Would like to see day, night, and weather.

I think it would be cool if when a map loaded, random climate variables would happen. Things such as day, night, dawn, and dusk. Also, is it clear, foggy, rainy, etc? Imagine if Ormand could have clear, light or heavy snowfall, or even blizzard conditions. Variables such as these could make it more interesting and even change up player strategies.
only if it does not make it harder to see or track cause im not on for loosing a "fair game" cause rng said todays forcast is a freaking blizzard tough luck finding survivor
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100% that would be so cool, just Imagine having real fog and you only see 6m.
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This would be fun just wonder how it would hinder the game quality. Resources would be shifted to the weather and they have to make it work on the Switch.
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this could be a super neat concept! if it didnt effect vision that is lol
cue minecraft ambience sounds but dbd
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See, I think it could work both ways. Some weather only changes the atmosphere and other forces you to change how your play. Just imagine Ormand. It's night and the snow is so heavy that you have near whiteout conditions. You make a run through the snow, only to bump into the killer. It's a mad dash to escape. You can't see where you're going too well because of the snow; you just hope you can make it to the lodge so you can stop and figure out your next move. But there's hope. You zig and zag all over the place knowing that the heavy snow falling makes it difficult for your scratch marks. You escape because the killer can't find you and you breath a sigh of relief. But then you hear a scream as one of your team is taken down and the other two flee from the lodge into the storm.
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Atleast day and night
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I always wanted that.
I really like the rain in forest and the snow in ormond.
I wish they would add that to other maps too.
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This is likely the hold up for anything like this. They had to greatly reduce the fog many years ago, plus cut way down on swaying grass etc. because of the hit to game performance. Particularly on the consoles.