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Invocation should probably be kill-switched

Member Posts: 452

I don't think there's any other perk in the game that is as likely to guarantee your team will lose if you use it. I've tried using it a few games and I simply can't escape. The 2 minutes is way too long for the minor 10 second BNP it provides. It regresses fast if you pause like when the killer is nearby. The broken status is like rewarding you with punishment. It's simply too many negatives for it to be viable.

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  • Member Posts: 452

    It practically does make the game unplayable when someone on your team uses it though. Try using it yourself and see if you can escape.

  • Member Posts: 338

    Yeah, it works as intended so no need to kill switch it. It's just very bad, particularly in solo queue and if the killer is even a quarter competent, it's a guaranteed win for them.

    I think even SWFs don't bother with it because there are much more viable ways for them to have success. Just a gimic perk that will probably be least used within a couple of months once everyone has done the Sable Adept achievement .

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    This is what the Perk is supposed to do. It is not bugged.

    It is a Killer-Perk. Nothing more. But it does not deserve to be killswitched, because it is not broken in the sense that it does not work as intended or causes game-breaking bugs.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    "If your teammates suck at using it, then that's unfortunate, but that isn't grounds for deactivation."

    I mean, you cannot really use the Perk and not suck at using it, lol. The skill issue here is to try to use the Perk. But whoever tries it, will not make it work.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    And everyone knows it. Did you miss the part where i said that it probably is going to get buffed?

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    selling point is you can't be slugged.

    Weaving Spiders is working how it meant to it just really bad designed perk for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    They fixed the missing score event in the hotfix today and people are likely seeing how much you get for completing the ritual. Give it a day and the perk will again see no use, because it's still a bad perk.

    If it really bothers you, just play killer or take a break from the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I spawned in with Invocation+No Mither against a Blight on Lerys last night and there was no circle in the basement

    I think the game did me a favour

  • Member Posts: 657

    It already got buffed and still sucks I highly doubt the devs are going to do anything to it again.

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    Because it isn't possible to buff it again? Everything in the game only ever gets one change allowed and then they can't ever change it again?

  • Member Posts: 452

    There's no way I can believe that the devs play-tested this perk and then decided it's viable. The only conclusion is that they made it bad on purpose, probably so they don't have to worry about it being overpowered. Even if a perk is bad, at the very least a survivor perk should be a net benefit for the survivor and not a net benefit for the killer.

  • Member Posts: 5,922
    edited March 2024

    Right, so please read what i said. Yes, they made it "bad" on purpose, because they don't want this perk to come out too strong, because it is an entirely new mechanic and they aren't sure the direction they want to go with it. So better to start off a little weak, and figure out where it falls in line and how the mechanic is working, and then make changes to the perk or the mechanic itself.

    So, in a way, yes, i'm saying they made it bad on purpose. But there is a good reason for that.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    In the long run its for the better, I guess. There are still crowds who have never forgiven BHVR for changing COH from its live release.

  • Member Posts: 862

    I just had a match where it honestly did help our team. A meg was running tyr killeer for quite awhile at the start. I finished a gen while a mikaela was doing the invocation and i joined and helped her. We finished all that by the time the meg went down and we did managed to finish all gens. But it really is a very situational perk and the person who uses it has to be aware of when to use it

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    I don't think there is an argument for kill switching the perk. But I do think there is a solid argument that it should be drastically buffed. They could give the perk the ability to be immune to aura reading, screaming, and killer instinct while invoking and increase the reward by 50% and I would argue that it would still be bad.

  • Member Posts: 2,194

    From a Killer pov please don’t killswitch it. It provides a great side objective with ample slowdown.

  • Member Posts: 1,993


    Saturday night I finished my first ever invo finally. The server crashed and everyone was booted.

    I dunno, baby steps are great. But This should have been more toddler steps instead of baby steps. Over cautious comes to mind regarding BHVR with this perk. Hopefully they do buff it. But from release, just like Skull Merchant on release, Ill say it again.

    They should have known better.

    This isn't a science experiment. BHVR knows how to do their job (And most do!), mostly. But the whoever said "Ok, this perk looks good to go. Little on the downside of power, but we'll work with it and see." will hopefully learn from this.

    This is just the company showing, once again, they are so far away and out of touch with the playerbase game. All my opinion of course!

