Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

to help more with tunneling

tunneling is still an issue in dbd, dont get me wrong killers paid for the game they can play how they want, but to help more they could make babysitter base kit like they did with BT, unhooked survivor leaves no blood or scratch marks, and babysitter extends this duration by 10 seconds

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  • Member Posts: 73

    Making players not have collision in the anti-tunnel duration is probably the best solution to it all, killers can't bodyblock you, you can't bodyblock the killer. It would make for very healthy gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 274

    that honestly is such a good idea, just a few games ago a Rebecca got unhooked in front of my face, i didn't wanna tunnel her, we were at 5 gens, but she stood in the way of the hallway, and proceeded to get mad at me end game chat for tunneling

  • Member Posts: 755

    Exactly.... Survivors would scream and whine about being tunnel, yet they instead abused their limited time Endurance protection and bodyblock the killer when they are focused on trying to take out the injured or rescuer whom is vulnerable and possibly a free kill, especially during Endgame. They should just simply scrap Endurance Status effect all together and make it so that Survivor gets no Hit/body Collison at all for like 30 or so seconds, and make them vulnerable to hits and bodyblocking as soon as the time expires or if they did any conspicuous actions like taping a generator/rescue a teammate off hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,026
  • Member Posts: 755

    The point of my proposal is this....

    If you truly do not want to get tunneling and you want to get a chance to heal up, go do something productive, or at least play the game. These changes i propose to reworked how unhooking protection works, will ensure no matter what, the killer can't literally harm you for like 30/60 seconds or whatever the devs decides to make it, as there will be no hit collision at all and you are free to run away and not worry about dying anytime soon. However.... you can no longer abused the fact that your completly immune and you can exploit that immunity to protect your friends, especially if you do something dumb like fixing a generator or saving a teammate or any form of Conspicuous actions warrent thing in front of the Killer's face. Basically, used your less then a minute Saving Grace no Collison immunity to heal up and be safe from any potionial immediately "tunneling". If the Devs want to increase the timer, for the killer constantly chasing you, they could; but I rather not create a system that can be exploit by survivors to favor themselves or their teammates, and make it impossible for the killer to do exactly what they need to do to play and win the game by any means. This new mechanic is designed specifically to stop bodyblocking as a the unhooking, but also stop tunneling argument (sort of).

    Tunneling will always exist, when you have three lives, and you a hook or two away from death. Another proposal they can do, is a thing called Hook Counterz in which all 4 survivors have 12 hook states all together and no matter what, one survivor can be hook as many times as they want and not die; yet by doing so, they wasting valuable hooks and making it easier for their team to be easy kill in the Endgame. It would be very rewarding for killers that are so good at ending chase ans securing many hooks in a short period of time, that it makes possible to literally kill survivor whom haven't or barely got hook in the entire match. Basically, tunneling would be a bad strategy, unless the Survivor is the worse player and are making it easier for the killer to take away so many hooks in such a short notice.

  • Member Posts: 73

    Well not really, no collision doesn't mean they can't hit you. Just means they can't prevent you from running away. They could still just hit you and get rid of the OTR/BT.

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