An idea to rework (buff?) Lightborn!

UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
edited March 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've always been against the hard counter nature of Lightborn and just straight up removing flashlights from the game... it's especially annoying with regards to the challenges to blind the killer while carrying a survivor, but as we all know, Lightborn isn't particularly good, and once survivors realise you have it, they stop trying.

So, I was playing with Shadowborn after the rework, and I dunno if anyone has actually tried playing with Shadowborn... but getting blinded and running after the survivor with the 10% haste is actually pretty awesome when you're able to keep track of their footsteps... it has this real feeling of "Ha! Gotcha!". I think this feeling would be pretty awesome with Lightborn... so I want to share a buff idea.

Instead of just making the Killer immune to Lightborn, survivors can still flashlight blind the killer... but the killer will still be able to see the survivor.


Lightborn (EDIT Revised)

Killers blinded by flashlights/flashbangs/firecrackers or any other means: -

  • will trigger the blind score event for survivors.
  • will not have their vision obscurred.
  • the aura of the survivor is revealed for 6/8/10s.
  • cannot be stunned by blinds. (no flashlights saves)

Note: You are still technically "blinded" by the survivor, meaning you lose the ability to lunge. This can also be considered as another buff to the perk, but I think the subterfuge it adds is more than enough to compensate for that downside.


Lightborn (Original version before changed from feedback)

Killers blinded by flashlights/flashbangs/firecrackers or any other means: -

- will no longer have vision completely obscurred, the killers vision will instead go very dark.

- the aura of the survivor is revealed for 4/5/6s.

- cannot be stunned by blinds.

I'm thinking something like how Dredge Nightfall looks to survivors, kinda like this:


This would allow killers to actually feign being blinded after being blinded at pallets and alike, and still manouver to try to catch survivors. They would however not be able to lunge for the duration of the blind, so the survivor doesn't get nothing from blinds... this still gives it some counter play.

Of course if the survivors get a flashlight save, the jig is up, and they won't try no more... unless they have a challenge, in which case you can eat it and not care.

This maintains the strength of Lightborn, adds some new options to the Killer, and just makes the perk more interesting overall... You can even see the possibility of Shadowborn, Hex: Two Can Play builds actually being a thing.

Post edited by UndeddJester on


  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173

    Never ever, that lightborn change where you don't get blinded ever is probably one of the best and most needed changes for a perk I have ever seen in this game. Survivors got a lot of buffs in the flashlight/flashbang department, let killers have something.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You do realise that what he proposed is actually a buff compared to the current version right? ^^

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173

    If you can get blinded it's a nerf. We are not going back to that.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited March 2024

    Always welcoming criticism, but would appreciate you elaborting on exactly why this is a worse trade off?

    The killer does get something... they get to see the survivors aura and some view of the world around them, they can't be flashlight stunned when picking up a survivor (to my knowledge the main reason to take Lightborn), and they get a degree of masking the effects of the perk so survivors aren't immediately aware it's in play...

    The only thing the killer really loses is the ability to lunge while they are blind, to at least give some counter play to survivors if they realise it's in play. Of course if this makes the perk undesirable, maintaining the baility to lunge can be an additional effect, and of course would also be a giveaway that Lightborn is in play.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But you don't get blinded though? Did you even read what he proposed? Your vision gets dark but you get aura reading on the survivor... You might want to read that post again buddy.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    edited March 2024

    You would still have vision similar to survivors during nightfall, so like 16 m radius or so... And you don't drop survivors when blinded as you are still immune to the effect of that... So how exactly is this a nerf? You don't drop the survivor and can still hook him. And if you got blinded at a pallet you get the aura reading and can go after them. And the only downside is the disabled lunge for a few seconds, which is irrelevant anyway because it will run out when you reach lunge range...

    It is all written really clear, if only you took the time to properly read it before throwing a tantrum.

    And on top of that, if I understood correctly, you get synergy with the haste effect of shadowborn, which currently does not exist because light born makes it so you cannot get blinded and shadowborn requires you to get blinded.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited March 2024

    I'm going to give you the benfit of the doubt, and assume you understand that seeing exactly where the survivor is going and being able to perfectly follow (something most killers can do without taking Lightborn), while also having the survivor not aware that you can perfectly see them... is not a nerf... if being able to see all terrain perfectly is that important to you, you can argue that the dark effect can be removed... but the core idea is that survivors still "blind" the killer, but that blind basically has no effect. This is far more interesting than just doing nothing...

    So before you go about attacking people with "Low garbage" perhaps it would behoove you to engage in the disucssion and address the points raised in entirety instead of tunnel visioning on a single largely irrelevant point my guy.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 787

    Lightborn is healthy for the game. If you have a challenge gg go next isn’t that serious

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929

    Don't disagree, but do you believe this reworked version would detract from that health? Would it be the same? Or would it perhaps enhance the health of the game?

