BHVR, can we expect Billy's nerf?

The killer is not fun playing against. His chainsaw is way too strong now. You don't have time to even get anywhere when he misses a hit. Even new players can easy get 4 kills. How do we suppose to play against some sweaty ones?
Best Answer
i do question it, because it's irrelevant. why you even doing math counting millisecond on a game with server issues and huge hitboxes. it doesnt make sense good sir
plus as i said i can prove whatever you said is wrong. billy missing a chainsaw doesn't give you any valuable distances.
Billy was buffed few months ago and was recently tweaked. Practice more against him and you will be fine.
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The cycle repeats itself once again.
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The experienced DBD nose can already smell the stench of an overheating chainsaw on the horizon.
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Well, Billy should be fine as is, although there may be some minor add-on adjustments.
If you want nerf Billy, it will just increase the nerf and blight. There's no need to nerf Billy if you're tired of playing against them.
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Billy just needs a longer cooldown, that's all
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it's that or his chainsaw should be only taking 1 health state if it's to stay the way it is. Their is little no risk to it anymore
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The cooldown was already nerfed. You have 2.5 seconds in which he will move 1.8 m/s. That gives you 5.5 m distance on top of any distance that you had when he missed the chainsaw. For him to catch up again, that'd take easily 5 seconds, which allows you make 20 metres more. If that is not enough, then maybe the problem is not Hillbilly but you not playing well.
Post edited by Xernoton on11 -
I find him not difficult to counter and didn't even know he got changed.
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I disagree. I get out quite often against Billy. 🤷🏼♂️
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Wait, what? You didn't notice the blue glow? That's impressive.
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Dang ... I get a sinking feeling, that this reply is unironic ... and thats just wild!
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Billy is completely fine. I don't know why bad players complain only about Billy (and Nurse etc etc.) when they can not keep up with even weaker Killers than Billy. Let's nerf Bubba maybe, huh? When I play SWF with not that good Players, but they have like 1-1.5k Hours, we made more than 1 Billy without any hook stages...
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here we go again. Sounds like billy needs overheat again.
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In order to prevent reincarnation in the same place, we all need to look into history and find out why buffs and nerfs were done at the time
The problem is that even developers forget what they were thinking and saying. Therefore, all players say this in unison. "Did you forget what you said before? The problem arose because you wanted it to happen, right?"
Official JP in particular are geniuses about this and have created many famous sayings.
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Just a month or two from now and you won't be noticing a difference with Billy.
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I mean, he can't stay the way he is LMAO he is a better Blight and Oni now, with no power CD and higher reward with lower risk.
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Well, of course he can! Your claim, that he is better then Blight and Oni, is just laughable. He can be tweaked, but his state before his buff was just utterly sad and not worthy of one of the original three.
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You need to elaborate on how this is the case... Because I find this hardly arguable ^^
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"Something, something, M2 has absolutely no counter, something, something, braindead easy, something, mindlessly sawing for 2 healthstates, something, totally op."
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bro what distance are you talking about? i literally have a clip where i dodge his chainsaw at a jungle gym and tried to make it to the pallet which is obviously so close and i couldn't he downed me with an M1. you literally can't make any distance idc about whatever math you're saying here. in action none of what you're saying happens and i literally clipped to make sure to show it to anybody who says you can make distance whenever he misses.
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he can do both of what these killers can, still has no CD and his power takes 2 health states, doesn't require and injury for his blue chainsaw like oni does his m2... lmao
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Onis power has far better steering and basically get a hit almost every tile in the game, whereas Billy still cannot curve every tile and Blight also on a completely different level when it comes to steering... Both of them don't bump and go into cooldown because of it... The comparison seems a bit unreasonable to most people with some experience in the game... Sure Billy is good, but you can still outplay him if you know what you are doing.
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"idc whatever your math says" is a questionable statement good sir... You might want to rethink that ^^ Because doubting that math works is an odd thing to suggest xD
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"I don't care about facts because I want it nerfed regardless."
I don't even need to prove you wrong anymore. You just discredited yourself.
