Adrenaline update

Adrenaline no longer activates if you are hooked when the gates are powered.[CHANGE]
Reduced speed boost duration to 3 seconds (was 5 seconds).[CHANGE]
Adrenaline no longer causes you to wake up when facing The Nightmare.
Dev note: Adrenaline had a lot of exceptions which made it difficult to play around. If a Survivor was hooked while the exit gates were powered, they would be healthy and receive a substantial speed boost upon being unhooked, making it very difficult for the Killer to catch them before they could escape. We have made it so Adrenaline no longer pauses when you are on the hook.
We’ve also removed the wake-up effect when facing The Nightmare to clean up the Perk as we’ve moved away from Perks that affect specific Killer Powers over the years.
Didnt expect them to change that much. I woulda at most did the perk saving on hook and the waking up. But had to go the extra mile i guess.
The devs successfully killed another survivor perk. Now it‘s useless and only good for swf.
13 -
I think the first two changes were not needed, but it is good that Adrenaline no longer wakes you up against Freddy.
It couldn't even be called an outdated design, it was something that was never supposed to be here. I'm glad the effect is gone.
7 -
Yeah, this is too much of a Nerf.
Waking up --> 100% that it needed to go.
Not saving on Hook anymore --> It is understandable, but IMO a really hefty Nerf for a Perk which only works once and only when all Gens are done.
3 second Speedboost --> Way too much of a Nerf.
A Perk which is a one-time use in Endgame should be strong. And while Adrenaline is still better than most Survivor Perks (because most of them suck), I think it is too weak for a Perk which might not even come into play. I think I will drop it from my Loadout.
22 -
Another perk destroyed.
Windows of Opportunity is next.
So much for everyone saying the changes would be anything but a gutting.
17 -
I don't think it needed anything besides waking up against Freddy being removed.
22 -
Alright guys now that ofc another perk being removed from us I think the next is
background player
ftp/buckle up
lithe sprint burst
Yeah this is why I never play this game no more unless with a swf at most. Sorry for those who love this perk I do not run it so it do not bother me much but wow its just lol. There is technically a perk I can suggest that can work good but I rather DM it because killers will want that perk nerfed next =)
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I would agree :/
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Don’t think it needed the speed boost shortened but the other 2 changes are great.
Still a really good perk but probably won’t be anywhere near as common as it is now.
9 -
The first and third changes are good.
The second one not.
Countering the power of one of the weakest killers in the game was stupid.
Activating the perk after being unhooked was lame as hell and extremely unsatisfying for the killer when facing that situation.
5 seconds was OK, no reason for that nerf.
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Who'd have thought a perk which required survivors to complete -all- of their objectives to gain value got nerfed, while a plethora of Killer perks that punish survivors for doing their job/reward the killer for doing borderline nothing go unchecked.
14 -
The main aspect about Adrenaline is the instant heal. The speed boost was always just a bonus. I think people are overreacting, my experience on both killer and survivor is that most impactful Adrenalines were the ones where a survivor got healed while being chased or healed from dying state.
11 -
It's fine. Getting a health state and being able to run halfway across the map at the same time is insane.
People who are saying it's destroyed are overreacting.
17 -
Justified nerf in my opinion, killer can't really respond to adrenaline as it is right now.
Plus if they left adrenaline as it is with the decisive strike change, DS and Adrenaline would be an easy meta choice because adrenaline makes up for DS's weakness of not working in endgame. It'll still do that but at least by not as much since killer can still chase a survivor who gets adrenaline and still get the hooked adrenaline survivor.
6 -
Yeah I can agree with that. The heal is definitely the strongest aspect and it will still be a great perk. Most times when the perk activated the killer leaves them anyway so the speed boost change won’t have that big of an impact overall I think.
Honestly though my only issue with it was being healed after unhooked. As long as that change sticks I don’t care how long the speed boost is haha.
1 -
I think people are overblowing how "bad" Adrenaline is now.
Ill probably still consider bringing Adrenaline into my matches, granted, it wont be as good as before, it definitely got a massive nerf, but I still think it is decent enough to considered "useable", if not "viable" given certain situations.
