If BHVR reworked custom games what would you like to see added?

Personally for me I'd like it if BHVR added:
-Customizable stats, like what if you could change the Killers lunge speed/distance or how fast they went? And on a more complicated aspect maybe we could also change Killer abilities instead of their general stats, for example, imagine if you could make Hillbillys chainsaw twice as fast, Huntress Hatchets be so fast they might as well be hit scan, or Trickster only requiring 1 knife to injure?
-Map seeds or something much more complicated, that being the ability to edit map spawns. Imagine if there was a menu that allowed you to edit how many filler pallets a map could have, or what structures could appear on the map? This would allow for so much flexibility and not only would it be a just nice feature to have but the comp scene of DBD would greatly enjoy this as well.
-The ability to pick old maps would also be a really nice feature to add. Infact I think I saw somewhere that DBD mobile already allows you to do this, so I'd be nice to see in the main game.
-A maximum of 3 Killers and 8 Survivors. This would be a really fun idea to add and would make for some really goofy games.
That's my personal wishlist for a custom game rework. What would you guys want?
Edit: After I posted this I got a bunch of other cool ideas for custom games like:
-Changing how many gens you need to do, how long they take, how many spawn
-Change game lighting, like making the map really dark like lights out, or making the map look like Freddy's dream world
-changing killer terror radius, like making it bigger/smaller or changing how the terror radius worked. For example, imagine if you just removed the Killers layer 2 and 3 of their terror radius only leaving their Distant terror radius and chase?
-Changing Killer/Survivor size. Imagine a Blight the size of a piece of grass chasing you or survivors as big as trees running around!
This would honestly be so much fun. The more customization the better. I could easily see a lot of awesome content coming out of youtube, twitch, and other platforms if this happened.
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Exactly, I feel like it'd be a great investment as it'd just bring so many more players onto DBD. Not only would it be great for casual players who'd just wanna have some goofy games but I'd be great for the comp scene as well. Imagining the games that would come out of this would be great, like a Demogorgon who's shred goes across the entire map or a Nemesis with 20 zombies.
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Everything we've ever had in the game being available. Old maps, old perks, old powers, the Moonlight offerings, old animations.
Please allow me to rebuild the old DBD in customs.
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Seed editor or at least being able to save seeds you've played on. This would help out comp a ton. I remember seeing a screenshot many years back showing the map seed system.
Other then that, being able to play removed stuff would be cool.
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Bare minimum? Map seeds, spectator free cam
Beyond that: being able to tweak things like # of gens spawned, # of gens needed to complete, # of totems, # of pallets, # of chests, basement on/off toggle, bloodlust on/off toggle for each level, terror radius toggle, lullaby toggle, perk limiters (e.g. free for all vs. limited # per) and perk bans
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idk i just want a practice mode where gens won't progress.
and ability to add a bot killer that will just afk so i can practice fast vaults and stuff as survivor.
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For custom matches only, I would like to see the option to play on the older versions of maps. Think of it as "legacy" maps.
Even though I've owned the game since the Halloween chapter released, I didn't really get to it in my Steam stack until late 2021, so I missed out trying the older versions of Coldwind, Haddonfield, etc. I know those maps are busted as all hell, and the older graphics are weak by comparison to the pretty stuff we have now, but I reeeeeeally would love to at least run around and explore the original, giant RPD, complete with the upper walkways in the library.
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Custom games absolutely need to be truly custom. You've pretty much summarized exactly what I wanted lol.
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I respectfully disagree with practice mode. Let me explain:
It sounds good in principle because it would allow survivors that get tunneled or killed quickly because of low skill to practice and "git gud". However, in reality, I think the game would become extremely sweaty. Fornite was a relatively casual game until it exploded on the streaming platforms. But even then, it was still playable for more casual players. What really ruined Fornite for me was practice arenas that allowed kids to spend hours doing nothing but building. If the devs let survivors and killers practice the same moves; on the same maps; on the same loops, without end, we will all hate the game in no time. Thoughts?
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I respectfully disagree with a practice mode. Let me explain:
It sounds great in principle because it would allow low skill survivors and killers to "git gud" before they go into real matches and get bullied. However, in reality, I think it would make the game extremely sweaty. Fornite was a relatively casual game. Even when it exploded on the streaming platforms it was still playable for casual fans IMO. What ruined Fortnite for me was the addition of the practice arena which allowed kids to do nothing but practice building for hours without end. This eventually made the game extremely sweaty, leaving no one to play it but the people that sunk thousands of hours of practice into it. I think the same thing would happen to DBD if the devs allowed survivors and killers to practice the same moves on the same map on the same loops without end.
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Complaints about this should be directed to MMR.
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Splinters too.
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Yes, put totems to max so I can learn the spawns on a new map