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When do I cage?

MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,105

I’m a baby executioner :)

Trying to know when is it best to cage or does it matter.

I have a difficult time getting people to walk into my wires xD

Best Answer

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 803
    Answer ✓


    don’t cage in endgame

    secondly it rlly depends on whether you want to apply pressure or not

    and here’s my experience as a Phead main

    I mostly run SH pain res and NWO on phead and here’s how I do it

    1. I cage if the survivor was already hooked on a scourge hook
    2. I also cage if there are no SH nearby but that’s only if I’m not running NWO on him

    also since you’re new can I please please help you with this killer? I’ve played him for years and I know many’s things about him


  • MechWarrior3
    MechWarrior3 Member Posts: 2,105

    Thank you! You may! 🥰

    Im on PlayStation. My handle is OneWithTrav. My discord is the same username. :)

  • Dipper
    Dipper Member Posts: 153

    What I do hate is that there is absolutely no way to remove a wire besides being caged and uncaging someone. But if the Killer feels like not caging you, that's a free Mori, just because you accidentally ran into a wire early on and now have to keep it forever. I feel like this needs a nerf at least.

    Either force the cage instead of picking up, remove the wire when normally hooked, or at least, to give some fun to lucky killers, make it time based, so after 1-2 Minutes or so the Wire vanishes by default. That way the Killer at least has to Work more with his Trails, and not just trapping all four survs in it and then calling it a day by never caging someone and just moriing them once they're DoH

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 803

    I don’t see that as a problem

    you can still use hook related perks and you can just play around it as if the killer is using a mori offering + if the killer isn’t caging you it means you won’t be easy to tunnel later on with how bad and predictable the RNG of cage spawns are and no endurance or any hook related perks when uncaged

    and also I don’t want any force cage mechanics with how every good anti Gen perk requires hooks while the ones that don’t require hooks are dead

    and last of all no need to nerf his torment unless it’s compensated by inflicting torment by punishment of the damned hits

    although torment getting removed when you’re hooked could be fine for most of it