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tbf they have a point re the hitboxe and servers, there is so much inconsistency not to mention the jank FoV sliders seem to have brought with them.
I got hit by a flashbang which was behind me while playing billy the other night, and I've gotten so many hits under pallets I shouldn't have thanks to it.
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Not good enough! Make it like Tricksters' blades, at least 6 hits for one health state.
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Are you sure you quoted the right post? They didn't say anything about hitboxes, lag or FoV slider related issues. They only said they didn't care about the math and made some claims that are factually wrong.
I'm not going to pretend that lag can't lead to some very questionable things but I'm not sure how this is connected. This is not a problem with this killer. If they can fix that somehow while avoiding a repeat of the great hit validation wave of summer 2021 (that was the most horrible time to play killer), then that's great and I'm all for it. But that has nothing to do with Hillbilly's cooldown.
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So the exact numbers with which the killers power work are irrelevant? OK bro if you say rivers run uphill it might as well be like that...
OK the math Society in general will look forward to that paper :) Please send me a copy I am looking forward to it.
I can understand it sometimes feels like less but that might as well be because you unluckily ran in the direction in which the Billy already missed his chainsaw therefore shortening the distance you already gained... Usually the chainsaw will not miss you by one pixel so the distance will already be a bit bigger than the raw numbers. However have you compared Billy's cooldown to the cooldown of other high mobility killers like Blight or Oni in his power? :) Maybe that helps you to rethink whether or Not Billy's cooldown really is short or not...
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I did quote the right post as I was replying to you dismissing their points, so you just acknowledged them? And it does, it directly relates to your "omgmaths" arguement, if you have ever done data collection you have to take into consideration these kind of things to some degree, the servers can't keep up with faster killers everyone knows this.
But that said he isn't fun to play against anymore, he was clearly buffed to sell the rift, and he will be nerfed when its over LMAO
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I think a VERY small nerf could be nice but other than that he should stay like this because that overheat chainsaw was terrible.
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Because Xeno, overbuffed at release, nerfed after the launch hype.
Chucky overbuffed for release, "bug fixed" after the launch hype.
It's a recent trend with them, they didn't used to do this but it's becoming more apparent, I guess we will see when the next rift comes out and if lines up with one of the buffs/reworks. I'd not be surprised if we see Huntress cosmetics all of a sudden.
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Eeeehm or maybe the information they gathered on PTB wasn't enough and they wanted to see how it does on live and then fix it accordingly? I find that a little bit far fetched...
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People are more likely to spend money on characters who are getting them wins, it's been a thing many a team has used to sell their products. Blizzard as one example lol
If you think it's far fetched... are you new to live service games? lol
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i did mention hitboxes and server issues before you quote me but i guess you can't read
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i REALLY REALLY don't care about any of that you mentioned. in PLAY you can't make distance whenever billy misses a chainsaw, call it janky hitboxes, lag servers, whatever. and to be specific i'm not talking about how fast he can use his chainsaw again. i'm talking about a billy who M1 right after he misses a chainsaw.
i do know that he can't use his chainsaw immediately after, but that was never my point. and even then there's an addon that lets him recover faster lol
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So why would they nerf him afterwards? It is not like you need to buy Billy... So the only thing there is is cosmetics and those you can sell all the time... So why exactly would they want to nerf him if they can keep him this good and therefore keep selling cosmetics? Your logic is a bit off mate.
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I think his cooldown for chainsaw usage and basic attack after a missed chainsaw should be the same? So where is the issue?
(Edit: I just went into customs to check but it is actually just the exact same time your chainsaw charge or m1 becomes ready again. So I still don't see your issue)
OK dude you are free to have your own opinion and dismiss any and all information based on your own but you cannot really expect people to take you serious if you do that, because it is hard to argue with someone who does not believe in math or fixed stats for how game mechanics work, just keep that in mind :)
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bro what distance are you talking about? i literally have a clip where i dodge his chainsaw at a jungle gym and tried to make it to the pallet which is obviously so close and i couldn't he downed me with an M1. you literally can't make any distance idc about whatever math you're saying here. in action none of what you're saying happens and i literally clipped to make sure to show it to anybody who says you can make distance whenever he misses.
