Mount Ormond Resort (Ormond)



  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,676

    It’s way more than just the snow piles. Certain rocks have angles with broken collision. Shack walls might have a short rock wall at the bottom that has broken collision. Some other walls might have a short wooden plank along the bottom that causes those walls to have broken collision. Hitting certain trees at certain angles have broken collision (I.e. the V shaped trees have broken collision at the lowest part of the V shape). And parts of the tractor have broken collision. Ski racks were broken at certain angles. And some other objects (like one giant metal object that sticks out at Blight’s head level, that I’m not even sure what it’s supposed to be) have broken collision.

    And some maps have similar issues with certain tree roots, or certain small objects that are placed up against larger objects, that break the collision for the larger objects.

  • Iri4head
    Iri4head Member Posts: 25

    Map feels mostly fine. The shack window leading into the loop at the corner of the map can be really difficult to deal with but other than that, map feels much better than it used to.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The map has a weird mixture of connected structures and complete dead zones depending on the rng, and that can happen in one match, one half of the map is empty and the other one busted. But it can also be even worse with rng. Overall it should be more evenly spread... We don't need the connected loops of old cowshed or the complete emptiness of old shelter woods... Something in the middle would be nice. I think the map is a bit too big and too open,you can basically see across the entire map when standing near shack...

    The scratch marks are sometimes really hard to see, not only on this map but also on other and I tend to feel snowblind sometimes because of how bright it feels sometimes.

    Then there are also some collision issues, it feels like you get stuck on nothing and some things have bigger hit boxes than it visually appears, as some have mentioned before it is especially annoying on killers like Blight or Wesker.

    IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 78

    ######### love Ormond, it's map #2 in my favorites for either role. Maybe make it a lil' darker, but please change nothing about it.

  • DeleteSM
    DeleteSM Member Posts: 3

    Map is too big and theres a lot of deadzones so kinda bad for both sides, main is too big and strong too

  • AMGC
    AMGC Member Posts: 39
    edited March 4

    Mount Ormond Resort is a map that as of right now favors survivor, not because the safety is problematic and unbalanced but rather due to how the large size of the map is used.

    During an usual game in Ormond the generators can be very hard to defend (specially if the killer lacks mobility) given the size and length of the map, supported by the large main building in the middle and the generators being located mostly near the edge of the map. At the start of the trial, the size issue is felt the most, depending on the spawns of the players and their loadouts, the killer might lose a generator or two without finding anyone because they patrolled the wrong corner and took too long before navigating to the actual location of the survivors.

    On top of the already large size, the map counts with 2 opposite corners with small pockets where a mazetile and shack can be found, allowing survivors to perform a last ditch effort to delay the killer while being as far as possible from everything else in the map (and therefore contributing to the crippling downtime the killer has to go through before their next move). While these spots are tactically strong for survivor, they can be used against them in an equally unfun way (specially if basement is in shack), since the killer can defend a hook in said corners while keeping a patrol that is far enough to bypass the anti-facecamp mechanic and therefore make it really hard to rescue against (also taking advantage of how open the map is).

    To expand on the "camping" issue, as of the minor update that the map received recently, main building counts with 1 hook upstairs that may or may not be problematic given how the paths to the hook converge at the main staircase and the killer can easily defend it while keeping their distance.

    On the other hand, Ormond has some of the most balanced safety in the many realms that the game has, eventhough the filler loops can be awkwardly distributed sometimes. Main building has consistent resources with some variability (always 2 pallets upstairs and 2 downstairs, always 2 windows upstairs and 1 downstairs + 1 downstairs if basement spawns there), it is strong but not absurdly oppressive; the chairlift landmark is weak and the snowcat landmark is strong but can't be recycled due to its lack of window; the recently modified landmark of the chalet entrance is now like a fixed filler loop that may or may not spawn a pallet.

    There are 4 mazetiles and the types that the realm uses has increased from 8 to 10 in the recent update, making it by far the richest map when it comes to variety in mazetile design (and there is no specific problem with any of them). The amount is ideal and should be kept the same (reducing the amount of mazetiles would hurt the consistency they provide and it would fail to showcase the many types the map can spawn).

