Why some Survivors trashtalk Killers when they get low kills but high hook stages?

Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
edited February 2024 in General Discussions

I had game today where I had 10 hook stages, everyone got their chance to play and I wasn't really target much anyone, had lot of hooks, etc.

Then someone endgame talks like "hey killer you are so trash only two kills". When I responded with something like "I had 10 hooks I think that's pretty good" they just "nah trash killer lol". Like I thought its good think when everyone gets to play and killer doesn't just go pure for kills.

Like people complaing about tunneling and camping but when you play "nice" or give them a chance some survivors think you are bad or something, idk.

I don't understand Survivors anymore. Everything killer does is wrong.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Not surprised, theres 4 survivors and 1 Killer so statistically wise, there's a higher likelihood of meeting such people when you play Killer

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    thats a good question. i mean its no secret that only gaming is plagued with toxic freaks that live for making other peoples day as bad as they can but its like they want to breed tunneling and camping killers and it freaking works. i am no saint when it comes to this i absolutly had games where i got so much smacktalk and just overall bm my next game was a camping buba even so i knew these survs did nothing wrong

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,059

    Why do you think killer players have no autonomy? You act like everything they do in life is just a reaction to how other people behave.

    If you meet one toxic person and decide to build your entire mentality around that and ignore everything else, then that's on you. That's a choice you have made. Nobody forced you to do that, you chose it.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I don't. When killer play fair, i respect them because i know they would win easily with a bit tunnelling.

    Some people are just toxic, there is no fix for them tho.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,059

    Yep. Plenty of survivors are pleasant and will even thank the killer for "playing nice". But if even one survivor is toxic, all that goes out the window, and the only thing that matters is the one toxic person. The kind players are immediately discarded.

    I've extended a handshake to plenty of players online, only to get a slap in the face for my troubles. The difference is that I don't focus on that one person and ignore everyone else.

  • WolfyWood
    WolfyWood Member Posts: 491

    Why even respond to someone who called you trash?

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,059

    I'm sorry you've had lousy experiences, genuinely. But only focusing on the worst people doesn't do you any favours. It just makes you feel like crap.

    I'm also part of that silent majority as I'm on console, so can't even engage with the end game chat. If I could I would be actively thanking killers for "playing nice". The best I can do is leave an item at the gates and hope that my intention is receieved as I intend it. I'm sure there are plenty of other players like myself.

  • MalekithHatesSnow
    MalekithHatesSnow Member Posts: 253

    "Plenty of survivors are pleasant and will even thank the killer for playing nice" I wanna play the game you're playing sounds fun

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,059

    I got raged at for doing combos in a fighting game one time. Stupidity is limitless.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 998

    I play mostly killer and from time to time I get these survivors too. It doesn't matter if you 4k them or everyone is dead on hook and they escape, if you tunnel, camp or do not of both, these players will nearly always try to insult you in some way because it's part of their personality (dependingon the result they either push their own ego or try to down yours with something like "ez", "ur trash". Some players even go crazy like I had players that they something like "I hope your wife has a misscarriage"). I feel kind of sorry for them because with that they hurt theirself the most in some way because they will always find something in the match which they can complain about. But mostly I ignore them send "gg" and left. The only part that bothers me the most is that these players may insult other (nice) players successfully which should not happen because this hurts the community the most. However, I also have good survivors that send gg at the end and everything is good. These players understand that this game is just a game for fun in their free time.

    In my opinion the best way is to ignore these bad players because there is nothing you can do to change their mind (though if they go out of their mind report of cause so BHVRcan ban them out of the game) and to get over it and go next (year, I know easier said than done). Also very import is not to think every survivor is toxic due to this one (I met once a killer as a survivor who had played like we deserve the most miserable match of all time and in the endgame chat this killer even said this which blow my mind). Same goes for killers of cause. Sometimes you will meet a killer that tries to insult you in some way but this does not mean every killer is this type too.

    Overall, in the end out of 20matches you may have this one match with these types of bad players (because they are part of every community, unfortunately) but we should give our best to not get insult from this one match and ignore the other (maybe good) 19 normal matches.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,059

    I'm sorry you encounter toxicity on a regular basis. I meet toxic killers but it's not the majority of my matches. Sometimes getting BM'd for looping well does sour my mood, but that feeling wears off.

