FTP & Buckle Up

ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450
edited March 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Please Devs CHANGE these freaking perks!!!!! It is NOT fair or fun to face! Especially in a 4 man on coms with boon unbreakable on Temple!

You guys are really gonna let these two perks really allow a killer be denied their first hook after dealing with predrops thanks to windows, an exhaustion perk that made an easy/good mind game be wasted because that perk was just equipped?!

When you do finally get the down 2 gen pops and then you see the 4th survior just pick them up and you cannot wait the 10 seconds for either because both have windows and will make it to that god window or pallet because of the free endurance that only the survivor picked up should get! Then whoever is the one that isn't getting chased ppps that 3rd gen while the last 2 you haven't seen all game works on the last gens split.

And while we are on the topic of endurance, WHY are survivors allowed to body block the killer with it?! NO WAY should I be punished when trying to get to the OTHER survivor who SAVED! Endurance should make survivors lose collision with killer. Just like how knight can't body block a survivor being hunted by guards. You've done with with a whole killer power now do it BASEKIT for survivors who earn endurance.

You as developers and the communicators who watch these forums should take herd and get it changed the sooner than later before killers choose to leave again and you get tour arm twisted to do another "killer buff patch" because survivors wait times get longer and longer every day.

Long story short for crunched for time readers.

Change endurance to make survivors lose collision. Change buckle up to only give endurance to the picked up survivor.


  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    yeah when a survivor uses there basekit anti tunnel feature to body block i read that as a big ples tunnel me right now i need it sign and now one on the forum will change that

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    From a mathematical and logical standpoint, running FtP and buckle up is only hurting the survivors if it's used at any time before the last gen and end game.

    At the start of an ideal match, 1 survivor is getting chased and 3 are working on gens. Most times with FtP and buckle up, a second survivor is running around the map right behind the one getting chased. This drops the total gens being worked on to 2. Using the same percentage formula as the devs do for perks, this is a 66% survivor-induced gen slowdown based on the amount of charges being put into generators. To put that in perspective, tier 3 pentimento is 30%.

    It is also fairly easy to counter the Ftp play before it even happens: just hit the survivor chasing you. It really is that simple. I can understand the frustration if light-footed and maybe even mettle of man are being used in tandem with FtP and buckle up, as you can't hear the survivor behind you, but even even with that in mind, I find it hard to believe there wasn't an opportunity that a killer (unless they look at the ground during chase) would not be able to see the other survivor running after them during a chase.

    Killers often forget that if any survivor wants to make a build that isn't designed for sitting on generators, their odds of winning the match decrease astronomically. Even though a survivor has dedicated their entire build to keeping someone alive in chase, the build itself is not designed to progress the game. In fact, using FtP on a downed survivor gives the killer more pressure than they had before, as after 10 seconds, two survivors are downable as opposed to just one. This requires using limited resources (medkits) or further wasting other survivors' time by having to be healed for 16 seconds once the broken status has expired.

    The issue here isn't the perk setup, it's the disparity in effectiveness a coordinated team vs an uncoordinated team has with builds. Of course the top 0.1% of survivor players will be able to use these perks in ways other players won't, but nerfing perks into the ground for normal players just to make the highest level "even" isn't the best way to keep a game alive. I'd rather have communication tools be added to the game before we make any buff/nerf judgement calls on perks, as shrinking the gap between solo q and swf will help get a more accurate read on the perk's effectiveness if the avenue for communication is mostly the same between the two.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    That's true in simple math, but in reality, killers can't use their hook perk before the generation is complete, or killer give up buckle survivors to prevent the gen completing in the key place. Buckle FTP is fully effective and contributes to the Survivor team's victory.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    I was not talking about gen regression, I was talking about gen slowdown. A killer is essentially chasing 2 survivors for the price of 1 with ftp and buckle up, and there is still the 66% slowdown because the second survivor is not progressing the game.