    The filler loops, while sometimes awkwardly spread and while often referred as dull due to the designs being only rock loops, they are overall neither too safe nor too unsafe. The picnic area was updated recently too but unlike the chalet entrance and the 2 new mazetile types, it didn't seem to improve much from the previous iteration of the tiles (and given that dream pallets can be placed at spots that don't spawn pallets, the picnic area update may not be finished yet).

    The pallet count of the map seems to vary from 15 to 18 and the average is estimated around 17 pallets. From these we know 4 will be at main, 1 at shack, 1 at snowcat, 3-4 at mazetiles and the rest at the filler loops (about 6 to 8). While the amount may seem alarmingly high, I don't think it requires a direct change since reducing the map size will passively reduce the pallet count already.

    If changes are due to happen, I believe most will agree that the safety should remain the same while the size, shape and part of the layout should shift to mitigate the downtime killers are forced to take when traversing and patrolling the map (and therefore incentivizing interactive gameplay).

    At the same time, the "pocket corners" could also be addressed and since there wouldn't be enough space to fit the mazetiles and landmarks, the side of the chairlift could be expanded (like in the graphic) to fulfill that task (the snowcat side should be left the same since the landmark's strength would skyrocket if more loops spawned around it). If the new layout is anything similar to either of the 2 I suggest, maybe shack could be relocated slightly so it isn't too close to the corner of main that spawn basement (since otherwise both possible basements would be in the same area).

    Post edited by AMGC on
  • botwhisperer1
    botwhisperer1 Member Posts: 7

    This map tends to be the bone swfs take me to as killer. While I do decent enough regardless, I do feel the sheer number of pallets staggering. (No pun intended....oh hell I meant it)

  • S1mmyy
    S1mmyy Member Posts: 4

    One thing I feel I often deal with on this map as killer, is that I sometimes misread the path of scratch marks generate after I lose sight of a survivor very briefly when they leave a loop (main building and shack in particular, but sometimes tiles as well).

    It feels like the way the partially snowy ground texture contrasts with the red scratches isn't as easy to discern at a glance as the ground textures on other maps are, since on this map you have to differentiate from 3 colors (white snow, brownish ground, and red scratch marks) in order to determine the direction that a survivor went.

  • Ghostinhell
    Ghostinhell Member Posts: 2
    edited February 29

    Entire layout is simple in a good way and the main building is designed almost perfectly for both killer/survivor to play around in.

    If your looking to update the map, we'd suggest updating some of the rock areas with low hanging foliage like a snowy pine perhaps, Updating small areas is always more immersive as well😎

    The way your designing your new maps is a great example, go back and update it how you designed those😀

    Post edited by Ghostinhell on
  • MeepLessThan3
    MeepLessThan3 Member Posts: 85

    That map could be changed from a long rectangular shape into a square one as it does feel especially long on the sides. I think the Mount Ormond realm should be expanded. Maybe decrease the map size slightly and create a second variation of it with new structures. I'd love to see it's og layout brought back with the smaller snow vehicle and the hill in the corner with the tower and gen on top. It's our only cold environment in game and it could use some variety or expansion.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,520
    edited March 5

    Extremely brave theme wise to do a snow map. It definitely payed off for sure. The secluded feeling is expertly pulled off as daytime horror. I love the darkness of the resort lodge itself how it contrasts with the brightness outside. Run down, a place where people used to be happy. Amazing.

    Love the map. I also love the holiday decorations. I would love to see another map for this realm.

    Post edited by HerInfernalMajesty on
  • _Onyx_
    _Onyx_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 348

    Removing the long rock was a good thing, since those long environmental objects on maps just have the most interesting interaction, but leaving the map as big as it is still left it in a state where you cannot defend gens with hook strategies coz there are too many outskirt gens that you cannot defend at all coz of how long map navigation eats into your time.

    The main building having 2 god pallets and having strong tiles to detach to on either side (one side is rng but is usually a strong tile to loop with detachable tiles linked to it) with a shack on the map too doesn't justify the large size of the map.

    Shrink the map and we would see probably see an improvement.

