BPS For Killer Incentivizes Tunneling

If a killer can get double blood points for tunneling they will. Survivor and killer BPS should not stack. Either stop the cross BPS or make it where the killer loses points when tunneling.
Spiteful, are we? You could make the same claim with any strategy that you don't like and it would sound just as bad. If you cannot bear the thought that your opponent might get something out of your offering as well, then use cakes or puddings.
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How is that an incentive?
That's just a lack of a deterrent at most, it doesn't have any effect at all.
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Because they get points for tunneling I'm confused do you know how points work.
I'm not spiteful I hoe all survivor's die for the chance for me to get a save. The more slow down the better.
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They get points no matter how they play. They don't get more points for tunnelling, so how does a flat increase in BP earned become an incentive to tunnel?
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I have no idea what you're trying to tell me. Absolutely none.
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That is not really the way to go. It would make more sense to handle hooking bloodpoints like that:
Hooking 1st survivor gives the usual 500 (?) Bloodpoints.
Hooking 2nd survivor without the first a second time gives 750 Bloodpoints.
3rd survivor 1000 Bloodpoints.
4th survivor 1250 Bloodpoints.
But also the way around. Hooking 1st survivor 2nd time without anybody else in between: Only 250 Bloodpoints. Hooking 1st survivor 3 times in a row without anybody in between: 0 Bloodpoints. Also 0 bloodpoints for kill.
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I thought tunneling leaves the killer with less points than the goodboy strategies?
Both get boosted by BPS so how does it reward tunneling more than the survivor approved strategies?
If anything it shows that killers prefer tunneling over more bloodpoint-rewarding alternatives. Which has nothing to do with yourself being irritated at giving the killer a boost with an item that cleary states doing so.
Stop being mad at yourself and use different offerings instead.
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"Survivors bringing BP offerings makes them want to gen rush faster!"
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BHVR will make BPS personal only (like Escape Cakes and Survivor Puddings) before they allow survivors to give themselves a 400% Bloodpoint bonus that leaves out the killer, if for no other reason than because every killer ever would absolutely disconnect on the offering screen if they saw that.
A BPS has nothing to do with tunneling. If you have a problem with tunneling, that's a separate issue. I see killers tunnel the same amount with and without a BPS.
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This changes nothing. Killers who tunnel will tunnel regardless. They play to win, they don't play for bloodpoints.
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I would agree, sadly. I dont bring BPS anymore and outside of the Anniversary, I dont use Cakes or BPS anymore. It just feels bad to give someone else double BP while you get tunneled out immediatly and have the lowest BP overall.
That the Killer can basically farm points for themselves when it is a 3v1 makes it even more annoying.
I think BPS (and Event Cakes) should just triple the BPs of the user, but double it for everyone else. E.g. if you throw a BPS, you gain 200% Bonus-BPs and everyone else 100% Bonus-BPs.
This means that even if you are the only one, you still get more bonus than the others. And even if you are tunneled out, you at least have a bit more than before.
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Show me the tunneling score event please... And don't you dare giving me Pic of Demos traverse the upside down or Aliens tunnels ^^
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Hunter Category gives you blood points for hunting down your opponent so if you tunnel them out you get points easier for it.take away the points from this if they tunnel the person out and some killers that care about blood points will stop tunneling.
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But this also applies if you chase someone else? This does not benefit tunneling in any way? Also when face camping was still happening more often the killer would walk out of a match with sometimes less than 10 K BP and it still didn't matter, so your point is off regardless... BP are not incentivising players to not tunnel camp or slug.
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On the contrary there are many times I have not tunneled due to getting a shared bonus.
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Face camping doesn't let you get multiple hooks which in turn gives more points.
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They should give shards for the first hook of a new survivor. No serious killer gives AF about BP.
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The devs don't like this whole "us vs them". We should be encouraging more "everyone" BP offerings, not discouraging them.
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I don't like it when I use a BPS and survivors just get gens done without getting hooked. I think survivors should lose points for completing gens without being hooked first.
This isn't a serious suggestion. Just to highlight how dumb it would be to make the killer lose points, because they went after the same survivor.
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How about a permanent 5% hindered for the rest of the match to movement speed and killer power recharge rate?
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??? Getting multiple hooks is what gives you more points, what exactly do you mean?
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Very sad. If there are multiple bps you'd think everyone would just grind together.
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but thats an unrealistic expectation. even ignoring the tunneling matter you cant demand of a player to vibe an grind just cause you droppt offerings. i dont have fun in farm games for me its a waste of time. i do one or maybe two vibe games on the start of an event cause right at the start i meet so many survs that dont actually play cause they want funny chill games but after that i just play normal
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The problem is that a lot survivor using their Anti Tunnel to waste killer time. Unhooking their mates, the unhooker is going in a doorway and the hooked survivor is blocking. Meanwhile the other survivor in the HUD: Oh, no another tunneler!