How you feel about current DbD as Survivor?

Are you happy with current version of DbD? Do you think devs care about your role? And why you are happy/unhappy about game, what is your reasons?
If killers dont tunnel and I have ~40% escape chance, Im content. Im be that low.
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I´m not happy with the amount of suicides and that DS still doesn´t stun for 5 seconds.
Oh and how Archive challenges basically ask you to lose a match.
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Extremely frustrating. Most games feel hopeless. It feels like you can only escape if the killer is really bad, afk, or lets you go. On the other hand playing killer feels too easy which makes it boring.
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Except few killers, i am really not seeing people suicides that much. They usually try to play game but it happens here and there.
And yeah old tomes was worst. Hide in killer's TR for 120 seconds, cleanse 20 totems, search 10 chests etc. They were really asking survivors to throw the game.
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I will not play survivor unless it's with my friends, soloq absolutely sucks honestly.
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I feel the same and that perks are far too weak.
Also all map reworks were terrible and only favored the killers.
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Can't get my fiends to play anymore.
I don't blame them.
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35% alive, but I feel mostly dead.
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I see it way to often. Even on streamers. Otz did a video about upgrading his pc, in the background a survivor suicides on the first hook against Myers, when there is only 1 gen left.
For me, the Archives are killing the purpose of the mmr. Players constantly play bad, because they need to finish a challenge. I usually take Bond and the things i see my teammates do...
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The two people I played with both quit shortly after they buffed killers. So I am stuck playing solo queue. I mostly play killer like 70/30 these days. I can only stomach solo queue for so long. Survivor is just awful right now. A huge chunk of your escapes are lucky hatch escapes or because the killer was feeling nice. If the killer tunnels and brings four slowdowns then you just lose. Too many games are lost before the game even starts and it doesn't feel good at all. I'm not exaggerating when I say that every killer I get matched with runs a full meta build. It doesn't matter how many games I lose. The matchmaking is literally non existent.
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I used to love it but currently I just play survivor to quickly finish survivor only tome challenges. There's only so much camping and tunnelling I can take.
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I'm still waiting for some good or at least interesting survivor perks to be added. All the recent perks seem like they are built so they aren't good enough to affect the game's balance. As if anything looks even remotely strong, the community reacts with hysteria.
The most recent ones are basement self-care, basement deliverance and two minutes of sitting in the basement doing nothing. The first two are just worse versions of perks we already have, and the third one is basically throwing the match whilst being extremely bored.
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From about 20 people (top tier player to beginner) i used to play with, there is maybe a handful left. And all leaving without exception have the same reason: Killer is overpowered. The lower skilled players hate loosing constantly, and the high tier players would rather play a game that is a fair 50/50.
I have two special friends who usually dont even care what i play, all matters to them is to simply play something together with me... with one exception... Dead by Daylight. And every time i bring them somehow back to the game, it always ends after a few rounds.
My "come on guys, its not that bad, we will have fun" is at this point a running joke, because we actually know how it turns out eventually: IT IS EVEN WORSE. 😂
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Good perk, if you mean to be on the same tier to old meta, its not going to happen. DH, DS, incoming Adrenaline.
Its mostly up to your creativity in perk combo build for survivors by now. This is not happening + Deadline + Hyper focus for example. You know what I mean.
Though its not possible since killers suggest you to stack nerfed anti tunneling perks. So pretty much survivors still stuck with the old Meta, but nerfed, because there is no other alternate version of them.
Post edited by C3Tooth on2 -
As a solo queue Survivor main, I take it day by day. Some days are good and some days are bad. Whatever happens, I know I'll get all Survivors to P9 eventually, and then I'll start grinding my main (Dwight) to P100. I don't know if there's anything the devs can do that will change the general outcome of games, or escape/kill ratios.
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Current matchmaking is weird. That's all I have to say.
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The game still fun for the most part. i feel killer and swf is a blast to play still. i can usually play for 4 to 5 hours and not get bored. As for that other role i don't won't to speak on it really anymore. but I'll sum up the state in killer terminology. solo q isn't viable!
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To play survivor is to accept the fact that you have lost a game before you even start it.
