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“dedicated server not responding” issue and i’m getting long dc penalties for it

kapkeik_ Member Posts: 8
edited March 2024 in Ask the Community

last week i started getting “dedicated server not responding” issue every 5-6 matches and 6 or 24 hours dc penalties

if somebody somehow managed to solve this issue, pls help

Best Answer

  • pulpaelo
    pulpaelo Member Posts: 1
    Answer ✓

    My game is just fine but what makes me sad is that my friend can’t play with me. She’s been having the same issue since september I think. But it got much worse lately. She even changed her internet service provider.

    It is unacceptable that Behaviour is acting like there’s no problem. At this point maybe a 1 of a 10 attempts loading into the match is succesful. All of the money spent on cosmetics and for what?

    Who do we need to contact to get some answers?


  • Nono2002
    Nono2002 Member Posts: 9

    I haven't had that ptoblem myself, but from what I know lot's of people have had this bug for a while now.

    Have you tried you re-install the game or checked your wifi?

  • Shoelace
    Shoelace Member Posts: 6

    I've been literally scouring the internet trying to find any answer to this issue and the only conclusion is that some recent update has resulted in Behavior's servers being unstable (some people are saying since the Chucky update). I just can't believe this has been going on long enough and Behavior still isn't acknowledging that there's an issue??? I've found several posts about this on Reddit and people are saying they're just getting generic responses when they reach out to support and none of the suggested "fixes" actually work.

    I have over 1k hours on this game and have never had this issue until now. I have 1 gig internet that I'm hardwired into. I have zero network issues with anything else and play tons of other games without any problems. I never purposely DC and keep getting locked out of matchmaking when I'm in the middle of playing my matches. The game just seems to freeze randomly until I'm booted out to the end game screen with a message that says "Dedicated server is not responding; disconnecting..." I'm not actually disconnected from the game, just the match. Still in Discord with my friends. Still connected to the internet. The problem isn't me.

    The annoying part is that it just happens so intermittently with no actual pattern - doesn't matter if I'm in a chase, healing, on a gen, whatever. I can play 10+ games without issue, and then it just happens randomly. Or it happens in back-to-back matches like tonight. I'm losing my dang mind. I'm afraid the penalty is gonna rack up to the point I'm locked out for 24 hours or longer... :(

    This is my game and what I want to play and it's just breaking my heart because there's no acknowledgement of the issue or resolution in sight.