a month, if that. I see Rancor paired with an obsession-switching perk even less than that. At least, unlike most RNG in this game, a surprise Rancor is pretty funny.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Then don't talk to me. Its no secret that certain killer perks, powers and addons are simply OP when used in certain combinations. Pinhead for example can use his strongest addons in combination with a full gen regression build and win with ease. When I start a match and half my team has given up within the first 2 minutes I know something is wrong with the balance of this game, especially when I see that pattern continuously everyday.

    You can complain about me all you want, but I am never going to stop talking about the things I find problematic with this game. Our feedback matters otherwise we'd still be living in the 1 hook tunnel mori days. I've seen many changes done to the game based entirely on player feedback such as the basekit unhook protections, anti camping mechanic, NOED totem aura and more. I was strongly involved in all of those conversations and saw changes done because of them. The devs do listen to us. I don't expect everything I find problematic with the game to change the way I want it to, but its still worth talking about it. Its good we have a feedback forum where players of the game can come to and give their opinion on the game that is read by the people who make it.