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Adrenaline is being added to the perk watchlist for potential changes (nerfs)



  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Remember when BHVR reworked Hangmans Tricland made it a Scourge Hook perk? Yeah, me neither, I had totally forgotten about this, because it was such a grandiose fail of a rework.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    To be fair, Hangman's Trick not being very good still doesn't quite outweigh the fact that, say, Gearhead and Furtive Chase are now quite good. Those two are just off the top of my head, too, I know they've done more I've forgotten about.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 22

    I laughed how this perk was never getting used by any killer to, surprise, surprise, not being used again. Lmfao.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    I totally see where you’re coming from but IIRC adrenaline has been an S tier perk by most of the community since it’s existence.

  • Member Posts: 429

    I've never understood the argument that Adrenaline shouldn't wake up survivors. Thats exactly what Adrenaline does! Have you ever woken up from a nightmare? It was because of Adrenaline.

  • Member Posts: 26

    I could easily see the change to it becoming basically a med kit syringe.

    You get the speed boost immediately as the final generator is activated, and are healed 15/12/10 seconds after that as long as you don't take damage. This would help you get some distance on the killer to make the 10 seconds (or 8 or 5 or however long they decide on) a viable amount of time while also giving the killer the heads up that you're about to heal.

    If you are broken, in the killer's grasp, or on the hook, the heal will not affect you.

    These changes will certainly put the perk more in line with the perks that have been released since the first few content patches in strength, I think.

    Personally, I don't think the perk is overly powerful as it currently stands, with the only issue being the pause while hooked/in the killer's grasp. How are you getting that shot of adrenaline while you're fighting against the Entity on the hook? It doesn't really make sense to have it activate when you get unhooked to me.

  • Member Posts: 715
    edited March 2024

    Okay, then its just another SoloQ Problem. Blocking Slugged and Hooked Auras is not a problem on SWF when you can just tell them where you are slugged or hooked.

    The best and most powerful part of Ultimate Weapon is knowing where everyone is via screaming.

    A Billy/Blight just running around blocking Gens via Dead Man Switch making people scream with Ultimate Weapon, simultaneously detecting where everyone is, is MORE powerful than blocking Auras where simply speaking to a teammate nagates it.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    I'd hope so. Needs to get rid of the on hold affect and only activate while not being interacted without by the killer via, carrying or hooked.

  • Member Posts: 822
    edited March 2024

    Recovering exhaustion just makes it a worse version of vigil so that’s a bad idea

    And blood rush is also a thing so that idea outright guts adrenaline

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Then its the part of Hex perks are powerful and risk of being disabled. 2 perks arent even able to compare in the beginning to say one perk has more counter to the other so the other should getting nerfed, the only thing they have in common is only available when 5 Gens done.

    The argument is pointless actually, its not like Devs look at my comments and decide not to nerf it.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited March 2024

    Oh, yeah I was unclear.

    I mean recover a health state and recover from exhaustion.

    So the difference is only that instead of a blanket 5s 150% (which is fine but boring to my mind), you basically choose the form of your Adrenaline... be that:

    • Sprint Burst for a similar effect as current.
    • Lithe for window hoppers.
    • Balanced Landing enjoyers are cool.
    • Dead Hard if you haven't used it yet, and Adrenaline recovers your Deep Wound, so thats nice.
    • Overcome for a mad dash to exit.
    • Head On or Smash Hit if you're a nutbar.
    • Background Player if you're trying for big saves.

    Like to me, this is a slight nerf that:

    1. Obviously drops 2s (in most instances).
    2. Doesn't necessarily guarantee value if the survivor misplays it and your exhaustion perk has its own counters.
    3. Requires more build commitment with an exhaustion perk, and can't just be slapped on any build.
    4. Not equal value for all 4 survivors if they all take it (ones not in chase don't get a head start to gate any more than their normal exhaustion perk provides).

    However this does buff it in terms of allowingsurvivors to be in direct control of when they use it.

    It makes the perk more interesting overall to my mind.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    By that logic survivors should also suffer a health state when falling from a great hight, realism isn't, and shouldn't be, this game strong suit.

    The problem with the Adrenaline and Freddy interaction is, that he is already a pretty weak killer and this perk kicks him in the gonads when he is already writhing on the floor, it's so unnecessary. It's also the only perk that directly interacts with a specific killer or power.

