REOPENING: Gabriel's Fire Moon Engineer Set Issue

TheEvilShape Member Posts: 69
edited February 8 in Bug Reporting

No idea why my other ticket was closed but as I clearly state: I OWNED IT BEFORE IT WAS BROKEN.

You guys just took my cosmetic back with no refund or anything, I owned it prior to the last patch when it became broken. I owned everything Gabe except the newest fit as he's a main of mine.

"Prior to this update I owned this skin, I know it was recently broken and could be split up and with this patch that was resolved but now I don't own it anymore? I didn't get a refund of auric cells or anything either.

I owned it prior to the set becoming unsplit, is there anyway to get it back or a refund to rebuy it?

Thanks, "

1 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review. In the meantime you can contact Support regarding your missing items:


  • BUS5Y
    BUS5Y Alpha Surveyor Posts: 5

    I'm now having the same issue!

    I owned this skin on gabriel and have played with it numerous times. I revisited him today to check out his new skin in the store and realised that the Fire Moon Engineer skin was no longer unlocked and I had to instead purchase it?!?

    I haven't recieved a refund (money or auric cells) and there's no way to dispute this other than on the forums here.