  • ItzVoiren
    ItzVoiren Member Posts: 1

    This map favors Survivors far too much. Survivors have far too much safety and the chaining of pallets all the way to Main Building is ridiculous. The map is way too large. This map is horrid for Killers. Comp cornering is abismal. Survivors bring this map offering due to it being a free win. Hopefully the size of the map and reduction of Pallets is changed 🙏🏼

  • GageBeast1n
    GageBeast1n Member Posts: 3

    There's a reason survivors send you to this map so often, and it's because it favors them a lot. The recent rework to tiles on this map got rid of many 50/50 pallet set ups to fewer but much safer pallet set ups. It was survivor sided before the tile rework, but at least killer skill could swing those 50/50 tiles. Now, there's long rock walls at most pallets on the sides of main. The main structure itself leans survivor with a strong lower window and 2 god pallets. Shack side usually spawns connectable, while other side of main could be amazing or horrible for the survs, based on rng. Overall, one of the more survivor sided maps

  • Xioxwolf
    Xioxwolf Member Posts: 5

    Once upon a time this map was objectively survivor sided, but nowadays I find that even if I have that gut reaction when I see ormond offerings burned, it doesn't typically enable survivors the same way RPD or Disturbed Ward might. Certain killers really struggle with Ormond however, and while some maps should be harder/easier than others - you should never load into a map and know that you've already lost with the killer you've picked.

  • KitchenWitchKaz
    KitchenWitchKaz Member Posts: 4

    I like Mount Ormand. I enjoy playing on this map. I feel there are plenty of obstacles to run around as a survivor and plenty of accessible hooks as killer.

  • HorrorLover74
    HorrorLover74 Member Posts: 39

    It's a pretty decent map. love the aesthetic of it with the snow falling and everything moving. Ever since the update it's been really fun for survivor and killer. Some tiles will get you caught and downed but either way it's a decent map.

  • celestialking24
    celestialking24 Member Posts: 29

    Ormond is one of those maps that I think has maintained a level of balance for years. I can generally say I'm successful playing both roles on this map.

    Maybe one complaint I have is that sometimes the exit gates spawn WAY too close together on this map. I had a match once where both gates spawned near each other. The killer was able to just camp on top of a hill and see both gates clearly. Add the fact that his NOED totem spawned on said map, it made it impossible for any of us to essentially survive, since they had eyes on all 3 things at once. I get that's just bad RNG and situational at times, but it's frustrating that this map has that potential to spawn gates that close.

  • King_Flash05
    King_Flash05 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 35

    Even though Mount Ormond Resort was recently updated, but the issues weren't properly addressed,

    Number 1: The biggest issue with Ormond is the size, it's a little too big, it would havr been nice if the size was reduced.

    Number 2: The map has almost the same problem as the old Fractured Cowshed had which is the chaining tiles one tile chain to another.

    Number 3: 2 things are a nit pick, the main building is really strong for balance landing plays and the pallet RNG on the outside balcony should consistently stay in between the 2 doors to go inside and outside and it potentially spawns breakable walls and spawn right next to the duo set of lockers

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,215

    my big issue with ormond is the god pallet setup near main building. there are 3 pallet that most killer must break in the game. those are left pallet on 2nd floor, right pallet pointing towards shack and snow plow loop.

    It is annoying playing against a survivor that goes to these 4 pallets at the start of the game and makes you lose 3 gens for what are almost uncounterable pallets.

    At the same, I use MT ormond as the most middle of the road survivor favor map.

  • alpaca_boyyy
    alpaca_boyyy Member Posts: 189

    the breakable doors in the bedrooms of the resort being broken, it’s either a super unsafe window or a super safe window there’s too many doors just like dead dawg. And the pallet that spawns on the snow plow side upstairs it’s really frustrating at times

  • MrRetsej
    MrRetsej Member Posts: 59

    Since the last update to Ormond, it feels a leeeeeetle bit more balanced. However, it would be really nice if there was some sort of consistent ground cover that would allow Trapper to hide his traps. As it stands, given how bright the map is, how open the layout is, and the lack of foliage, there's really not a lot of options for viable trap placement.

  • FritzyNoir
    FritzyNoir Member Posts: 7

    I feel while yes the map does have a couple bad dead zones, it more than makes up for it in balanced loops and a particularly strong main building. Problem I think is that killers that lack mobility or map control/slowdown struggle as almost any chase can result in a chase at the main building if they're not injured, and the gens can be quite far away from each other.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,483

    Agree with this.

    Cut it on 15-20 meters and it will be fine. Thankfully you didn't buff it with last change as i thought.

