Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

More lgbt representation



  • Member Posts: 2,111

    I'm LGBT and agree entirely. I think this whole need to push this is kind of silly. There are so many better things to focus on.

  • Member Posts: 862

    I cant even call this a push tbh. Its more of a nudge to the shoulders in my eyes. To let them know to be more aware. Thats all

  • Member Posts: 1,993

    This. With this perspective, and it being absolutely correct and canon, Rest well knowing representation is definitely there and accounted for. Now to fix the actual game!

  • Member Posts: 1,993
    edited March 2024

    It's not a contest. I know you said a lot there, but it seems your overarching desire is to just have more non-straight characters in DBD than OW. This makes it feel a bit nuanced and tarnished. If more representation comes, it needs to in future characters. Ret-con'ng established characters feels wrong and will be quite generic and unacceptable, to be frank.

  • Member Posts: 862

    I agree that its not a contest, and my goal is not to have more than ow. Ill let that be clear. My point is that we only have 2 and its been 8 years considering how many characters we have and the new content we get daily.

    And although it may not matter when running from a psychopath trying to murder you. Keep in mind, this is still a video game where your life is in fact.....not in danger. So ppl are free to play how they want, roleplay as they want, and connect with these fictional characters as they please. Cause at the end of the day, they continue to make new survivors which are skins. The only differences are perks. No unique abilities to a character at all with the exception for killers. We are already at a time where its getting stale from the survivor side. And perks, design, lore, all of it has to at least connect with a variety of players in order to keep it from being stale. They cant always rely on one aspect of the game to keep it alive.

  • Member Posts: 455

    There's already a ton of representation. It doesn't need anymore.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    Ideally it shouldn't matter if it has too much or too little

    It should reach a point where BHVR does their thing and makes cool characters. If those characters just so happen to be from certain backgrounds or have certain identities then it's just one part of their whole thing instead of making it the central focus.

    It feels like no matter how you slice it though, nobody will be satisfied. It's either too little, too much or like a lot of people, simple indifference.

  • Member Posts: 3,378

    I get that but it’s just not priority right now. Their hands are tied and there is only so much they can throw in the game. I’m sure we will get more content for lgbt community but it’s not top of the list and it shouldn’t be.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    I'd love to have a drag queen survivor. That would be so funny. Running about with a wig that's five times bigger than their head. Fake sounding screams. It would be amazing.

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited March 2024

    As someone who is not part of the LGBT community, I want to say I have no issue with more characters being homosexual, trans, or whatever.

    What I would say though is there is an argument for less is more and being subtle. One of the big failings of modern entertainment in both movies and games is where people try too hard to meet diversity quotas, and end up forcing it unnaturally, and peiple can smell that BS from a mile away. When you set out to make a character specifically to fill a diversity quota, it is very hard to make the character genuine, because there is this natural need to highlight which diversity quota you're hitting.

    Most characters in the game have no mention of their sexual orientation whatsoever... because it isn't important to their character/story. Take anyone's backstory and try to find a place to slot it in naturally... it's very hard to do without it being forced.

    One of the best LGBT characters I remember was a character named Nader from Dirty Bomb. There was essentially nothing to tell you that she was a lesbian, except an innocuous line hidden deep in the long version of her character backstory in tne back end of her profile that said something to the effect of "when you make the decision to leave your wife to rejoin the mercenary lifestyle, there is always gonna be tension". It was something you discovered naturally without even looking for it. You could play Nader for months and never even realise she was homosexual, because none of her voice lines, her main profile, her look, her mannerisms, none of it drew attention to it. She was a character first... who happemed to be lesbian, and it wasn't at all in your face about it. David is similar in this regard. There is almost nothing to tell you he is gay without you actually looking for it.

    At the end of the day people are people, and my personal view on it is, whilstsoever you have to make a big deal out of someone's race, skin colour, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation... you're not really solving the problem.

    So sure, have more LBTQ characters, but don't force it. If you make the fact they're LGBT their entire personality, and the only reason they are being added to the game, you're setting that character up to fail.

