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survivors hate tunneling but the gens go so fast so what choice is there? even with slowdown.



  • Member Posts: 405

    Played 5 games friendly in a row. All 5 gen rushed so wonder why those who want to win tunnnel? Maybe it’s the survivors fault lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    Could you show me that in a video? I will point out how the survivors were at fault.

    Even in an elementary school, if the survivors are serious, they can attack two gates at the same time and there is nothing even a nurse can do about it. Nurses are only good at chasing a single survivor, and after all, they cannot stop multiple survivors at the same time. Since the content is so immature, I can point it out in writing, but I can point it out in more detail in the video.

    Even in my area, there are skill differences between players, and sometimes there are survivors who are helpless, but even compared to that, I honestly felt that even the knowledge of gate battles here was disappointing. You are speaking based on people who clearly have no knowledge. That's why the stories don't fit together.

    I'm so tired that I don't have the energy to talk anymore. Please insult me. I won't argue anymore. If you all think that will improve your play feel.

  • Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    What video it was a first hand experience. Yes im sure Supa Alf and Vulpixia have no knowledge at nurse its not like they have thousands of hours just maining her or anything. You need to speak for yourself and say you cant win after 3 gens pop. There are plenty of killers that have the skill to come back after 3 gens pop.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    The efficient is the same on your progression, up to your skill in chase. Killers tunnel because there is a huge reward behind it: making Gens at least 33% slower, not even 4 slowdown able to slow the Gen down this much.

    I dont tell killers not to tunnel, if they want to, its up to them, sure I dont have fun that match, but dont complain about after this 4K lead them to MMRs they should not be then "survivor hate tunneling but Gen rush", no your skill is too far below that even tunneling dont make up for it.

    Chill killers rarely complain about Gen speed, only tunnelers do, I never tunnel, and I do fine. This game gives player the illusion of being good at the game by stacking multiple levels of meta. A low skill Trapper with 4 slowdown, strong add, tunneling would get more kills than a good Trapper with meme perks and weak addon, spreading hooks.

    I would never tell survivors to get good while I homing an injured survivor again and again.

  • Member Posts: 405

    So games before make tunneled and gen rushers interesting

  • Member Posts: 405

    Played 5 more and all gen rushers. So if you hate tunnelers blame survivors.

  • Member Posts: 657
    edited March 2024

    It really has nothing to do with that the point is even if a killer gets gen rushed they get to play the game. A survivor on a hook literally doesn't. I have a lot of friends I bought the game and out of all of them only one stayed to keep playing for the simple fact they just get tunneled out. That's good if you want to have the same player count forever but if you want more people to play the game has to be fun.

    Post edited by Hexling on
  • Member Posts: 405

    They can go next. Killers get to feel frustration.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Possibly. You dunno what you’re gonna face until the match begins.

  • Member Posts: 405

    True wait no 14 games in a row gen rush as I am friendly killer. So yes you do know and thus why killers are tunneling

  • Member Posts: 972

    This is probably the best comment in this thread so far. Play how you want to play (within the rules) and don't worry about what anyone else thinks. People are always going to complain about "camping" or "tunneling" or something else being unfair or unfun if they lose. Most players are only happy with their matches if they can stomp the other side. So there's really no point in ever trying to chase this fantasy world where everyone consistently has a super fun match.

  • Member Posts: 60

    Maybe don’t chase for that long? Use corrupt? Legal pursuer? Dead lock? Or maybe idk 🤔 get good ?

  • Member Posts: 373

    Why does it not exist?

    Because there are no killer rule book?

    Then why should killer need to be called tunnel if they want to focus on one object before doing another one?

    They just the same.

    The only difference is killer would be blamed if they try to do it in a efficiency way.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    That's, the ago-old adage of "we are not genrushing/tunneling, but just doing our job".

    At its lowest level, that might be true, but the game is much more nuanced than that.

    Actions have consequences and ultra-efficency is often contra to a fun game, where both sides have time to do some fun stuff.