    Both together are enough reasons to do warrant the removal of the wakeup mechanic through Adrenaline

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    For real, this could be a really fun change. I could see a small 1/5 perk slot sized mini picture in the corner of Adrenaline, showing the exhaustion perk that it's giving a 9ne shot off.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    Because I dislike the perk being able to give the fre health state when hooked or being carried.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Only a few, Noed, Haunted, Devour. Most are needed a buff (not in strength, but in time buying) but thats another story.

  • Member Posts: 451

    Adrenaline is a perk that works and that's what makes it strong. Most survivor perks nowadays are a different flavor of "I'm going to spend the rest of the game at a disadvantage in exchange for marginal gains in the future" like the new Invocation perk, or some aspect of "I'm going to have a weak effect with no drawbacks" like the Alan Wake flashlight perk.

    Adrenaline's trade off was playing with one less perk throughout the entire game in exchange for a free heal and a speed boost at the end game, but as Decisive Strike showed us, that's no longer enough, so they're probably gonna stack conditions to it like having to charge it up and remaining exhausted for the entire game or God knows what.

  • Member Posts: 428

    Terminus from wesker does counter half of Adrenaline

    You still have the boost but you don't get healed

  • Member Posts: 1

    Nooooooo. This game has always been based around killers . Killers can do all type of things and all we can do is run( of course we get perks but you get the point ) . It’s already so hard to make get all the gens done with out being tunneled. Not only do killers get BUFFS all the time they get SUPER BUFFS ..huntress can start off with 10 axes 😭😭 like what most killers don’t even have to hit you any more they can just run around throwing things . I swear I played against a billy who ran so fast I thought it was ultra instinct goku . this perk is the only thing we got as a survivor main . Please don’t make the game harder then what is already is because it really favors killers.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Because it leads to free-escape scenarios. If the gate's 99'd when you're rescued, and you're fully healthy with a massive speed boost, there's no way you're not escaping.

    Other perks (on both sides) get changed to make the endgame more tense by removing that kind of guarantee, it'd make sense for Adrenaline to get the same treatment.

  • Member Posts: 347

    Adrenaline is one of the most overpowered survivor perks that still remains untouched. If the Killer is playing Hit & Run, this perk counters that and removes the entire pressure if multiple people are injured. If the Killer is tunneling, it only delays catching the survivor by a few more seconds. Adrenaline punishes the most engaging gameplay (spreading the pressure) for both Killer and Survivor.

    Also, I'm not sure how people can compare it to, let's say, Grim Embrace. Even if ALL survivors were running Adrenaline and got no value from it, it still would be 12 perks against the Killer's 4. The average Killer perk should be at least a bit stronger than the average Survivor perk simply because the Killer can only run 4 while the Survivors can run 16. It's a teamwork game after all, not a 1v1.

  • Member Posts: 498

    since when is adrenaline free? Last time i check you need to do 5 gens as a team and stay alive

  • Member Posts: 498

    It an endgame perk. It’s supposed to be strong. And it works 1 time all game

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Is it supposed to be an instant-win button?

    More importantly, is it a guaranteed escape if it activates when you aren't on the hook/being carried?

    If the answer to both of those is 'no', then it makes sense to change that part of the perk.

  • Member Posts: 498
    edited March 2024

    You dont insta win. That depends on many other factors like how many survivors are left and what perks the killer is playing and what type of killer you’re playing vs.

    and again your team did 5 gens and you went the entire trial with 3 perks. You should still get that perk if youre not dead. I personally find the complaints about adrenaline baffling because you have to earn it compared to other perks in the past where you basically do nothing to get the strong effect (dead hard and mft).

    also solo que is a thing. You cant see eachothers perks so if i get hooked (not dead) as the last gen gets done apparently i should get screwed over by not getting the effect by the perk? Sorry thats a terrible idea

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 8,314
    edited March 2024

    If those two very low bars are met - the gate is at least close to open and you're on the hook when the last gen pops - yes, you do.

    The killer might be able to circumvent it if they have Exposed, but even if they do, you get a massive speed boost on top of being fully healed. That is as close to a guaranteed escape as you can get, and easily comparable to the free escape Decisive Strike gave before it got that removed.