  • roostan
    roostan Member Posts: 3

    very balanced map, i think it should stay the way it is and if it ends up getting changed the only real change that would make the map better would be shrinking the map just a little towards the far corner furthest away from shack. maybe some interaction with the ski slope like how you can use the keycard on nostromo wreckage would be cool

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    First of all, we need more maps in this realm. I like it aesthetically and it’s very different compared to the other realms so new maps would be cool. Also whatever happened to the other tiles like that hill with the tower or uhm.. was it a snowplow?

    all in all, after the Realm Beyond rework I think balance wise it’s in a good spot, but I don’t play this game competitively so I can’t really talk much about it. For some killers, the main seems a little bit too survivor sided, especially some of the windows in the upper floor and the map seems a little too big for slow killers but then again more than half the maps feel that way.

  • blought
    blought Member Posts: 1

    This map is too big, for mobility killers, not an issue, but for killers like Ghostface, Trapper, Twins,... who already feel weak to play as in any maps, this really doesn't help.

    Visibility is great, but this means stealth killers have no chance, you can see Ghostface a mile away, pig can crouch how much she wants, you just have more time to stare at her,...

    Also, you generally know at all times where killer is, denying stealth perks as well, and can see them coming from really far away and start running really early, making it impossible to be caught off guard

    So the size and visibility is survivor sided here

    Loops aren't survivor sided, but it's definitely not M1 killer sided either. The main building is just horrible with some killer like... Ghostface (poor guy I know, I don't even main him he's just getting all the negative sides of this map), Myers, Cenobite,... If you don't have a great chase power, this map sucks because of all the filler pallets and connected loops

    TLDR : Main point : this map is too big, shrinking it would already do a lot !

    Then maybe some mindgame-able loops, stronger loops, but LESS loops and connected tiles. That way, you can still have a chance against killers with great chase power, and it helps M1 killers who would've still had a hard time against those "weak" tiles anyway

  • McOulouloups
    McOulouloups Member Posts: 8

    I have 2000 hours 1400 hours playing survivor and 600 hours playing killer.

    There are a lot of safe palets where you can loop the killer without getting mindgamed.

    The new tiles are kind of weird. I think there is no loop pathing so you've every time to pre drop the palet without trying to play around.

    I think you should make the rocks taller in loops to create more 50/50 situations like in Wreckerds' Yard.

    The main still strong with the two gold palets, and it's a safe place to heal, difficult to the killer to check the first floor. Maybe put more breakable walls in the floor to let the killer decide how to let survivors play.

  • FixedIce913
    FixedIce913 Member Posts: 5

    honestly the only problems with this map are the size and the spawns. 9/10 game I play as killer on Ormond start with me in the middle of the map and a survivor in each corner. It’s impossible not to lose 2-3 gens in the first few minutes and there’s really nothing you can do about it. The map feels really good for mobility killers but feels a bit big for normal movement killers so a slight shrink in the size would be great.

  • Dinoraptus
    Dinoraptus Member Posts: 254

    I miss the old unique structures like the snow plow, both the loop you could go in and the one crashed into the lodge, and the radio tower.

  • Tits
    Tits Member Posts: 234

    Ive had times where id play as something like spirit or alien and end chases in seconds the whole round but they all still get out because theres so much space between generators that they almost have no pressure on them. And as survivor its like a 50% chance you escape if they arent tunneling or camping. Everyone saying they often get 3ks is due to the map being large enough that the survivor often finds the hatch before you can patrol the whole place for it

  • Tamps_93
    Tamps_93 Member Posts: 2

    Ormand is probably one of my favourite maps, love the snow, plays well for both survivor and killer imo. Only thing I would like to know is why we need to give feedback on maps like ormand and yamaoka when the only map that needs a lot of love and care and a nice rework is backwater swamp but backwater never gets talked about and is the only map that hasn't been through a rework and it desperately needs it. Just sort it out and have discussions about maps that actually need stuff done to them. It's like backwater has been completely forgotten about for some reason which is a shame

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Main issue is that the map is too large and the main building too safe. Killers lacking map mobility really struggle here.

  • Huntysquared
    Huntysquared Member Posts: 1

    Overall great map, one of my favorites cosmetically and balance wise

  • Tipsy
    Tipsy Member Posts: 42

    Very strong map for swf's which why its the map offering I see survivors bring the most when I play killer. Wayyy too big. The killer can spawn in one corner of the map to walk straight to the other corner as a 4.6 killer takes roughly 30 secs. Of course in a real match the killer will be checking gens on their way there so it will take longer. Its not an uncommon strategy to use offers to spawn as a group and far from the killer as possible on Ormond and 3 or 4 man the gen they spawn on, completing it before the killer can even start a chase. That's feels a bad moment and killers shouldn't be that heavily punished for not bring corrupt intervention. Of course spawning middle can also be just as punishing the the killer chooses the check the wrong direction.