I read your response multiple times to make sure I didn't miss anything (which could definitely have happened). But to my knowledge, none of this is related to hitboxes in any way.
Since you needed to stoop so low as to insult me, I will end this conversation now. Have a good day.
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The same to you:
bro what distance are you talking about? i literally have a clip where i dodge his chainsaw at a jungle gym and tried to make it to the pallet which is obviously so close and i couldn't he downed me with an M1. you literally can't make any distance idc about whatever math you're saying here. in action none of what you're saying happens and i literally clipped to make sure to show it to anybody who says you can make distance whenever he misses.
Please explain how anything in here is related to hitboxes. This is the exchange that happened between us. Everything else they wrote, I do not read since it's not addressed to me.
I aknowledged your point about latency issues (I guess that was a mistake?! Not sure what else you would want me to do.) and I also explained that I do not see this as an issue with this killer in particular. We have 34 killers in this game and a majority of them big problems associated to latency.
I have my doubts we'll see such huge nerfs to Hillbilly. They nerfed his cooldown twice already (I'm counting addons here) and it's really not that big of an issue. Even latency does not change the fact that you make quite a bit of distance after a missed chainsaw. The math is sound and I even twisted the numbers in your favor because I did not factor in the time it would take him to accelerate to full speed again. With that, you gain even more distance.
Before you make these claims, I suggest you fact check this. Because you are objectively wrong in the very first sentence here. Xeno was not overbuffed but simply bugged on release. The recovery after a tail attack did not slow you at all. This was not a buff but a huge bug. For some reason instead of fixing the bug, they completely reverted Xeno to the PTB version in that regard. If you need prove, then just find the patch and look where they put this change. They titled it as a bug fix.
But since you are so set on your opinion it seems, I doesn't matter. I will not change your mind and we'll just have to wait and see. One thing is for sure though, nerfing killers until they feel horrible to play (like pre buff Hillbilly) does not have the positive effect that you may think.
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You are just proving you like reading your own text here, you listened to them and proven it again lol. It's a huge problem because he takes 2 health states at high speed, it does not read well nor feel good to constantly have a killer even if they miss their power right behind you with that threat, no maths nor logic can defend that.
I don't think Billy should go back to his pre buff state, but he shouldn't be where he is at currently either. Thank you kindly for seeing I'm set on my opinion, I'm not going to budge on someone who has not been on the other side of the chainsaw, he is not healthy for the game in his current state.
Xeno was overbuffed from PTB:
Do you want it zoomed in for you...?
It was not a bug, it was intended.
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I cannot believe I'm actually doing this. You're giving me a headache. It's pretty obvious that I was not talking about the 7.2.0 patch, is it not?
That is the one. That is when they reverted Xeno back to the PTB state and they fixed the bug that caused it to move at full speed instead of the 2.0 m/s that were intended. Although the phrasing is incorrect here because the bug did not happen only when downing a survivor, as I'm sure you and many others remember. In Xeno's case you made literally no distance.
In fact, we never actually saw the 2.0 m/s in action.
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lmfao that isn't a bugfix, it was a balance update the bugfixes are below. That was a balance change, stop twisting it. I'm done here you're gaslighting yourself.
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You didn't read the link carefully, right?
Both bugfix and movement speed during tail attack recovery nerf happened same time
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2.0 m/s never actually went live for us to test. Because a bug caused Xeno to move at full speed (4.6 m/s). That is where their phrasing is mistaken because it applied on missed attacks as well. The 2.0 m/s were nerfed before they were actually tested. That's the entire point. If you still cannot understand what I say, then I give up.
I do not have the words to put it any other way.
I gave you the correct patch. I told you what exactly it was that went wrong. I told you where to look. I just can't force it into your head. This exchange is over. You clearly have no interest in even reading half of what I said.
Have a good day.