    Remember that we're not talking about getting rid of Adrenaline functioning as normal. Most times when Adrenaline pops, you're not on the hook, at least in my experience. It's just that one scenario where the killer's put in a losing position because they hooked someone close to the endgame. You shouldn't get to guarantee an escape the same way the killer shouldn't be able to guarantee a kill, there should be at least some input from both sides.

    As to solo queue, fix that, don't keep something broken in the game because of it. Let solo queue teammates see each other's perks.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 498

    If the gate is open and you were hooked very close to it, you were gonna lose anyway assuming youre teammates arent dead.

    i have had adrenaline active multiple times after i got unhooked because thats just how the game can go sometimes but im not dead yet and we got the gens done so i shouldnt be screwed out of that. The devs already said the ability to see eachothers perks could take years so🤷‍♂️ nah im not trying to see it nerfed when i dont have control over my teammates getting the gen done while im on the hook.

    If you want to nerf the speed? Sure i can be open to that idea

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    What's stopping the killer from simply camping the hook in end-game (which the majority do), hitting the person that tries to unhook, seeing the person off-hook has adrenaline and then simply downing the person who got injured trying to save? It's a trade at the very least the majority of the time. A full team body block is the only scenario I can think of as long as you didn't hook them directly next to an exit gate, which if you did, is on you (the majority of the time, there are definitely certain scenarios where it's necessary due to hook spread and where they went down).

    I think I agree with you though that it shouldn't activate when on the hook, but part of me also thinks that killer shouldn't have a guaranteed kill simply because they hooked somebody in end-game. Certain killers can easily turn a single hook in end-game into a 4k due to their power strongly coinciding with face-camping, and there's very few perks I can think of besides adrenaline that prevent these scenarios from happening.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    You don't have to be close to it if you have Adrenaline, because you're fully healthy and have a massive speedboost. That's why it's so strong in general and much moreso when you're just unhooked.

    Nothing, but Adrenaline still gave that survivor a free guaranteed escape.

    I also agree that killers shouldn't have a guaranteed kill, but to be fair, most of them don't. Perks disable in endgame but the basekit BT doesn't, so you always have a chance to get out. Beyond that, it is worth pointing out that no killer can turn an endgame hook into a 4k without the survivors massively playing into it, but that doesn't necessarily mean they shouldn't be changed anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Absolutely. I think this more so boils down to playing altruistically or looking out for yourself though. Are the survivors going to put others over themselves and trade places with the person on the hook or are they just going to take their escape? It doesn't really matter at the end, it's still a kill for the killer unless they specifically had a vendetta against that individual. Most of these scenarios simply end with one person dying, who that one person is doesn't really matter.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Not really?

    If those two conditions are met, which isn't very difficult, how on earth would you lose? You'd have to be miles away or facing a very specific killer + perks combo to not be able to get out of the gates while fully healthy and with a speed boost like what Adrenaline gives you.

    Adrenaline isn't an instant win button in general, but having Adrenaline held on hook when the gate is 99'd (or close to it) is absolutely as close to a guaranteed win as you can get.

  • Member Posts: 3,586

    I think it should just remove the waking up effect.

    Idk why this one perk just counters Freddy's power and only Freddy's power. I dont even main Freddy, I think he is boring to play as/against, and even I think it's dumb.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    You probably shouldn't be complaining about ultimate weapon if you don't even know what the perk does. There is no haste effect involved with UW.

    Secondly, blindness is a useless status effect in high level play anyway.

    Thirdly, killers have 4 perks, survivors have 16. It ALWAYS makes sense that killer perks should be stronger than the survivor counterpart to them, simply because there are less perks to go around and by design of the game being a 1v4. The 1 should always be stronger than 1 of the 4.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Idk why this one perk just counters Freddy's power and only Freddy's power

    I can actually answer that, but it is a sad tale.

    Originally, Adrenaline did not wake you up when playing against Freddy. This effect was added together with patch 1.8.1, also known as "the Freddy nerf". And yes, that is the nerf which happened a week after his release because some players refused to adapt.

    Adrenaline waking you up was just one of his undeserved nerfs from back then.

  • Member Posts: 663

    Once Adrenaline is nerfed Hope will be then OP.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    True, but killers will never be happy. Even when calm spirit would be the strongest perk, they would still ask for it to be nerfed and then the next one.

  • Member Posts: 8,314

    Yes, you earn it by all five gens being done, which is why it's balanced for its main use case to be strong.

