Basekit DS should be in the game

Basekit DS should be in let me explain.
As of right now Decisive strike is very weak and tunneling as of rn is the best strategy to win as killer as of right now. Less survivors on generators means the likelihood of you winning is higher it just makes sense. While I have no issues with tunneling since it is part of the game to go for the same guy I tunnel myself when it feels necessary or when it’s convenient when I play killer but It is an issue when the killer tunnels a survivor Immediately at the start of the trial.
Ive seen and experienced countless times of a killer going for one survivor and NOT going for anyone else till they’re dead at the beginning of the game, it’s honestly ridiculous.
while it is impossible to get rid of tunneling, I think it is possible to alleviate tunneling.
hence my proposal for 2 basekit anti-tunneling measures:
1: Basekit Decisive Strike: works how it does now with some buffs to make it actually good, lasts for 80 seconds when unhooked and the killer is stunned for 5 seconds
heres the kicker: basekit Decisive strike deactivates when there is 2 generators left to complete
2: Unhook changes: when unhooked you leave no scratch marks and no pools of blood and you have no collision for 10 second in addition to basekit BT
what these changes would do firstly it would make early game tunneling very costly and makes it difficult to tunnel in general since they would become very hard to track as well. You can’t abuse it either because once you heal or touch a generator it immediately goes away anyone who tries to abuse it will just waste their own time that could’ve been spent on a generator.
why I think this would be okay, because tunneling for how necessary it is, certain killer players have abuse tunneling early game and in general it is unfair when you just start out and immediately get tunneled out. It’s not fun and It’s even more ridiculous when the only way to offset tunneling is with perks and the only objectively good anti-tunneling perk happens to be decisive strike. Hence why this should be okay, it’s simply fair for the first 3 generators everyone will have DS, once it’s later into the game DS will deactivate allowing the killer to tunnel if they need to, but tunneling will still not be as easy since they will be hard to track and to simply allow the unhooked survivor to reset at least and in addition I propose removing collision as well to prevent body blocks this change is a buff to both killer and survivor.
So bringing DS, improving your looping, improving your w-keying, using perks like dead hard, body blocks, jungle gyms, pallets and windows galore, firecrackers isn't enough?
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You’re point?
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Maybe itd be better to look into ways to not incentivize tunneling early game before jumping the gun and giving survivors more things to help them, things that could be VERY abusable by swfs.
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A SWF cant abuse it and let me tell you why, due to everyone having DS you know that they will have DS so if they try body blocking then you slug them and just don’t pick them up if they have unbreakable then good they just wasted their unbreakable if not good that’s free slowdown for you cause another survivor has to heal them. They can’t do generators and they can’t heal themselves which just wastes their time if they are trying to mess with you.
the unhooked stealth isn’t abusable either since its stealth the killer won’t be able to track you so they won’t even bother with you
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I get where you're coming from but I always hated that logic. Yes slugging them is technically slowdown but most of the time you get 5 to 10 secs out of it max. I would rather not loose the other survivors I wanted to get cause I wanted to play nice and don't tunnel.
Let them loose collision completely for the full duration there is nothing to abuse there cause they can't do anything without losing ds.
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No. That's not how it works. That slugged survivor wastes a lot of time for the killer with the 1 or 2 hits they take. Way more than it takes for the other survivors to get them back up and healed again. That's why bodyblocks are so strong.
Also, you overlooked the most problematic part. A survivor with DS is basically invincible. They can be hit and even downed but they cannot be killed. So what is to stop them from using it to stay around the killer and pallet / flashlight save their team mate? They are at no risk whatsoever. But the killer has to be very careful and look out for anyone that might have DS in every single chase. That's ridiculous and it wastes a ton of time the killer absolutely doesn't have.
We know from experience that everything that can be used aggressively will be used aggressively and DS is no exception. Pre 6.1.0 DS was problem for that exact reason. Because even when a killer didn't tunnel, they still had to deal with it.
There need to be further restricions to a possible base kit DS. Also, base kit perks were never a good idea to begin with. Making DS base kit just like that means, that survivors run around with 24 perks instead of the intended 16. At that point, you can give killers a 5th perk slot, which would create even more issues. You are not supposed to benefit from perks you and your team don't equip.
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It’s still wasted time, it would extend your chase sure but that one survivor is still wasting time. I won’t deny you are right about me overlooking a issue of a survivor just hovers over you waiting to save a teammate and to that I think nerfing the duration of DS back to 60 should be okay
If they come for you and if you’re a good killer and stay cautious just down them and by the time you hooked the survivor DS should be gone especially when you account the time it took them to travel to you and wait for you to down the survivor. You also forgot to mention that it goes away once 3 generators have been completed after that a swf Messing with you won’t have that safeguard anymore. If need be nerfing it down to it deactivate when 2 generators have been done should do it and allow the purpose of early game tunneling to not be a thing.
but even if Basekit DS doesn’t become a thing i would still recommend Basekit untrackability being a thing. That for sure wouldn’t be bad you can’t possibly abuse it cause it’s purely to allow you to run wherever you want without fear of the killer chasing you.
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Hard to miss the point - basically the game is already full of advantages for survivors. Why do you need yet another? When will enough be enough before BHVR needs to realize you just need to practice more and get better rather than handing you wins?
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Basekit DS will kill the game in that sense remove basekit bt.
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And? You act like the game isn’t full of advantages for killers too? So again what’s your point?
no amount of practice will protect you from tunneling. On equal skill level the killer will guarantee tunnel you if they really want to there’s no way around it if you think not then you’re kidding you’re self since the killer has every advantage in chase, the game is literally designed for survivor to eventually lose in chase which is fine.
But I think you missed my point when I suggested a basekit DS. I want basekit DS for early game tunneling not tunneling in general because feeling the need to tunnel at 5 or 4 gens is ridiculous and unfair to the guy who is getting tunneled. A basekit DS wouldn’t “hand survivors wins” it would just disincentivize tunneling early game the same way the anti-face camp feature is a thing because it’s just simply unfair.
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Heck might as well at this point, survivors have pretty much gotten every other strategy besides killing (tunneling) and slugging completely ruined in basekit fashion. Let's just put the nail in the coffin already, let's get more and more players to quit through boredom. Let's make it to where survivors literally have nothing to worry about in a slasher video game. Let's just also make a system where the killer hit box is removed on the survivor you are killing, more and more chances needed now. As if the game already hasn't been the worst, it's been for killer in a long time, just rub it in now, no need to get better and learn strategy yourself, just tie up your opponent until they can't do anything at all.
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I truly accept basekit DS, honestly. IF and only IF I get basekit Corrupt. (Not the full 120 seconds)
That’s my compromise.
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Practice does! I see tons of survivor videos where survivors down good killers who tunnel. Only bad players lose to tunnels - the advantages you have are crazy. There are sacrifices sometimes - when someone gets tunneled sometimes it sucks for them and they have to die. Or survivors can come and try and take protection hits for them. There have to be lures for survivors to leave the gens because gens are done so quickly now.
basecamp DS would absolutely hand wins to survivors, as many killers have to tunnel now because of the easy mode advantages dished out to survivors now - some intentional and some not so much.