Gen speed buff for each dead survivor

If someone dies at 4-5 gens in solo queue it's pretty much game over. Your odds of escaping are so low that it may be better to just have a forfeit button so survivors can move to the next game. If 2 survivors are dead then your best odds of escaping are hiding and hoping the other one dies first so you can take hatch, which seems to go against the cooperative spirit of the game. I was thinking why does it have to be hopeless like that if someone dies which is outside your control? If survivors got a gen speed buff for each dead survivor it would give them a chance to keep going, and would remove the dampen the snowball effect for killers.
This would be impossible to balance. The repair speed boost would need to be huge to make up for a dead survivor. But when a killer does their job, then someone will die eventually. Let's say they kill someone at 1 gen left and now the others get the repair speed. How is that fair? It's pretty much guaranteed that the last gen will be done in a few seconds and then 2 survivors escape at the very least.
Meaning, killers would be punished for simply playing the game with the only way to work around this being to slug all survivors.
Make it weaker though and it doesn't help in the situations it should help but only in examples like the above, which would lead to even more tunneling.
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Right now the killer gets more powereful with each dead survivor, meaning the chances of winning go up exponentially if they kill one survivor. Survivors don't get more powerful with each completed gen. This would balance it out and give survivors a chance when 1 or 2 survivors are dead. It would also give killers more of a challenge to win instead of just tunneling 1 person out fast and then the rest is ez mode, which is boring for killers.
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You're assuming I mean a huge speed buff like "completing a gen in a few seconds". No, even just a 10 second gen reduction for each dead survivor would help give survivors more of a chance. Do you really think it's op if one survivor is dead at 4-5 gens and those will take 80 seconds instead of 90? The game will still be hugely in the killer's favor.
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In fact, everyone is thinking about this idea. The reason to refrain from doing that is because, as mentioned above, it will just be a survivor buff.
And if you've been playing for a long time, every all know that 3 survivors is a disadvantage, but at the same time it doesn't mean every can't win.
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You're missing the point. It's literally the killer's job to kill survivors. They shouldn't grow stronger when the killer plays better. This doesn't really make sense. Believe me, I don't want the killer focussing 1 survivor and killing immediately either but this is not the way to go.
This would in no way balance anything. It would only create a huge imbalance and force killers to slug. I'm talking hardcore slugging here.
Then it'd solely help when there is only 1 gen left anyway. In which case, killers would double down on tunneling to avoid that situation. The earlier I can kill someone the less likely it is the remaining survivors will get to the last gen.
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Theoretically, you could counterbalance it by reducing gen speeds with each completed gen as well.
For example: what if every killed survivor increases repair speed by 20%, but every completed gen reduces repair speed by 5%? This way, an early tunnel kill will increase repair speeds, but spreading hooks will net up to 20% free slowdown, which gets balanced to 0% upon a survivor's death.
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Go help your teammates so they don't die at 5 gens
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You say I'm missing the point but I think you're missing the point. You say "survivors shouldn't get stronger when the killer plays better". What happens now is that it's the killer who grows stronger with each survivor they kill. With each kill, it's easier to get the next kill because the killer has less survivors to deal with saving teammates and doing gens. It's a snowball effect. I think that's a problem with game design. The equivalent for survivors would be like for each gen they complete the next gen takes less time. The gen time debuff would be a way to slightly counter that snowball effect.
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That would still leave a very sour taste in your average player's mouth. We are literally talking about punishing players for playing well.
It would also still lead to nearly the same outcomes we have when the killer tunnels, which means that the desired outcome would not be achieved. But if they start slugging, then they capitalise on that system without the drawback.
But that kind of makes sense. Survivors start at their strongest and killers at their weakest. This completely changes as the match progresses. I see nothing wrong with that.
You can't punish people for playing the game as intended. That is a sure way to get them to stop or adapt to play different (slugging).
I had already explained why this cannot be balanced properly. From your initial post, I take it you want this to work as an anti tunnel feature. But if someone is eliminated early, then for this system to compensate, you'd probably need a 50% repair speed boost for each survivor dead. Possibly more. This would punish all killers for doing their objective. No matter how. This would incentivise tunneling even more because it could potentially prevent situations where this comes in clutch.
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and slugging festival can begin
You would also need to nerf gen speed at 4 survivors alive, which is not going to be that much fun for survivors.
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Well, that's definitely one way to close the gap of 3vs1 odds of winning and snowball effect this game has.
It might actually discourage tunneling too, which is the main thing I'm not a fan of. I never tunnel people, I know it's not fun.
That's why I try to make sure I hook everyone twice before sacrificing anyone, although I can see how this can get unbalanced if done wrong in the slightest.
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Honestly something like this would be useful to help rubberband the most one sided matches. Having gen speed buffs for when someone dies early or survivor gen speed decreases for when the killer is doing poorly would make a lot of matches more playable. You wouldn't need a system that is active all the way through the match. Survivors would only need the buff until two or three gens were completed.
Personally I'm just hoping BHVR makes anti-tunnel measures stronger and gen rushing weaker so we don't need a system like this at all.
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This is why hard tunneling is such a cheap move at 4~5 Gens. The game almost always goes to killer when someone dies that soon.
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Doesn't work. Hard tunnelers will ignore everyone else.
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For you, what percentage of all killers are hard tunnelers?
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Every other game.
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If it is true, it is assumed that most people perceive tunnels as a threat and do not take precautions. Actually, I see many people who are not like that. Not as a killer, but as a survivor.