    However, its main use case is that strong AND you get a guaranteed escape in the scenario I've explained already. That much isn't balanced, in my opinion; it'd make sense to remove the edge case while also allowing it still be strong in its typical use case.

    Pop and Pain Res would have to do what they currently do AND have some very specific endgame interaction that outright guarantees one survivor won't escape in order for my logic to apply to them. They aren't actually causing free wins, they're just strong. Adrenaline does guarantee you an escape if you're unhooked while the gates are being done, because only very specific combos can even put any element of risk back in there.

    Not that 99'd gates are a particularly risky time for survivors anyway, to be fair, but the point remains. It goes from minimal risk to zero risk.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    I hope that‘s the only change they do. I don‘t understand why they even made it wake you up. Being in the dream world is an advantage in my opinion and far more relaxing to play in.

  • Member Posts: 937

    Ahh I don't use this perk on survivor, but I can just say when I play killer (Spirit) I do not find it problematic.

    As I mentioned in the other thread, perhaps they'll remove the waking up aspect of it when vs Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Yeah, I'm honestly scared Adrenaline will end up being gutted. All they need to do is remove this effect.

  • Member Posts: 1,960

    TBF by today's standard the perk is useless even as a concept, back then sabotaging was not as uncommon vs today.

  • Member Posts: 513

    It's one of the last remaining perks that actually does something useful for survivors - so sure it's on the list now.

    It is powerful endgame, but so is noed - even with the totem aura read.

  • Member Posts: 678

    Adrenaline is a problem, because of the mindset which this perk gives. Survivors just do gens without any healing or anything.

    Survivor right now can use very braindead build which is:

    1 Windows Of Opportuniy - "W" to every Pallet or Window on your patch (predrop) - every map has enough resourcers to do that

    2 Exhaustion Perk (mostly Lithe - good combo with Windows Of Opportuniy - even a bad player with these perks can make 1 minute chase)

    3 Deja Vu - basically Survivor don't need to use their experience or whatever - they see most important gens auras to do and they can do gens even faster (it's crazy that with Resilence it can boosts it to 15%)

    4 Adrenaline - DO GENS, pop adrena - everyone is healed gg

    With Adrenaline good SWF don't need Med Kits - they gonna use Toolboxes to do gens even faster to pop adrena

    That's the problem

    In my opinion Adrenaline should give only 5 seconds speed boost and maybe Endurance Status Effect for X seconds to prevent things I mentioned above.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    So it was a problem when survivors healed too much and now it's a problem when they don't heal.

    There will always be something to complain about. Continuing to nerf survivor when there's hard evidence the escape rates are the lowest they've ever been is super interesting.

    Adrenaline is fine as is. If survivors are playing injured on the last two gens then that gives you an advantage in chase, plain and simple.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    In a way, yes, thats the problem. 3-4 heal medkits and 8s selfheals were problematic, and so were unlimited teamwide selfheals for everyone, so that got nerfed. But now survivors are completely bypassing the slowdown that healing should give and instead focus and do-or-die gen slam builds with Resilience and Adrenalin; thus its not 5 gens, it more feels like 4,3gens, the last gen often flies so fast that you might miss it when you blink.

    DBD always shows that players are not willing to play the game like the devs want, but the way they want. The devs can influence the way the game and meta develop, but they can't force anyones hand and its always a true balancing act on the razors edge. Texas Chainsaw is seeing massive player exodus, because they forced their playerbase too much to roleplay the movies and the role they chose and somewhat actively fighting the competitive meta evolving.

    Its interesting to watch from the sidelines, but of course I want DBD to thrive and survive. I guess we will have to accept a couple of broken stuff, as long as it isnt too broken and strangling the game to death .. like DH did twice (or trice ... I might have lost count) and MFT in its haydays. And of course Overbrine and Eruption. BuckleUp and FTP is disgusting to face, and Adrenaling can be problematic when you try to spread the love, but everyone has Adrenalin and poof goes all your pressure, but all of this is nowhere near the level of old DH/MFT/Eruption, thats why I have mostly argued in favor of Adrenalin, these last couple of days. Its true, you can't always move the goalpost and ask for the removal of the next best thing, some stuff needs to be kept.

    But I wouldn't mind if people could slot in different exhaustion perks into Adrenalin, this could open up more fun combos then just sprint bursting away.

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