    There are nice people online, it can just be hard to find them sometimes. I hope you encounter more players with better attitudes.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    Tunnels in DBD are equivalent to combos in fighting games, but are considered harmful. It's the same.

    If we learn about the world and don't solve the problem only within DBD, we will soon realize that many people are saying kiddy things.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    I wouldn't go that far. At least a tunneled survivor still gets to do inputs on their controller. Fighting games with touch-of-death combos, the other player can only sit there and watch themselves lose, they don't even get to press buttons, may as well put the controller down.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    they are either that clueless or purposefully being a d about it, either way nothing to care about. people bm/trashtalk after a hatch escape also so

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,059

    I think of tunneling like playing four player Smash. I'd rather go for the player with the most stocks, that way everyone gets to play for as long as possible. It's not the most accurate comparison but it's how I feel about it. Ideally everyone gets to play and contribute to the match for as long as possible.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,369

    That’s exactly why I don’t care how survivors think or feel. They don’t care if you do good, bad, Tunnel, camp. They only care if they can teabag you and be toxic. I Just play the game I wanna play the game. I paid my money just like everybody else did, I play how I want, not how survivors want me to with their handbook.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    However, in reality, digging a tunnel in DBD attracts far more hate than completing a combo in a fighting game. that's strange.

    For serious survivors, tunnels are a tactic, creating a 3-on-1 situation if effective, and guaranteeing escape for 3 Survivors if not. The person targeted is an important person who holds the key, and it is a very rewarding role. Yes, for serious players.

    I know this is a game for casual players. However, I am disgusted by the way people who have no intention of winning get angry at killers when they lose due to their own fault, and the remarkable efforts of conservation groups to justify this.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,059

    I think for more casual survivors, getting singled out and targeted when they are vulnerable (off the hook and not healed yet) just feels bad. They don't have the skill or map knowledge to avoid going down again fast and so they quickly die whilst the other survivors are ignored. Streamers quite enjoy getting tunneled but that's just because it makes better content than doing gens.

    Sometimes people are just upset that they have lost and will use whatever excuse they have to justify their frustration. That's always been my experience in fighting games, and I don't play games that have infinite loops or ToD combos like MvC.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited February 2024

    There are those special kind of people who think they are funny or have some personal issues by simply trashtalking, no matter what. They are usually kids, trolls, people who are sour loosers or a mix of all those attributes. That should not be a big reveil to anybody.

    Yet, It is a little bit frustrating for me to see that you create a new topic about this and ending it with:

    "I don't understand Survivors anymore. Everything killer does is wrong."


    Like that behavior repesentate survivors? Or players in general? They most likely got upset you dominated the game. Why put all survivors into the same pot?

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • You probably did something in game that either outplayed them or had them miffed. I know people who will do this. It'll be something petty like "congrats on the 1K" or something.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Because none of that matters to the competitive brain, or even really the trolls. All that matters is everyone is alive/most are alive.

    • You played bad if you don't meet their expectations, doesn't matter what killer
    • If you play good, then killer was carried by a perk/power or you relied on something too much
    • If you dare secure a kill, you're the worst killer main and should uninstall
    • If 3 gens pop before someone dies, get gud uninstall

    I want to clarify this doesn't reflect the majority, I've met wonderful survivor mains myself and I have been inching closer to the 50/50 on both sides in terms of playtime, but I'm not gonna pretend survivors aren't like this in my matches a lot. Especially when I'm branching out and learning what I can/can't do with other killers.

    And for extra clarity, there are hyper competitive killers too, just so people don't think I'm being too hard on survivors.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Just don’t even give people like that the time of day, it’s literally not worth it at all. I always just kill people with kindness and most of the time they apologize or just don’t respond.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    the funny thing is at this point i play online games for so long i almost expect stuff like that.

    just yesterday i was a bit frustrated from a single player game because i just bought it and had a bug that kinda ruint it for me at that moment and i switched to playing lol and my wife asked me if that is a goot idea when im allready angry and i just said: "well atleast i expect to get treatet bad in that game"

    i really hate that we all have to face so much toxic negativ stuff almost daily as gamers and i dont like people defending it when they say "its just part of it get over it" but they are kinda right

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,192

    It’s unfortunate how easy and rewarding it is to spread negativity instead of positivity. It’s unfortunate how much easier it is to tear something down than it is to build something up. It’s easier to see how something could be wrong than it is to see how something can be true. We each have our own worldview and it’s easier to see what doesn’t fit in our own eyes than to see how something can fit in the eyes of someone else. It takes less imagination to say no. It takes more imagination to say yes. As humans we are stuck inside the easiest decisions.

