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Can we all agree glyph challenges should go?

Member Posts: 1,400

Most of them might as well just say “Go throw the game 1 time, do this in a single trial”

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  • Member Posts: 129

    Lmao, i threw many games doing the fragile glyph. Soloq things

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    I agree they're very annoying but i dont think a small leniency couldn't fix the issue people have with them.

  • Member Posts: 974

    I don't mind the glyph challenges except for the green one which i absolutely hate since they can be hard to find since they need to appear first and then you have to grab them before someone else does.

  • Member Posts: 5,958

    You really don't have to throw to get them.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    I like the killer's orange glyph where it actually handicaps you until you get 6 hooks, it actually felt like I was playing hard mode and I enjoy a challenge. It makes me wish that there was a No Mither equivalent for killer more explicit than Dying Light.

    Hate the white glyphs though

  • Member Posts: 295

    They are fine the way they are. Some challenges are difficult and an easy challenge is a breath of fresh air.

    But do agree the green one's are a pain in the butt as you can here them form but struggle to find them.

  • Member Posts: 999

    No glyph challenges are fine for both sides because they are easy to do since you will find them anyway during the match.

    • white glyph is cool for 25.000 BP and typical you want to make it to the endgame so you get the 25.000BP -> it encourage survivors do make it to the endgame.
    • blue glyph's drawback is not a huge deal
    • yellow glyph is easy to do
    • green glyph encourages to do gens as survivor (so they support to do what survivors should do when not in chase)
    • orange glyph is a little challenge if you want as a killer
    • purple glyph is easy
    • red glyph is easy
    • pink glyph is the only glyph I would understand if someone say this is a problematic glyph but I find them funny since it is a little game.

    In addition, we have more problematic tome challenges such as cleanse XX totems or open XX chests. These are the challenges that encourage survivors to throw the game, in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 522

    Need more glyph challenges for survivors, if anything. Otherwise it's just 24/7 gen rush.

  • Member Posts: 11,763
  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I don't mind them. I don't throw to do them though, I just deal with them as I come across them

  • Member Posts: 143

    Survivor glyphs are fine. as a team of 4 you will in almost every game have a moment where one person can do the glyph. killer glyphs suck hardcore.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    Aside from the orange and white Glyph, yes, Glyph-Challenges suck. Not because they are too hard or anything, they are hardly "challenges". But they are just "Play X amount of games" where "X" is the number of Glyphs + any number of games you did not complete the challenge in the Trial. This goes especially for blue and red Glyphs, but is also true for purple Glyphs (if they are really out of your way) and ESPECIALLY for green Glyphs which can take so many games to complete.

    Orange and white Glyphs are fine, they are at least a bit of a challenge (even tho, this only applies losely to the white Glyph, but it can be a fun challenge to try to escape with it for the extra BPs).

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Glyphs are fine, except Green and Orange ones, those suck. But the others are alright, they're barely an inconvenience, and I appreciate earning the points. If they folded Glyphs into Daily Rituals or an equivalent new feature, I'd be alright with it.

  • Member Posts: 858

    Orange glyphs are the only ones that I hate.

    Purple glyphs are kinda funny, especially when killers break off chase to get it like:

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited February 2024

    Most players don't actually want challenges, they was a "Free Bloodpoints" button.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    really depends on the glyphs... some are barely noticeable.

  • Member Posts: 280

    The only glyph I have a problem with are the green ones cause they take forever to do. And the amount that spawn feels random

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Would like to add that it was the green and orange glyphs that pushed me to make this post 🤣

  • Member Posts: 405

    I have had so many memorable moments with killers due to green glyph shenanigans. They will always have a special place with me……and slowly turning to look at killer after getting hit to just go back and run for the glyph anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    No. You can do glyph challenges as part of normal gameplay. If you're having to throw to complete them you're doing something very wrong.

  • Member Posts: 9,436
    edited February 2024

    Same goes for every challenge.

    If you feel you have to throw a game to complete the challenge, that means you value the challenge over the game and aren't respecting the fact that it is supposed to be a 'challenge' to complete it.

    When I have a White Glyph challenge for example, I won't even attempt it unless I'm reasonably sure I'll be able to escape (not passing up the bonus BP). If it takes me 10 games until I can do that so be it, better than screwing than the game and scoring less, plus missing out on the escape bonus.

    Some of the most aggravating challenges like "unhook someone who unhooked you" can also seem like you have to throw, but only if you're trying to guarantee it in one game. Have the challenge equipped and you'll probably complete it naturally in about 4-5 games.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    Not really. Most glyph games I just go around playing the game as usual and eventually I stumble upon the glyph and it's just "oh cool, now I get some extra BP at the end of the match"

    Unless it's the orange glyph. Hate that thing.

  • Member Posts: 696

    Can we talk about this one?

    Some glyph challenge don't need to throw a game for "nothing"

    But this one, I swear to god, I'm gonna hate playing deathslinger

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Nurses Calling on Coldwind is your best bet without throwing or 'farming'.

  • Member Posts: 696
    edited February 2024

    It doesn't work, survivor are not stupid, and they stop immediatly when they ear the terror radius,

    and for adding sometimes more difficult, the challenge are bugged because even when sometimes you got it, that doesn't count

    Post edited by TerraEsram on
  • Member Posts: 1,147

    Nah. The Glyph ones aren't even the worst challenges.

    There's one that has you survive a trial with only the perk Self-Care equipped. Maybe that was possible before it got nerfed, but it sure isn't possible now. I bet there are even worse examples hiding in the archive.

  • Member Posts: 696

    Yes, one

    Survive a trial with only no mither equipped, I think it's the worst for survivor

    Tome 11, chapter 3

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    I think people's tendency of trying to rush these challenges are the only reason ppl throw to get it done. Opening 5 chests is pretty simple if you just try to open 1 or 2 during the match. Do that for 3 or 4 matches and you're done. You'll find useful stuff for that match. If you try to stack coin offerings for extra chests so you can do it in 1 match... NOW it's a waste of time because you aren't even using any of the stuff.

  • Member Posts: 84

    when i get a challenge like that I usually add extra chests , appraisal & the Ace chest perk , then leave the loot(s) near gens for folks to use , otherwise feels a bit dull

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    I too like to play as a loot goblin when I'm feeling bored as survivor. I really wish I had a perk that made opening chests faster so I could loot harder.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    I've been wishing for a perk like this for so long hahahaha

  • Member Posts: 84

    i thought there was a perk that made opening chests faster ?

  • Member Posts: 84

    Quentin's perk Pharmacy helps you open chests faster ( and maybe quieter ? )

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    That’s sadly one of like the 5 or so perks I don’t have on survivor :/

  • Member Posts: 3,009

    Pharmacy does but only while you're injured and it only gives you medkits.

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