Im honestly surprised they didnt attempt to nerf it more, given BHVR's history of trying to gut meta perks. I thought they would have removed the Exhaustion and Speed Boost effect but they decided to keep it, which is the main reason why I consider it "useable, if not viable," if they removed that part outright it would not be worth running at all given the rest of the changes.
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Almost like despite the constant screaming of "BuT BoTh SiDeS!" is clearly a distraction from one side receiving substantially more attention than the other.
No points for guessing which one of course =)
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I mean people said the same thing about boons and look how that turned out.
Of course to people who don't care about winning probably think there are tons of usable perks.
Do you really think survivors have the luxury to run off-meta perks if they want to win?
It's not an overreaction, we've been down this road several times.
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it does the same thing as before, still the best survivor perk ngl
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The only boon that was ever meta was CoH and it only stopped being meta when the main draw of the perk was removed (the self-healing). Adrenaline still functions the same as it does on live with the exception of no longer healing off hook which isn't even a big deal as other survivors can still body block and you still have endurance off hook.
As long as Adrenaline provides an instant heal, it'll still see use.
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Not like survivors also just got a DS buff and Blight and Ultimate Weapon nerfs. Adrenaline is the only nerf survivor got this patch.
This narrative of the devs favouring one side is complete nonsense and in no way true.
8 -
Solo queue people, don't waste your perk slot with Adrenaline. It's not gonna be worth it.
4 -
Every perk sees use, this is irrelevant.
The point is that the pool of strong survivor perks to combat the current killer meta has shrunk again.
And now that a very old perk has been nerfed there's nothing stopping them from nerfing things like Resilience either.
I'm sure "both sides" players don't care as they can just go back to playing killer, but for people who main survivor changes like these are annoying to see.
2 -
"Do you really think Survivors have the luxury to run off-meta perks if they want to win?"
- SoloQ = Definitely no.
- SWF = Yes, since they can coordinate better to make use of off-meta things.
If you want to criticize a perk being weak, that's one thing, but I think your argument is better suited for talking about how BHVR is intentionally/unintentionally widening the gap between SoloQ and SWF with game changes, and in that regard, the new Adrenaline's design does not affect SWF but really is harmful to SoloQ.
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Adrenaline no longer activates if you are hooked when the gates are powered.
It's just sad.
You play entire match with 3 perks equipped and even though you've finished 5 gens, you still can't get value from Adrenaline :(
Killer perks don't have same treatment:
- If killer have DMS, hangs someone, then I try to do gen and stop it, it still works - killer still have value from this perk.
- If killer have Ultimate Weapon and I go to his terror, I scream, even though I wasn't in killer terror when they open the locker - killer still have value from this perk.
- If killer have Nowhere to Hide and even though I wasn't in range of that perk, but killer approaches me - killer still have value from this perk.
It's sad, it's dumb and once again one side is being favourized over some whines. Really?
5 -
DS is not buff, it's just reverse of latest nerf.
Stop introducing some kind of symmetry, this narrative is completely valid, you just don't see this and don't want to see.
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Ah so you only play half the game.
Adrenaline is still going to be a strong perk, because an instant heal in mid chase or an instant heal picking up a slugged survivor is a huge momentum shift.
Plus survivors can 99% the final gen to proc adrenaline and the proper times and this is something you can play around with in solo queue. I've waited for a survivor to get hit or finish mending before popping the last gen just in case they had an adrenaline.
1 -
The speed boost change is kinda unnecessary imo, but the other two are perfect changes imo
Overall, I'm fine with this.
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That’s still a buff, or at the very least still a positive change for survivors. And it’s one of the most requested changes in the past few months.
This narrative is not valid. There is ONE nerf to survivor this patch and the perk is still pretty good. How on Earth does that mean BHVR favours killers?
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Yup, people on the forums have been asking for 5 second DS. Now that 5 second DS is coming, it's suddenly not good enough. I think there's just a group of players who primarily play survivor who will never be happy with any changes survivors get.
7 -
adrenaline was too strong in soloq, it absolutely needed to be nerfed🤣
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To be fair, there were many comments saying 5 seconds DS would not be enough. We all only agreed on the fact that it was a good start, but more has to be done against tunneling.
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And then just like nerfed DS, a three second distance boost is not relevant against any of the top killers.
Adrenaline getting multiple slugs off the ground is incredibly rare for solo queue unless the killer is bad.