    Personal problem I can not see scratch marks to save my life on that map but that might just be a me problem.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 265

    The map is much better after the updates. I do think that its size means that it still slightly favors survivors, though. Killers who don't have movement abilities will struggle to patrol gens and hold gens on different sides of the map. Essentially, the killers will have to choose which side of the map they want to hold and patrol that to be more effective.

    Other than the size, the rock structures have poor collision for Blight and cause major problems for Singularity's Biopod placement. There have been instances where, as Blight, I have run headfirst into a snow or rock pile, expecting a collision, only to slide off. For Singularity, some rocks and snow piles will never turn the target reticle blue, making it difficult to cover certain angles or to place Biopods mid-chase.

    The loops themselves seem very good, though I will agree with many others that the map has some very large deadzones.

  • BitterBat
    BitterBat Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Well rounded map. I disagree that it is too big. I think any smaller and killers with any kind of dash (Wesker, Oni, Nurse, Blight, etc) will be able to traverse the maps far too quickly. The size Ormond is should be the standard across the board.

    My only comment would be the same I say for a lot of very clear maps like eerie of crows: they feel like they need some sort of atmospheric mist or something. The sitelines across the map are crystal clear, which sucks a fair amount for both sides.

  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    I don't like when map reviews just add more rocks and clutter to maps

  • Trapper_Main311
    Trapper_Main311 Member Posts: 3

    My bear trap doesn't blend in with snow, big sad 😔

  • Adrien
    Adrien Member Posts: 91

    Slightly survivor sided map.

    The size is ok but gens can spawn in the extensions, making this large generator spread a difficult situation for low mobility killers.

    Suggestion : make generators spawn closer to the center of the map when they have to spawn within the two extensions.

  • cheysomo_
    cheysomo_ Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    I do love this map allot but I feel like the edges of the map is very weak for survivors (I play both killer and survivor). Just a little tweaking on the edges should be enough

  • kiraqqu
    kiraqqu Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5

    It has strong loops but also insane deadzones. You can basically almost tell as a killer or a survivor at the start of the game if you're going to win or lose, based on how the generators spawn in Ormond, depending on how many spawn near deadzones and how many near strong loops.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I feel like the matches on this map are fun and often engaging - however I do believe the main building should be looked at, as there are too many easy escapes for survivors at times - cutting off one or more of them while making the small "outpost" building stronger would be good.

  • empressyenni
    empressyenni Member Posts: 3

    As a killer main with a bunch of survivor experience, I find that this map is much too bright in that, survivors can see you coming from half the map away which gives them a huge advantage in my killer games. Perhaps if it wasn't super bright and if the light was a bit more like the Mac maps brightness it could work better.

  • Wong2321
    Wong2321 Member Posts: 1

    Totally incompetent developers. Large cards, this is automatically the balance on the side of the survivors. There is a lot of garbage on the maps that harms only the killers, put the order on the maps already.

  • MoistGriefed
    MoistGriefed Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Sometimes the hook feel too close together (as a survivor) but otherwise it's fine. I'm talking mainly near the killer shack and tiles there.

  • Hitrohvostaya
    Hitrohvostaya Member Posts: 1

    This map is one of my favorites. Moreover, I like to play on both sides.

    I don't think it's too big. I don’t understand this desire to reduce everything and make clashes between the parties more frequent - it’s a little annoying.

  • Geiz
    Geiz Member Posts: 43

    The only thing I dislike about it is the deadzones you created in one side of the map after the changes you made to the map.

    The rest is totally fine.

  • WampaPl
    WampaPl Member Posts: 33
    edited March 1

    One of my favourite maps overall. What I like the most is probably that the main building have a variation in layout. My only complain is about the side rock tiles: i feel that survivors have too much visibility there both when it comes to looping and map traversal.

    Edit: I see in other comments that some people feel like it is too big and I completely disagree with that. 26 tiles is the right amount of tiles and I wouldn't like any changes to that

This discussion has been closed.