
Maybe it's time for you to take a pause and come back a few months down the line. Online games have a habit of getting very frustrating at times when you perceive everything as being unfair or imbalanced, especially if you're playing the same game for 1-2 years.
Haven't played for about 3 months cause everything started feeling kinda stale and I'm enjoying playing again on both sides. I'll probably take a break again in a few months once I get bored and jump onto something else until I get bored of that also.
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Me taking a break isn’t gonna change the environment for those who will still play outside my absence lol I could very well just stop playing DBD, it’s not gonna change the fact that there are still issues in the gameplay. It just needs to be addressed and time taken to work on it.
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Survivor is hard-core mode now, I'd suggest switching sides.
You get to enjoy dbd gameplay and show bhvr killer is a better pick rn. They will have to adjust survivor otherwise there will be 30min q times as killer.
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The balancing philosophy of BHVR is a 60% kill rate. They want killers to be the power role. So in that sense, the game is pretty balanced.
What you described however sounds more like you should follow @Lost_Boy's advice and take a break. Because it seems like you cannot get any enjoyment out of it at the moment. Many long time players have done it. I regularly go a few days or sometimes weeks without playing DBD. When you come back, you'll find that the game is far more fun again.
Hitboxes haven't been touched in a while, so that part is probably induced by latency. On your screen it may look like the killer looks in a different direction or you're already way past a window but from the killer's perspective it looks like you are right in front of them. And since the killer can only play around what they actually see on their screen, it makes sense that latency favors them. We had a time when BHVR tried to turn this in the survivor's favor and it led to survivor queue times sky rocketing (20+ minutes at times) because nobody wanted to play killer and constantly feel robbed. The game gave you the feedback that you had hit a survivor but they were still healthy.
Pallets also weren't touched over the last years. So that is likely latency again. Or maybe your keyboard or controller has an issue? It's definitely not something the devs have changed.
The perks you listed were highly problematic. Boil Over was so strong that the only way to avoid it was slugging when survivors went down in specific spots. That wasn't exactly fun to play against. DH was by far the most controversial perk in existence and it's good that it was nerfed. It was highly overused (75% pick rate in high MMR), way overpowered and worse it was guaranteed to give you value. It was so bad, that killers would wait out DH on every survivor even when they didn't have it because the risk was too high. That can never happen again. DH deserves its downfall. MfT bridged 20% of the speed difference between killers and survivors. That was too much. Even just the numbers alone were enough to know that this would be unfair. And unfair it was. There was pretty much no way to outplay any of the safer tiles in the game without a strong chase power. Adrenaline has 2 issues.
1) It incentivises slugging since a slugged survivor is only healed to injured and a hooked survivor is healed to healthy.
2) It wakes you up against Freddy, which leaves him with literally no power.
There are still plenty strong survivor perks. Like SB, Lithe, WoO, Deja Vu, Resilience, Unbreakable, OTR, Bond, Resilience and Hope to name a few of them.
Tunneling is an issue on its own. One that isn't exactly easy to fix. DS will receive a buff, so that could improve this situation a bit. Although it will probably take more than that to stop excessive tunneling.
Anyway, I suggest you take a break too. Just for a few days or a week. Come back when you really feel like playing DBD again and your matches will be a lot more enjoyable.
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First time?
Game is forever changing and will change in ways you will not enjoy.
Two years ago there was someone just like you saying the same thing. That was their low point but your starting point and standard of enjoyment.
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Taking a break won't change much.
Just need to accept the vision you have for the game isn't the vision the devs and community at large have for it.
I'm slowly coping with this truth myself and haven't been playing much.
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“I’m upset because I didn’t get to keep my broken perks”
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When crying about survivor perks they changed it, when I do it it’s a problem
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'I look down on others because I have to play a game where I'm guaranteed a 60% win rate to soothe my ego'
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You're right. No killer perk, addon, nor power has ever been changed due to negative feedback from the survivor community.
TBH I just wish the game's community could have conversations without resorting to unsubstantiated hyperbole.
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If you think anything is guaranteed in this game, you haven’t played long enough. And I’ll be frank, I 100% look down on passive aggressive posts like OP’s. The person is essentially trying to mask their rage from losing into something that seems reasonable. I would respect them more if they just said they preferred having broken perks.
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Kind of how you did with your original post huh.... Imagine that the pot calling the kettle black.
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Like this one here?
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Nope, I simply stated the actual thing they were saying instead of the BS word salad of the post.