Adrenaline definitely should've lost the exhaustion component if they were going to nerf its distance so dramatically.
But this is just business as usual for BHVR, so I can't even say I'm upset or shocked, the perk will just become like nerfed MFT and people will target the next perk.
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Hey can we nerf noed to only work up to a maximum of maybe just 60 seconds lasting only and remove the movement speed bonus as well then the perk deactivates?
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Guys the adrenaline nerf isn't that bad because if you were to pair it with DH then you have a healed health state off the hook with no speed boost (sadly) but even if your teammates were to pop the last gen before you get hooked and somehow are still injured in end game you can loop the killer for sometime until the survivors open the gates and then use DH to get distance in the direction of the gates. Now I am a killer main, and I do not support this nerf to Adrenaline.
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Could get rid of the speed boost entirely tbh since you can literally sprint burst into the adrenaline sprint burst. Besides you can still bring hope and cover almost the same distance. But glad they removed the saving on hook. Ridiculous that I should get punished for hooking when everyone wants slugging gone from the game.
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I don't care about DS and I don't care about Adrenaline as I'm not using any of those perks.
But I am just sad and mad for behavior doing things like that, maybe in 3 months my perks would receive some nerfs because some killers would cry about them?
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I wouldn’t even say it’s exclusive to survivors. This community in general is just never happy about anything and needs to twist everything to fit whatever narrative they want.
This is a great patch for both sides I really don’t see how anyone can be upset with it (aside from maybe Blight mains). Yes there is still a lot that needs to be done to fix the game and these changes won’t magically solve them all but this is a pretty good start.
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The speed boost needs to exist so the perk does something once the last gen pops since otherwise a healthy survivor with adrenaline gets nothing.
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So I predicted 2/3 of these and those are fine, the speed burst time reduction is not needed imo.
It only works once and at the end of the game, perk isn't dead people are overreacting like always but they should either revert the speed burst change completely or just reduce it to 4 seconds.
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I don't really get why people are saying this perk is dead. It still is really good.
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NGL, them taking 2 seconds from adrenaline as a compensation nerf to give +2s back to DS wasn't on my bingo card.
Personally I don't like the idea that an end game perk can give no value. Imagine the salt if, say, NOED just didn't work on survivors who were touching a gen when the gates became powered.
The not waking up against Freddy change is good, been a long time coming.
10 -
Dead Hard took a much harder nerf and people still use it, i don't think Adrenaline is going anywhere.
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The nerfs are not going to make the perk useless.
People are criticizing it just because it's a perk that you can use it once and it's fine. Most tier S perks can only be used once depending on the condition.
Adrenaline not activating after hooking is the same thing as deliverance not activating if you are the first to be hooked or unbreakable not activating because the killer didn't use slug and the perks are still top tier. It's not like you're going to get hooked every time at the end of the game if you're using this perk.
the speed boost nerf it's kinda meh. adrenaline is only strong because of the free health state so it's like a bonus when activated. I don't really care if they revert It.
I think the nerfs are fine but I wouldn't care if everything was reverted.
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They have nerfed so many survivor perks into being unusable that they are now going back for perks released with the game in 2016.
If a perk has been fine since release, why do they feel the need to go back and nerf it into oblivion now?
12 -
Can someone link these notes? I don't know why its so difficult to find them every time I hear about it. Is there a button link on the main page or something?
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Sounds fine to me. I'm all for people trying different perk combinations, so if this change is too dramatic for some and makes them change it up then great.
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yeah I’ll definitely change it up by bringing awesome perks like premonition scavenger deception and corrective action
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Dead Hard was a much stronger perk.
These changes are just terrible and exactly the kind of nonsense nerfs most of us were afraid of. Adrenaline already does nothing in so many games, now you can make it to the end game and still have it do nothing! Fantastic.
And Adrenaline not working off of hook once again is a nice slap in the face to solo queue more than anything. SWFs won't even blink. "Hey, wait to pop it, I'm going for the save…okay, now."
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Nope noed should only give the speed bonus than it would be fair. They are gutting a perk, which needs survivors to play well and still give killers noed for playing bad.
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It's still a free heal and a speed boost. All you have to do is don't get caught while your team finishes the last gen.
SoloQ is another problem entirely.