    In terms of gen regression, from a macro standpoint, pain res and pop are more effective when there are fewer gens remaining. Survivors have a higher difficulty finishing the final gens, as it is easier to patrol 3 gens instead of 7, and delaying that final gen is extremely easy to do with these two perks. The killer snowballs from there, and having 0 hooks with 2 gens done quickly swings into a 4k.

    Even if ftp and buckle up delay pain res and pop by another 20 seconds or so, 1) the survivors are using more limited resources with pallets and their items, and 2) the game is still 66% slower than if that second survivor would just get on a generator. The time afforded to the killer by essentially chasing two survivors more than makes up for the time lost if ftp and buckle up are used (assuming the killer doesn't just hit the ftp survivor before it is used).

    So both in simple math and in practice, this is correct, assuming the killer is actually trying to win the game.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    I understand that too. What I'm trying to say is that it's not a wasted move, as the cycle of getting the Killer's Hook perk and the Survivor's Hook state progression are also delayed. I have often experienced in actual combat that there is no such thing as a negative result. Of course, it would be a different story if they were doing something similar to stupid things like holding a flashlight and chasing them endlessly, but in that case, SWF is probably using efficient actions that are unique to SWF to reduce losses as much as possible.

  • Valuetown
    Valuetown Member Posts: 557

    It's not a wasted move, but nothing is being done positively for the survivors being chased. The killer comes out net positive in most cases as survivor resources are being used for little loss on the killer's part. Especially if the killer is running something like forced hesitation, stbfl, rapid brutality, etc.

    There is far too much risk involved running ftp and buckle up for such a minimal lateral move for the survivor side. There are builds that 4 man swfs can run that make it look unfair, but as I said above, that's an issue with the disparity between solo q and swfs rather than these perks inherently being a problem for killers, as there are plenty of ways to counter it, with or without perks to do so.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,369

    As a killer main I don’t have an issue with this combo. It’s all survivors have for their meta right now. Let them keep it.

  • BayushkiBayu
    BayushkiBayu Applicant Posts: 12

    I keep seeing how good this is but I've only been got by it once so far and it felt like a fair gotchya on my part so I wasn't mad about it. Otherwise, it wasn't ever applicable and the survivors recognized it as a bad move/waste of time (good on them I'd say) or the one bully squad I got recently while playing Freddy. They had the game in the bag and I was playing horribly. Three of them had flashlights and weren't awful at keeping me in chase either. Got a few saves with the lights too. But one generator was left and I down one of them (I had only gotten a total of 3 hooks and no one was on death hook) and the other two come in trying to flashlight save, okay I spin around and head to the hook and I'm fine. Then they decided to body block from full health at the hook that was right beside where I downed their friend. They threw the game in that moment and I gave the random the hatch because they were actually doing generators while not being chased. Post game I see those three all had FTP and Buckle Up but I guess with how they threw it at the end there, they never got a chance to even use it.

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450

    All surviors have? Tell me you are bias without telling me you're bias.

  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 3,369

    For me personally as a killer main, If I were to stop playing killer, it wouldn’t be because of those perks.

    It would be because they’re taking killers and reworking them into a different variation of what I paid for. Trickster, Freddy, Sadako, Skull Merchant etc.

    All I wanted was OG Sadako with todays buffs.

  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 304

    Ask yourself this. How many SWF well communicated teams do you face each day? Most are solo teams (even teamups dont mean well-coordinated most likely its just friends playing with friends) with no teamwork or coordination. Busting up perks to make it more killer friendly makes solo unplayable to appease killers who want easy wins 90% of the time. This game is very casual based with no real comp base that dominates the scene.

  • felipesegatto1
    felipesegatto1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

    get over it

  • felipesegatto1
    felipesegatto1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

    killers are such cry babies what else can you possibly want? survivors starting the trial at the hook?

  • SuperCop
    SuperCop Applicant Posts: 137

    I don't think buckle up should be changed at all since all it does is give endurance after picking someone up which could be helpful in a situation where killer tries to slug whole team for easy 4k.

    If it's really that big an issue then maybe change FTP slightly? Like it works the same but doesn't read as a heal so buckle up doesn't activate.