  • Member Posts: 2,070

    This perk is so bad, it's like it was designed by a council of 'forum killers' specifically so the devs wouldn't have to hear any whining this chapter about 'overpowered survivor perks'.

    It literally is the answer to the question: 'what if corrupt intervention also made a survivor permanently broken?'

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    The devs will probably keep an eye on its stats. If it's use coincides with a noticeable high loss rate then it'll probably get a buff.

  • Member Posts: 597

    Yeah I think he was implying that the perk is legitimately so bad that the game because unplayable when someone runs it, which has been my experience with it as well, but I understand what you are saying. It's just too bad cause I would probably actually prefer the perk didn't exist in the game at all as well, not until it either gets a proper buff, or they add 3 more invocation spells to stack with it and actually give it some true real value for completing the invocation.

  • Member Posts: 300

    BNP on every gen is not a weak perk.

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    I think there's a bit of a problem with that, though. It'll probably mostly get picked for Adept challenges, and if people want to win, they won't actually use the perk. They'd need to isolate the loss rate of games where the perk actually fires, as opposed to where it's picked.

  • Member Posts: 405

    If they do not want to change the down or upside of the perk I could see one change that would not hinder the game too much. They could drastically increase the bp gain. This would incentivize newer players who might be tunneled out often another way to gain bp. It is not a solve but it is an option.

    Side note when I play killer and see either no mither or Invocation it’s a free win. That is why I personally identify it as a Killer perk.

  • Member Posts: 271

    They make a lot of bad perks or weak perks but this perks has so many downsides that it's practically a killer perk and there's absolutely no reason to do that.

    The interruptible time investment alone makes it a bad/weak perk then the permanent broken, basement requirement, and the fact that it won't take effect if gens are blocked make it so the downsides are significantly higher than the benefit

    They're perfectly capable of making weak perks but to make a perk so bad it benefits the killer greatly is horrendous

  • Member Posts: 5,922

    How are we "stuck with 120 seconds" like is it impossible to change for some reason? Has the perk become self aware and the devs aren't allowed to change it now?

  • Member Posts: 4,692

    If they never bothered messing around with the parameters of Boons to make them work better, why would they start now with Invocations?

  • Member Posts: 657

    For the most part yes I'm sure they will just make another invocation perk before this ever even gets a thought of being looked at again. It works exactly how they intended why would they change it.

  • Member Posts: 657

    They didn't work them to work better they worked them to work worse fyi. It was really problematic to killer like hugely that's why they nerfed it and nerfed it again I cant even remember the last time bhvr buffed something then buffed it again let me know if i forgot a perk like that.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Honestly, YES.

    This perk and No Mither completely throws a game. If you are in an SWF, sure those 2 perks are fine. However, in solo queue, it wastes 3 other players time and their enjoyment of the game.

    Those 2 perks are just as bad as suiciding on hook for the other 3 players in solo queue.

    SWF, those 2 perks are fine.

  • Member Posts: 421

    As others said, that's not what killswitch is for.

    I agree that something needs to happen but that should be something like only allowing a player to equip this perk in a 4SWF or notify players in the lobby that someone has equipped it so that you can dodge the lobby if you don't want to lose the match.

    In the meantime, I'm dodging all lobbies with a Sable. I tried accepting one a single time and instantly got a Sable who did literally nothing (well at least not touch a gen) until everyone but me was dead on hook but still three gens left ... and then she disappeared in the basement for an invocation ... I'm never again accepting a lobby with a Sable until the devs do something that I can be sure nobody brings this perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    I am tempted now to play as Jill Valentine and bring the perk and hope you get matched with me. Not going to, but I'm tempted. Dodging every Sable just in case they have a perk that most players don't want to use.. That's funny.

  • Member Posts: 209

    When I see survivors using that ritual perk I just go on to the next match, its so silly. One that really annoyed me was one person went down and was placed on hook, I am in chase with the killer, what are the other two doing, drawing their chalks on basement floor letting that person on hook hit 2=who gave up, which I did not blame them at all.

    I thought urban/sprint burst users annoyed me but this perk takes the cake. Also hate to be bias here but 80% of these sable players really irritate me, they tend to do nothing or do things like open chest/cleanse totems(when there is no hex or anything) they are about to be the new nic cage players( I dodge them all the time cause of way too many bad experiences)

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