  • Member Posts: 4,879

    BHVR are very serious about making sure that they do representation correctly. At least that's the vibes I get from them. They got a subcontractor to make sure they were implementing it properly, and it wasn't rushed at all. They genuinely care about doing it right.

    It seems that some people (not necessarily you specifically) have the opinion however that anything more than a very brief passing mention is "forcing it", though. A lot of people dismiss queer expression as "making it their entire personality", which is just wrong. I've experienced this personally.

    Someone's sexuality is likely going to be a pretty big part of their identity. Same with gender, origin, etc. It's going to influence who they are as a person, and that's completely fine. That doesn't make a character one-dimensional or "token representation".

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    i think an lgbtq killer would be nice since the killer mains also consist of members of that community and they deserv those chars to and i think its absulutly possible to make a evil character that is gay for example without making him being gay his center point and by that making it bad rep.

    for example a killer could be a pyromaniac that kills because he loves to view people burn and he is just gay. i always prefer it when the lgbtq part of the char is not a center point of them cause then it always feels like "look at our very gay new charakter and all his gay story... did we mention hes gay"

  • Member Posts: 413

    No, it is a horror game not a social life game.

  • Member Posts: 127

    Yeah, they have a myriad of balance issues, bugs, and outright laziness (not being able to see each other survivor perks) but more stickers are what we need???

  • Member Posts: 3,936
    edited March 2024

    As I say, if its done well then no problem.

    I do have quite an extensive list of examples I could point to, but I don't really want to go pointing fingers at examples for how to do it right or wrong. Such a debate would be highly likely to escalate, as we're already started to see.

    My view is, when it comes to real people or fictional characters, I've related to, rooted for, empathised with and idolised male, female, black, hispanic, asian, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, old, young, straight, homosexual, transvestite and transsexuals.

    I don't care what the origin of a character is, if their morals and values are in line with my own, or at the very least I can understand their morales given their circumstances, then we've got a character I will enjoy... but whoever a character is, yes their relationships form a part of who they are... but it is a relatively small part of a person. It is their beliefs, morales, principles, skills, desires, weaknesses that define a person...

    Their actions in the face of challenges, and overcoming their weaknesses is why we root for and respect them. We don't respect someone because someone or something just tells us how great they are, and a lot of stories involving diverse characters are too afraid to give them flaws or weaknesses to overcome, because that doesn't pass tne vibe check for diversity and inclusion.

    Anyway, that's what I want in character... a person, a human being, with flaws, weaknesses, ambititons and values I can empathise with.

  • Member Posts: 471

    Alright listen, I'm bi and as much as I want to agree, I don't think it really matters specially for THIS game. I'm not gonna buy or not buy a character based on their sexual orientation, I just buy them because I like the looks of it. That said please Bhvr where's my femboy survivor /jk

  • Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,751

    We can have this discussion without hateful commentary. Hate has no place in Dead by Daylight.

  • Member Posts: 13

    I like to be immersed when I play a game, and for me, any kind of messaging that tries to make the real world intrude into my "stuck in a hell trial" roleplay would be a real draw back to my experience.

  • Member Posts: 1,215

    I definitely agree that BHVR seems to have been very caring about adding LGBTQIA+ representation into the fog. David's story is beautiful, it feels very real, genuine and relatable. I haven't read the Legion comics yet, but from what I've heard, it seems like Susie's character has also been shaped up with care. I too prefer the representation coming in slower, but with care and thought.

    I am really hoping to see some trans and drag queen representation in the following years, too. Tubarao is a great addition, but an original trans character would be warm welcomed by many, due to creative freedom on the lore and cosmetics :) I know that to a lot of people this isn't important at all, but to many others, it means being offered a safe home, that feels warm and recognisable.

    I (as a gay man) personally didn't *need* David to come out as gay, but I do appreciate it a lot. It feels really good having characters that I can relate to. For many others, David's coming out meant a whole world. Things like this can change people's lives for the better, sometimes significantly. I think that BHVR recognizes that and has been working on integrating that into the game as naturally and genuinely as possible.

    I just hope that there will be no more instances where a LGBTQIA+ character gets ignored for a long time (like David got ignored for a whole year after coming out. No new cosmetics, no mentions or celebrations).

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