Can the developers finally give us a statement about map offerings?


There so many posts about map offerings but the developers still don't give us a statement about them


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    What the issue?

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 998

    mb thought it was self-explanatory. Map offerings are still a hot topic within the community because one simple offering can give you a huge advantage - e.g. survivor can use a badham offering to send the match to badham which is a pretty strong survivor map or a nurse can send you to midwich with the right perks. In addition, every map has strong tools in someway which one side can easily advantage of with the right perks and when they know the match will be on this map. In addition, even though a survivor uses a map offering, it can be bad for other survivors when its used for some stupid archive (like using a midwich offering for staying in terrorradius).

    Now the point is that even though there are many posts and topics inside and outside of this forum about it that the developers never gave a statement what they think about map offerings and this just feels bad - it's like your entire class asks the teacher questions but the teacher never answers. I don't even want a final statement but something like "it's on our watchlist and give feedback in like 3years" or even "no we think everything is fine atm" would be enough. Knowing where we stay.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2024

    This is more of an issue with maps being very unbalanced than it is map offerings. So if maps were better balanced no one would care about map offerings. Attacking the offerings seems like going after the symptom rather than the disease itself.

    Pushing for map balance is better as then even if rng gives you whatever map it’s not a big deal. Disease cured.

    If you go at map offerings then rng can still just land you on those bad maps and you’re still having a bad experience since the sickness is still there.

    Maps offerings also just add a little fun for when you’re trying to run specific fun builds that require certain maps. I like that flexibility.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 998

    I agree with you that some maps are unbalanced and the developers need to fix them. So I am happy that they made an own forum to talk about them. Even though this might take a long long time.

    However, maps will never be really balanced over all. Maps will still have parts that one side can abuse really well and as a result they will use a map offering to abuse this part. Map offerings will be an unhealthy part of the game. Players will also use map offerings for their advantage and an unfair advantage. Sorry to say that but the proof is already made by the introduction of kill switch because player abused gamebreaking bugs for their "fun". Lastly, there's also no argument that they should stay just because they make some meme builds viable such as indoor jumpscare myers. Just because three or four builds are only viable on specific maps does not mean the bigger part has to suffer.

    Overall, map offerings are an issue on their own.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I guess we just fundamentally disagree then. I do think maps can be made decently balanced and you do not.

    If I thought maps couldn’t be decently balanced then I would think map offerings were an issue on their own as well. However since I don’t agree on that premise I do think map offerings are still just a symptom of map balance and not an issue of their own.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 998

    That's okay for me. It's not the point of this topic to change someone's opinion about map offerings when they don't think these are also an issue on their own and also a part of maps on their own. We have plenty of topics that can explain this very well. The point is to remind the developers to be more transparent with us about (hot) topics. This is a problem they still have, not only with map (offerings) but also with other stuff and this doesn't feel good.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    Imo the offerings themselves aren't to blame, but issues with several maps are. Ditching those offerings would just be a bandaid fix. A couple of killer builds are map dependant, and that should really be a separate discussion for them.

    Ideally those offerings should just be for simple preference, and not for a huge advantage. So the work needs to be directed at the maps.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 998

    It is a good thing that the developers included the community to help them to make maps more balanced for both sides. However, it is impossible to make every map really balanced for both sides - some of them will be slightly survivor or killer sided, especially for killers since some are more map dependent than others due to their power. As a result, players will use map offerings to get a bigger advantage for the match (and not just for preferences like going to mitwich because I am a huge SH Fan or Autohaven since I like to see cars). This makes them to an own issue and this has to be fixed in some way. In addition, it will take a long time to make every map overall more balanced - we all know that updates come slowly and even sometimes fail their goal which slows the progress even more.

    Also, the point of this topic is to ask the developers for a statement.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206

    Make them iri and call it a day. That'll free up slots for sac wards to spawn. Otherwise they're fine.

    Also demanding stuff from the devs isn't going to get you any traction. You're not entitled to a response from them anymore than anybody else.

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 998
    edited March 2024

    Not really.

    You know, it coasts nothing to ask. It is also not just me, other players are also talking about this topic (like mentioned earlier) and an answer would be nice for everyone.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,369

    Fix the map, fix the issue. A note from the devs would be nice, but I don’t think they’ll say anything on it.

    They are 7ish maps up right now that are possibly scheduled to get rebalanced.