The Pig vs The Huntress

I love the buff for The Pig, her ambush honestly needed a buff, and these changes do just that. Of course her head traps got nerfed to balance this out, but that is understandable. And then The Huntress got buffed in the same update, and didn't get any nerfs to compensate these buffs, despite already being an A Tier Killer, according to many people's opinions. So, I just want to ask why did The Pig get nerfs for her head traps when The Huntress got just full buffs? The Pig was a fairly weak Killer, I would have assumed that if any Killler needed just straight buffs, it would be her and not The Huntress. I know I'm just a player and I know the devs will likely not care about our opinions and still continue with the changes, but I just want to understand the thought process here. I would prefer The Huntress not get any buffs, as she doesn't need buffs, but The Pig could use more buffs in my opinion. What I would do, revert the changes made to The Huntress, and keep every change made to The Pig, but give The Pig a 24 meter Terror Radius like she used to have. It's not OP to be a 115% movement speed Killer with a 24 meter Terror Radius, The Onryo has it, and The Shape has a 16 meter Terror Radius. Just give The Pig another buff, please.
Because basically everyone runs the head pop addons and her killrate overall is rather high, especially against newer players, since side objectives can be tough if you are unfamiliar with them. In addition to that many players don't use the rbts as game delay but as lethality preventing people from getting the trap of. Besides all that aspects her traps are arguably the best game delay in the game, dragging matches out longer decreasing the density of usable tiles in combination with killer generally getting stronger over time as the maps dries out and the effective map size aka area around gens becomes smaller. This all works in Pigs favor and makes it so depute her being on the wesker side that her kill rate is still rather high.
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Okay but the people who do resort to using rbts to get kills are going to go to higher extremes in order to get them: further bodyblocking, fake terror radius', etc.
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I read "Despite being on the Wesker side" and went on a rollercoaster of emotions as I initially nearly spat out my tea... then actually realised... xD
I think BHVR has all the feedback, Pig opinions are divided to say the least, pretty much everyone agrees Huntress is on the overtuned side now.... at this point we can only wait in baited breath to see what their decision is.
The interesting point is Pig is 61% kill rate overall, Huntress is 56% overall... BHVRs goal will be: -
- Raise Pig's performance up in high MMR while weakening her low MMR performance.
- Raise Huntresses low level perfomrance, while not changing her high MMR performance.
I guess we'll see where they take it.
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About Huntress I have seen several streamers yay that Huntress needs some buffs, as she is not that good against experienced players, and while they are mostly fine with more base hatchets and the faster windup they commonly agree that the hatchet holding speed is too much.
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Weird, I think Huntress might not be their playstyle, as she is really good even in High MMRs. Like, if they are used to playing Mobility Killers like Blight and Nurse, the streamer might not be accustomed to playing as Huntress since she is a slower but good Ranged Killer.
Also, I think the reason why Huntress might have a lower MMR than Pig may be because Huntress is a free Killer that is really good, so a lot of people play her a lot, including people new to the game and people are not skilled in the game, while the Pig has a smaller pool of players who play her, but people who do play the Pig have her as their main and are more likely to have expertise playing her, leading to a high kill rate.
Aside from all that, I am happy with the Pig's buff, like 30 seconds for the head traps is fine since like the Onryo's tapes, it shouldn't be too easy to kill Survivors with their effect, and should serve as a threatening slowdown Survivors must take care of. And not being able to see the jigsaw boxes is also good to prevent camping or patrolling the boxes. But I like many others still hope for the Huntress to not get buffed, I'm a Shape main and even I can get consistent wins with her, I just needed practice.
P.S. Still waiting for that Shape buff.
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No offense but high mmr is not even close to experienced players... Even in so called high mmr you have a mixture of everything. And I don't think it has something to do with whether or not Huntress is their style...
Also calling Nurse a high mobility killer and comparing her to Blight is wild xD when you consider a straight line her speed is basically below 110%... I once watched a Knightlight stream where he called it a big misunderstanding, Nurse is not a high mobility killer but she excells in area control and chase from smaller distances. Because you can sit in a 3gen and reach every single hen with 1 or 2 blinks, making it almost impossible to get progress done.
Sure blinking through stuff is great but Blight or Billy still have way better mobility, unless in indoor maps I guess... But she is weak there for other reasons.
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By Mobility, I mean a playstyle of Killer's that can catch up to Survivors during chase. While Nurse cannot traverse the map as well as Blight or Hillbilly, she can easily catch up to Survivors with her blink ability by going through obstacles, or even traverse through Maps with 2 floors like The Game or Hawkins. That's what I mean as a Mobility Killer. And overall, just because a Killer has a high kill rate doesn't mean they are overpowered or uncounterable. Huntress is better than Pig despite having a lower kill rate than Pig.
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Then you should have called it a killer with a good chase power... Because that is not what mobility means.
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I agree the nerf to pig was dumb. No one plays pig mainly for her dash. Even tho the ambush buff was nice, her real power are her traps, which I think should have been buffed not nerfed. I would also like to see her getting a 24m terror radius like she used to, skill check perks working with the boxes, trap timer reduction and the giving the boxes a physical key instead of rng (+Box auras back).
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Generalizations like that are almost never true... I play her solely for her dash and I picked up after years of not playing her and I think the direction they are going with her is great. Her traps should be mainly game delay and not some cheesy way to force a head pop.
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For me her traps should be strong and an alternative way to kill, we just disagree here. If I would want to play a dash killer, I would just play blight, Wesker, demo or chucky. They all have a way better dash. I don‘t like the whole thing about slowdown ONLY. Sadako now is just terrible, because of that philosophy. At least for pig, the traps always were slowdown, but not in sadakos case.
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Well the Sadako changes just never hit the sweet spot, let's see if they will eventually.
I think those dash abilities are all really different, it is the nuance that makes the gameplay, just because they are somewhat similar does not mean they play the same. Each and everyone of those killers has different strengths and weaknesses to their dash and I find pigs dash very nice to use, especially now since it is more viable at some of the stronger tiles.
On a side note I think it is hard to say which dash is stronger, if you get round loops only Wesker and Demos dashes are not that usefully, where as Pig and Blight remain decent in outplaying them, when you have long straight ones that changes. It is all about the map oyu get which ability is better and especially with crouch tech demos shred oftentimes loses much of its otherwise good strength.
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Agree to disagree Archol, I organize Killer playstyles how I want.