    I tend to think the latter.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    Help me out here. How is this a buff? Right now you can't get blinded, meaning the upside of not getting stunned by blinds is already included, you see that survivor's aura for 10 seconds and you have normal vision the entire time. But you suggest to impair the killer's vision, nerf the aura duration and include an upside that's already there and you would take away the killer's lunge for the time of the blind. So to me this just looks like a nerf.

    I guess survivors could get the "Killer Blind" BP event, which would hide it but you could do that with Lightborn now and it would be way better. Or you leave Lightborn as it is and it would still be better.

    I think it's good that Lightborn makes you immune to blinds. It's the ultimate anti bully perk. No flashlight save shenanigans, no blinding after every pallet drop and you don't have to deal with flashbangs and their issues. Like sound occlusion and the ability for survivors to glitch themselves into the killer to guarantee a save. Overall, it's a huge quality of life improvement for when you want to play a bit chill. The killer only has 4 perk slots, so if they want to limit themself to 3 perks, then I don't see any issue in Lightborn countering flashlights completely. Especially since your idea wouldn't make flashlights much more useful either way.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    Are you able to flashlight save with it? I‘m just asking, because I‘m unshure whether I misunderstood something.

    If yes, I would also make that, it takes 80%longer to blind the killer. Then it would still have the counter to flashlights, but you could still save someone.

    All in all it would be a lot better, I really dislike that it currently can hard counter a whole build.

  • Orthane
    Orthane Member Posts: 455

    Lightborn has to stay in the game as is until they limit Survivor items to 2 max per lobby.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited March 2024

    Oops... fair observations my guy, truthfully, I have not used the perk for so long that I forgot it actually gives the aura already... :D

    I guess the short version of my suggestion is to grant the blind trigger so that the survivor thinks they've blinded the killer, but actually have not. This fake out however is not an insignificant buff, and something you can catch out the same survivor or a team of SWF survivors multiple times if you act it well (unless its a full flashlight save)... and can lead to people continuing to try instead of just going to crank gens. I added the other effects to compensate for the potential value it now offers, as opposed to the current version, which is survivor tries once, sees you have Lightborn, and you never see any value from it again... if that makes sense.

    So I guess the change could also be buffed to be, "grants the blind trigger", and call it a day, but denying a lunge could be argued either way as something the kilelr does themsevles as part of the subterfuge, or is counterplay offered to compensate for that buff... I personally think the trade off of losing the lunge is worth it for the potential value Survivors thinking they can blind you brings.

    The idea would be no, you can't flashlight save. You get the blind proc, it counts as blinding the killer, but the killer is immune to being stunned by flashlights is the idea. That way the survivors still have a way to know for sure that Lightborn is in play, but it otherwise provides the killer with more value out of the perk.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929

    Also following that misunderstanding @LazyClown, your argument makes a little more sense! Apologies my guy!

    I've provided a revised version with this in mind!

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean it is still a buff in that regard, because once people realise you cannot be blinded they won't try anymore, whereas with this version they might not notice it so quickly... So I would say it is still an improvement.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited March 2024

    Appreciate it mate! I think its the best of both, still gives the benefits people want of Lightborn, but actually can see multiple instances of benefit, while also still giving survivors something in return instead of just a 'Nope'.

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • moputopia
    moputopia Member Posts: 151

    I was really against this change at first, since you suggested making the perk a lot worse (not remembering the aura reveal) haha. But now I kind of see the idea. I still think this change is mostly for survivors, so their blind the killer challenges are not countered by a perk.

    I would suggest not removing the ability to lunge, though. This would still keep killers unaffected by flashlights/blinds, which is why most people want to run it. Killers can also fake not having a lunge to fool survivors, and attentive survivors now have a chance to figure out you're running it.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,929
    edited March 2024

    Thanks man... Yeah, I botched the original post... I usually reread perks before I post, but was lazy this time, and screwed it up, which has probably doomed this idea sadly 😅

    The aim was to maintain Lightborns main strength (countering flashlight saves), but also make it interactive instead of just a flat nope that once survivors realise you have it, then they never try and flashlight again. Having the blind go off still but have no blind effect to block vision, the perk creates uncertainty and an element of surprise that can see multiple uses... instead of just 1 use.

    I wanted some kind of trade off for that though (cause flashlights aren't particularly good, and without flashlight saves, really are not good at all). Some scenario where even if the survivor realises Lightborn is in effect, there will be some hyper specific niche scenarios where blinding the killer may still be worthwhile... lunging seemed to fit the bill...

    That said even if we just take all the buffs with no downside, and it just allows challenge completion and bloodpoint scores, that I feel is still an improvement over the existing boring non-interaction it is currently.