    @CrypticGirl Yes, the world for the killer doesn't end when 3 gens pop first chase, BUT all leeway with the survivors instantly end, and this could potentially be right at the start.

    Last game I was completely in control, I chose the right gens to patrol, won many mindgames, ended chases quickly and managed to chase survivors to gens that were worked at. Thus I had 3 hooks and only one gen done, when that girl that already got hooked twice stumbled into me and threw down a pallet from the wrong side. I downed her and left her slugged, but didn't seal the deal. Had I been down to 2 gens at this time, I would have killed her.

    Many survivors favor gens over friends and this greatly flavors the matches and alters how quickly sympathetic killers might be backed against the wall.

  • Member Posts: 498

    Gen rushing is the correct term and it feels awful to play vs that. But tunneling gens doesn’t exist

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    Actions have consequences and ultra-efficency is often contra to a fun game, where both sides have time to do some fun stuff.

    That's why I'm asking. Because contrary to what seems to be an upcoming popular opinion: Doing gens is not 'genrushing'. If they aren't bringing genrush perks and toolkits, it's not 'genrushing'.

  • Member Posts: 238

    The rush is so over the top that I have even come to appreciate the premade bullies. You know they can finish the game in less than five minutes if they wanted to, but they decide to drag it out and even losing because their main objective bores them.

    On the other side of the coin you have those SWF premades where there is one good enough looper, everyone else repairs and they leave as soon as they can without any interaction.

  • Member Posts: 675

    As more gens get done the game slows down more. Sometimes as killer, even if you are blight 2 gens will just go at the start with little you can do. The point is though as gens get done you will naturally be defending a smaller area and since you have started hooking, you are building pressure as a killer. Killer is at its weakest during the start of a match since its when you have literally 0 pressure. If an early chase does end up going on too long though then it is a good idea to leave even if you have to lose time.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2024

    In order to win without tunneling you need chases like sub 25 or so seconds. Which for the vast majority of the killer roster is impossible. Hence the problem. Survivors want chases significantly longer than this in order to have fun, but chases significantly longer than this lose the game for killer. We’re in a conundrum.

    So we have to either slow the game down to allow survivors to have their long chases they want or the chases have to be that short.

    Tunneling comes in so often because as I said earlier, unless you’re a few specific killers tunneling is the only way you’re going to reach that sub 25 second chase timer.

    This is why on survivor if you can keep the killer busy without going down for at least 30+ seconds you’re doing good and winning the game unless your team is just bad of course.

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited March 2024

    I play survivor I don't hate tunneling. A lot of players think like this.

    Don't say survivors in general hate tunneling when its simply a collective of highly vocal complainers.

    That said tunneling isn't really necessary to win, even against gen rush squads.

    But there is no better permanent pressure you can generate than the elimination of a player so if you get the chance to do that, then taking it isn't a bad option.

  • Member Posts: 521

    I see a lot of survivors complaining about tunneling at 4 gens not understanding that the number in the corner is deceiving, if there are 4 gens left but 2 are at 80% you're not really at 4 gens in a split second if you let up you can be at 2 gens which is dangerous territory for the killer.

    A lot of killers aren't tunneling then to "be mean" it's because they have the macro sense to know the game is a lot closer than it appears.

  • Member Posts: 337

    Brother, your chases should be nowhere near a minute, that's a game losing chase. A lot of it unfortunately has to do with what killer you play. The most skilled Trapper in the world is still playing Trapper.

    I main Artist and my typical goal is one down one injured 30 secs into the match tops.

    Aim for 20 chases anymore than that leave and swat the others off the gens

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    I dont agree with you saying survivors have no comeback potential. A killer can have 1 bad chase and lose the whole game, this can happen at any point during the game

  • Member Posts: 1,253

    I also dont get that "no tunneling at 5 gens". If 3 survivors are splitting on 3 gens the number will say 5 but in a few seconds you might be on 2.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Because once you are in that state. The survivors can just predrop every pallet and you can't ever catch them and they just slam the last couple of gens.

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