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Admittedly I do find myself devoting most of my loadout to dealing with the worst aspects of the game, which leaves very little room for creativity. I'm just hoping the DS change is strong enough that I can just run that one perk and don't have to run two or three anti-tunnel perks just to deal with that playstyle.
I'll take some meme perks if BHVR has any more of them ready to go. If they released a perk that made survivors fart when they fast vault, I'd run it. I'll take funny and bad perks over decent boring ones.
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Since all the killers have retired, only the advanced killers are left alive.
When I play Survivor, I'm always soloQ, facing powerful killers under the influence of inferior MMR, and I get fed up every time my fellow survivors give up on winning.
On the other hand, when playing with familiar survivors, the killer is weak and pitiful, and the game is always one-sided.
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It's at a good place for survivor, solo survivor is still a bit of a ######### show at times but with all the info survivors now have at their disposal, if that doesn't help dramatically improve things then nothing will (it does help to some extent).
I prefer it being less survivor sided than it was for many years until now
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As solo queue survivor not really much complaints. It’s pretty good. I still think NOED is an unhealthy perk and even artificially inflates kill rates. Matchmaking is bad but that’s realistically unfixable as it has to be bad to cover up the games balance problems unless we want to start balancing from the top down but most people want the game balance around the lowest common denominator. Tunneling? Also not changing for the same reason as above.
So overall pretty happy with it. The things that could change would need drastic game changes that realistically aren’t happening. Most games I lose are because me or my team played badly, not because of balance issues. As it should be.
If I was gonna comment on survivor when I’m playing in a swf it feels like I’m cheating.
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Seems like the only sane comment.
Survivor is excessively easy when played accordingly. Thing is: a very big chunk of the dbd community are mid to low skilled, casual survivors that dont understand how to play the game right (or dont want to, bcs goofing around is more fun).
Survivor is so freakin incomplex it is insane. The Game is still balanced heavily towards survs, which is proven by most swfs.
Yet ppl still demand to do challenges, goof around while listening to music, not caring much abt the gameplay and still escape every trial bcs they are "good players"... which they are not...
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Yeah, survivors are escaping most times but yet, stats are telling very different story. On all levels, killers are performing better than survivors.
The only exception is high mmr 4-man SWF but even they are giving 2 kills every match. And we are talking about best teams here.
Other SWF teams on all levels just dying most times.
So you really need to stop this excuse because stats are not proving your point. If you are losing that much as killer maybe it's you. Because as killer, i don't have that much trouble. If you are winning most of your games as killer, so i don't know how you are believing survivor is power role lol. Which one?
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All my friends have quit because the game isn't fun anymore.
The games are so one sided it's basically decided in the first couple minutes. If you don't get at least 2-3 gens done in the first chase, sorry you lose that game. There's no comeback mechanic to catch up later, and the killer will just tunnel someone out.
There's not really any fun moments any more, it's just a speed run to finish the match.
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Looking at play styles international as an Asian player, I was able to understand why selfcare botany is highly valued in Asia, but self-care alone is still adopted and poorly rated international. This is because most survivors commit DC or suicide before they are faced with the need for selfcare botany, and end the game without realizing its usefulness.
It's true that matches are often one-sided for either the survivor or the killer. However, ``long-time players who truly love DBD'' should know that there are times when you can turn things around from a disadvantageous situation. Therefore, they does not make cowardly escapes such as DC or suicide, but continues the match until there is a clear winner, and sometimes they comes from behind to win.
If every don't like the cards you've been dealt in poker and throw their cards in the wrong direction and leave their seat, it's a nuisance to all the players around him and is considered unacceptable behavior. Many player do not have an objective perspective.
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Insert your own caption.
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I'm relatively content with survivor at least when it comes to how the devs are treating the role, I do wish devs were bolder with their perk design if every perk was like a boon, invocation or trap and then pushed to actually be good I think the game would be a lot more interesting for survivor.
I think a lot of my frustration comes from other survivors, lately the amount of times I will take the killer on a minute plus chase and we still don't win because my teammates last 15 seconds in chase, die purposefully on hook, refuse to touch a gen, or sandbag me both accidentally and on purpose to get me killed is incredible.
