Why does Nemesis have zombies?

The zombies way overtune his power. They can chase survivors off gens and give free map pressure while the killer can be chasing someone else. It creates free pressure for zero effort, which is something most people seem to hate.
Nemesis' chase power isn't good.
Like, even if we assume the zombies work for anything with any consistency--they don't--Nemesis doesn't have a good chase power so he kinda needs it. His power is 6m range, that's like, the same as a lunge, I think? And it's only six meters in tier 3--which can take a while to reach. His ability to break pallets is alright. His strengths are all wildly overstated, so if you only left him with his tentacle, he'd probably be worse than he is now and he is really bad right now.
I'm not gonna deny he needs a rework, but I feel like the zombies are the least offensive part of his kit? They can be annoying, but like, only once every five games when they decide to do anything. I'd rather they were less of a 'random chance of annoying one guy in particular' mechanic, but they're really the least of Nemesis' issues.
(I know opening my reply to a post about the zombies with talking about the other half of the power is really weird. in my defense it is 3 AM)
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He can consistently get hits through pallets, that's an EXTREMELY strong ability that people seem to overlook. And tier 3 doesn't take long at all with the right add-ons, you can get there in just a few chases.
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I mean, it's alright. But it's very weak compared to other chase powers, and also requires he hit you three times to get a down the first and often second time around. It'll get you some hits you wouldn't have gotten otherwise, but outside of situations where you can come at a pallet from a good angle it won't do you any good at all. It's nothing compared to, say, Executioner's power, even if you overlook the fact that can get you hits through walls rather than just over pallets. Nemesis' power is okay. And that's not good enough to warrant taking away zombies.
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He can consistently get hits through pallets
That can absolutely be countered. Survivors who know what they're doing don't get hit by the tentacle at loops and those survivors are very painful to chase because they turn Nemesis into an M1 killer with no anti-loop power. Maybe once in a year a zombie will help Nemesis out in those moments, but mostly the zombies spend their time exploring corners and getting stuck on the environment.
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His chase power is incredibly strong. One of the best zoning tools in the game, very good at maintaining distance even when you mess up, counters predropping and god pallets much MUCH better than Demo's shred, and by a landslide the most forgiving hitbox in the entire game. I swear I've gotten more hits by whipping a wall and then strafing around it than actually whipping survivors.
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I don't know about that, I think Demos shred with barbs glasses is most likely faster than Nemesis tentacle when destroying a pallet... And his zoning is not that good either, demos shred is probably better at zoning. Overall Nemesis is a really average killer.
The hitboxes is not really forgiving it is more about how the strafing works.
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Because it is a Resident Evil-Chapter. Thats it. That is the only reason why he has Zombies.
If there would be an original Killer with the same Power, this Killer would not have Zombies.
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Nemesis is a really weak killer one of the easiest to loop in dbd I would suggest getting a friend to go into kyf and practice more against him. You can literally duck at windows and on the higher side of pallets or low walls to make his whip not hit. He is also really loud and clunky and imo one of the easiest killers in the game to 360. The zombies even with the best addons usually the tier up and speed ad-ons aren't very oppressive either. Not to mention he's so tall its almost impossible for him to mind game you at certain gyms.
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Nemesis isn't even that strong with his zombies. I mean, most of the time they give you wrong information because they detect survivors that aren't there and the chances of them actually doing something are not that great either because the AI is about as smart as a stone.
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Zombies into a Resident Evil chapter ? I wonder why devs did that.
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The more important question is: Why doesn't Nemmy have a flamethrower or rocket launcher?
Nemmy is a solid mid tier killer. As long as you get to T2 early enough, you can quickly get the pallets out of the way. But his zombies don't make him a very strong killer.
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Nemesis is really weak, he actually needs significant buffs, specifically on the zombies.
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This is the reason more people should play the other side. If you played Nemesis at all, you'd know that the zombies are just there, and might help you once every 10 matches, if at all.
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do people even play killer?
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The animation is faster but the little bit of movement Nemesis gets after breaking a pallet makes up for it. His zone is also really good at keeping distance, even with the reduced range compared to shred. It's a monster of a zoning tool AND it can hit over things which Demo can't do.
The hitbox is extremely forgiving. The strafing is enabled by the fact that the hitbox lingers for like a full half second after you've thrown the whip out. Like I said, a huge portion of my hits come from smacking a wall and then walking around it and murdering the survivor with, I don't know, the T-Virus infested air molecules.
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Making up for the faster shred is not the same as being much faster is it?
Sure but it can only zone within its range, which is rather limited compared to all the other range killers. I wouldn't call it a monster of a zoning tool.
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That is why I do not get why wesker gets so much hate. I much prefer wesker as a nemesis anyday because he get free info, and in the games neme do not use zombies.. he uses a rocket launcher. Zombies ruining your loops out of no where when he is chasing you, or ofc being chased off gens its so annoying.
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Zombies need lunge attack.
I don't understand why they made zombies that weak in DBD when in RE series those were dangerous enemies, even the basic ones.
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Except on many loops he can't hit you, because crouch is enough to dodge. Cars, tables, random trash, windows... If you crouch, he can't hit you.
If you manage to stun him during his special attack, it stops unlike Pyramid head.
Nemesis is not terrible killer, but definetly not good. Without zombies, he would get closer to terrible pool.
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Because it is cool.
They could add a third one.
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Actually, I think they should go for four.
I mean there is four survivors, why not for zombies?
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nemesis is horrendous in most of the cases, he can´t hit people from the other side of a pallet / window if they crouch, needs to tier up to have a decent power (tier 2 isn´t strong), and he gives the survivors a free health state (infection) :(
better give him a Rocket launcher, a Flame Thrower and the goofy ahh dog transformation from the remake (also make him insta mori every survivor the moment he looks at them) :)