Sometimes hiding is necessary. No hiding from Legion...

Wallhacks. Mending simulator. ZERO counterplay.
The Legion was destroying us. 2 survivors were on hook and we only had 1 gen done. The Legion tagged me and ran off.
The ONLY way to be invisible to Legion's STUPID WALLHACKS is NOT to mend, so I didn't mend! BUT, I have to keep moving so I don't bleed out... I ran to the basement and started running laps to keep from bleeding out.
The Legion found the last survivor and slugged them. I waited to fully mend myself just in case they had Unbreakable. Otherwise the Legion will just tag them again and then use WALLHACKS to find me. When I saw their recovery stop at 95% I fully mended myself. But no...
Even though they did not crawl toward me while slugged or run straight to me after the Legion let them wiggle free, the Legion just had to simply tag them with Feral Frenzy and come straight to me with WALLHACKS!
The ONLY counterplay to Legion is being extremely good at playing injured and looping the killer. "Spread out" doesn't mean jack when it comes to solo q because I cannot physically keep my teammates away from me!
I am NOT extremely good at playing injured or looping M1 killers, so I should NOT be facing Legions until then!
Back to maining killer for the next few months.
Legion needs a buffs not nerfs. He is very weak killer and mostly times his frenzy do nothing
13 -
And don't start with the "just play as Legion to learn how to counter them."
I have played as Legion. He stomps solo q and gets destroyed by coordinated SWF who have any decent looping capabilities. There's nothing to learn.
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At least Skull Merchant's wallhacks are fair. If she has wallhacks on you it's becuase you messed up, not because she simply found one of your nearby teammates.
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Then remove his wallhacks and buff him
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Legion is one of the weakest killers in the game, you completely counter his power by doing what you should do in any match, just spread out... If you need help with that just run bond and as soon as someone comes to your Gen just go to another one... It is really not that hard if you have some clue what you are doing... Against people who are remotely decent he will almost never get a down with his power and aside from that just plays like any other medium sized m1 killer...
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How would you rework him to work without "wallhacks" or killer instinct the worse form of auras lol. I don't exactly see how you would rework him without it because his power is made for chaining hits and causing chaos.
I guess you could deactivate the killer instinct for already injured survivors, but then he would be completely useless most of the time.
Well in the end he is nothing besides an m1 killer with a little bit of information and the ability to keep people injured, as long as you and your team know how to loop it's perfecrly fine. If you don't know how to loop m1 killers you should learn it.
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On most maps, you can easily avoid Legion's Feral Frenzy chains by running away from him when you start hearing the TR. Outside of a very specific build that just makes chaining his hits take a very long time, it's easy enough to prevent Legion from getting more than 2 chains.
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If Killer instinct ( an ability many killers has other Legion ) it's a "wallhack" i do wonder Lethal or NWH or any other aura reading perks are to you
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And how do I change perks mid-match to equip Bond AFTER the match starts?
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You said he has no counter play but then swfs who have decent looping can beat him? Does that not contradict what you just said?
Also running to the basement was a bad play, instead of running laps in the basement doing nothing and being useless to the team, spread out from your team mates, wait until its safe to mend then do a gen. Or just start mending immediately if he is going for someone else, 99 the mend and again, spread out then 1 tap the mend when it is safe.
The counter play to legion is to spread out so his power injures 1 guy. He has no power what so ever to down, so if you spread out he gets minimal value and you win because he is a killer with no downing power.
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It’ll never happen.
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No way you're complaining about one of the most mid tier killers in the game. Legion needs buffs if anything.
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Bond is a great perk regardless and typically you don't need bond to run away from your teammates, if you have some game sense you should always look around to get an idea where everyone is... Bond is just the easy way out for this if you are newer... It is a great perk anyway, because you can avoid running the killer into your teammates while looping and also help you find people when you need them to reset.
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Bro had one bad game and decided a killer needs a nerf.
I have an idea, remove:
- Dead Hard
- Adrenaline
- Off The Record
- Decisive Strike
- Flashbangs
- BNPs
See the lack of logic?
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So you call yourself out on having a skill issue with playing while injured. Aight bro.