If these people spent half the time getting good at survivor as they do complaining about survivor being too weak soloQ would be a much better place.
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May I ask, what's your usual ping sitting around?
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The biggest tragedy is that the truth doesn't reach their eyes or ears, and they keep "complaining loops". Any survivors that it would be better to practice using "palette loops" are welcome.
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Usually around 32-54 although on a bad day it can go up to 60-75.
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If you are bringing up the recent stats, please keep in mind, stats are almost where the devs want them to be. And they are including games in which the first survivor gives up on their first hook. So the real escape rate in games, in which nobody is throwing a tantrum for whatever obscure reason, is much higher.
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Just because devs want them to be that way, does mean it is the correct approach. BHVR is not exactly famous for excellent ballance decision making.
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What about the second part of my post?
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That the real escape rates are different? Speculation.
Stats also dont count DC's on survivor part (also survivor losses, but they are nullified), they do count hatch escapes while technically it should be a 4K, they do count farming or afk killer, they do count friendly killer giving hatch or free escapes.
It is quite possible that escape rates are even lower.
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Really know? You really think the number of farming or afk killers is higher than the number of matches in which a survivor gives up on first hook 30 seconds into the game - which is basically equal to a DC?
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No, but the sum of all the points i mentioned might be. We dont know how often survivors escape through hatch, how often killer stay afk or farm and especially, we dont know how often survivors dc in an already lost game. Like i said, speculation.
From my personal experience both killer and survivor, there are not many if any DC's or Hook suicides, unless it is Skull Merchant so i think it is quite an inflated topic that is at the very most in the low one digit numbers.
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Ok, I really hope, your personal experience stays like thus. Have fun in your games and cherish it.
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This is probably the truest statement in DBD history. Survivors have to really stay on top of the gens to even have a ghost of a chance of winning. If they don't, or the Killer gets too many hooks early on, there is zero comeback potential for them. Meanwhile, Killers have insane comeback potential as gens get done (meaning fewer gens to patrol), pallets get broken (creating more deadzones and making it more difficult to loop), and strong endgame perks (NOED, No Way Out, Blood Warden). This is why all these complaints about gens flying too fast is extremely baffling to me.
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32 is really nice. Good ping makes survivor errors very forgiving. I feel that bhvr balance towards survivors that are invincible the moment they vault a window.
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They include survivors who give up on hook in kill rates, yet don't include games where someone DCs. I would assume because the likelihood of everyone else dying in those games is very high and would probably increase the kill rates further. Including some deaths but not others probably balances out in their book.
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Mine's been decent.
Most people play casually in my mmr it seems.
Escape rate about 50%, goes to 40% if I get multiple campers/tunneled, which rarely happens.
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And just because devs want it with this way, i have to be happy about it?
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Well, it is their game, they decide, how they want it to be and they have been aiming for this for years now. Remember, they are also happy how their MMR is working ;)
I've been quiting quite a lot of games in my gaming career so far, because I didn't like the way their devs handled them. That's just the way it is.
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It's their game true and that's their forum which supposed to take feedback from customers.
And me and many of people are just keep telling them we are not happy with their bad balance decisions.
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You have to realize, you and "many" others are just a small, miniscule part of their playerbase. Even all people on their forums together are negligable. BHVR has lost their "small indie dev team" status years ago.
They became a company like many others.
They look at revenue numbers. Are people still paying for their game, DLCs, skins and battle passes? Then everything is fine, no need to invest precious resources into things, that small a part of their customers complain about. Heck, the people distributing most of these resources aren't even the actual devs. Its the CEOs, investors, finance and marketing people.
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I wish people would stop asking for survivor perks to be nerfed
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Even if you are not serious about the game, you can still learn the rules. And it is possible to learn theory to some extent. Rather, it would be more difficult to be completely indifferent to such advantageous information.
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Everyone has their own experience but me personally survivor is okay because my solo games haven’t been terrible the past month.
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Honestly the game is fine peoples usual complaints about games being unwinnable doesn’t really bother me because I never play to win