Can I Have My Money back please?

ok so I'm just going to start by saying this game is killer sided straight up! i know people will argue and complain saying its not, but seriously, look at the facts! every perk to do with survivors get nerfed some way, however killers seem to get buffed through their ability giving them a higher chance regardless. look at the patch notes.
what is the point of the face camping meter? seriously! if anything you've given the killer a better chance to learn and adapt how much distance they need to stand so they can clearly see the hook and just tunnel or god knows what.
on that note, tunnelling and slugging! lets face it, a problem that still continues. hey if the company has the decency to nerf perks that survivors use, like DS or Off the record. surely they can do that? oh yeah conspicuous actions. I mean DS. a one use perk. not only that, a 3 second stun. so basically the game is encouraging tunnelling and slugging by nerfing the two main solutions.
I love it how killer mains say it's just a skill issue. What? its a skill issue that i cant do gens because I'm being chased by a killer and being constantly watched whilst on hook or being slugged for that matter. in what universe is that a skill issue?
anyway, can i have my money back please?
You just don't have enough company. When you are being chased by a killer, your companions are neglecting to complete the gen even though they should complete it. Please feel sorry for the incompetence of your friends.
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The skill issue thing is irrelevant, DBD requires no skill. I know it hurts to hear that and it might make most mald but it really doesn't, your rng is heavily dependent on the experience you're going to have. The best thing you can do is just take a break. We all have to once in a while and find other games to play. Because DBD is stressful, and like putting too much stress on yourself for long periods of time can be unhealthy, we all just need to put it down, now's the time my friend.
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How many hours do you have? I’m rank 1 as survivor and killer. High mmr is easy mode for survivor but miserable at low mmr. Where as high mmr is miserable for killer and low mmr is easy. It could be that you’re just inexperienced
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When you account for the DS's drop animation, it's less than a three second stun.
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While this quote here may sound like it's being "mean", it's generally the truth. The game is killer favored at low MMR, generally balanced around mid MMR, and survivor sided at high MMR. If you're feeling like the killer is unstoppable, once you get more experience, you'll start learning about just how much power survivors have over the killer with various perks and map elements. A LOT of it also comes down to how coordinated a team is, so a bunch of people just randomly playing without any teamwork will have a much harder time than a team completely working together.
Post edited by RpTheHotrod on1 -
Hell, a few years ago the lead Dev himself said in a live show that he was aware that at a lower skill level the game favored Killers and the more people played well the more Survivors start to get an edge.
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every perk to do with survivors get nerfed some way, however killers seem to get buffed through their ability giving them a higher chance regardless. look at the patch notes.
Quick Gambit was buffed and STBFL was nerfed in patch 7.5. Let's not owned pretend that both sides don't get buff and nerfs.
what is the point of the face camping meter?
To provide a means for survivors to deal with facecamping. Since it's addition facecamping is at all time low so it was very successful at the job it was intended to.
tunnelling and slugging! lets face it, a problem that still continues.
Despite how you feel about these tactics, there's nothing wrong with them. They are simply means a killer has to build pressure against the survivor team. The killer is facing 4 players and has the task to eliminate them.
I love it how killer mains say it's just a skill issue. What? its a skill issue that i cant do gens because I'm being chased by a killer and being constantly watched whilst on hook or being slugged for that matter. in what universe is that a skill issue?
Your job as survivor isn't just to do gens. You need to be able to keep the killer busy for long enough so your teammates can get gens done. Sometimes games will be lost not bc if your skill, but do to the skill of others on your team. This is a problem that exists in any game you play on a team. However you can't fix the issues with your teammates you can only work on improving your ability to distract the killer.