    “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.”

    ”The silence of good men isn't the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil. The persons advancing the evil, whether in command or the rank-and-file, must be strong and determined; and the lukewarm must be either cowed into submission or willing to go along because the evil seems to prosper.”

    In these situations the person is “infected” with negativity and they spread it wherever they exist like a virus. They LIVE with the negativity and it sometimes spreads to others and makes others become that way too. It’s a tragic curse to be sure for the one committing the toxicity. Often times they are in suffering and the toxicity is the manifestation of the suffering. They insult you in one game, but they are the ones who carry the insulting behavior with them everywhere they go.

    My grand solution to this phenomenon? Kill them with absolute kindness, compassion, and empathy. Never fight back, sympathize and guide them towards peace no matter how much chaos they carry with them. See how you can say “yes” first instead of saying “no” right away. If they insult you; “trash killer”, “ez noob”, “nah, ur bad”, “POS Killer tunneling” etc. it’s best to respond along the lines of; “I’m sorry you feel that way, I hope you had fun!”, “Well, hope your next match is more fun for you”, “You were fun to play against” “I’m sorry you didn’t have fun. I hope you have a good day regardless” etc. Maybe even complement their cosmetics.

    Regardless you can’t change someone else who doesn’t want to change. And the only person you can control is yourself and how you react. As social creatures toxicity hurts. Pain and suffering are like infections that spread. People get treated bad and learn how to treat others bad. Use the negativity as an opportunity to platform the positive. It’s tiring and can feel unrewarding but the existence of positivity is its own reward. With so much toxicity that exists there is a high demand for respect and kindness.

    We can’t win on logic. There is no leverage. We instead have to appeal to their higher nature and inner humanity.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 433

    There are a unusually high amount of toxic people who play this game, maybe more than 50% of the playerbase. The "simple" mindset to have is to disregard these people, and play for the other 50%.

    Might sound hard at first when you get teabagged game after game but think of it this way:

    If you treat survivors respectfully, most of the time they won't treat you the same in return and you'll have a bad match, but occasionally, you'll find survivors who also treat you respectfully, and a nice interaction will come up from it. However, if you treat all survivors disrespectfully, then you don't have a chance of this interaction to come at all.

    If you can't stand survivors being toxic eg. tbagging etc, then I'd advise you not play killer at all for your own mental health, it's not worth it. Interactions with other players is the only reason to play this game, so if you are more disproportionally affected by the negative behaviors than the positive, then this game won't feel like a game for you but more like constant fighting with random people.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596
    edited February 2024

    Some players are just sore losers.

    Few weeks ago I had a game where I 11 hooked the survivors, and the last one got out by hatch (did not slug for the 4k). In after game chat, one of the killed survivors trash talked me that I'm so bad and I lost the game. I point out that I got 11 hooks. But according to them, doesn't matter since only a 4k would be a win for the killer.

    I was awestruck by such a display

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,347

    Because if someone really want to trash talk, if there's no "obvious reason" to do so they will simply conjure a reason from the void.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    Cleaning up and closing the thread here. Please remember to keep discussion civil.

    Also, a reminder that if what is said in post game crosses into severe insults, harassments, threats, etc, those are reportable under Communications Abuse, with the in-game report required, and Support ticket optional, as mentioned in the Game Rules: https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/kb/articles/139-game-rules

    Unfortunately negative behavior is not limited to video games in general, or even the internet. If I may speak personally and solely as a player &person in this next part: Be the change you want to see, to see the change you want to see.

    Instead of returning negativity on someone, or passing that energy to the next match, try channeling that into sincere, constructive, and positive comments. Something like "Meg, you were incredible at running the tiles!" or even "If I didn't have Lightborn this game, I would have been in trouble, you timed those flashlights perfect!". I know its not always easy, but I've seen it help with giving players positivity, even if all it is is just complimenting a charm or particular skin.

    And if you feel you cannot respond without breaking the Game Rule of Communications Abuse, then it is best to refrain from responding entirely.

This discussion has been closed.