decisive didnt need any buffs

nodforkiss Member Posts: 196
edited March 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

no 3 seconds were more than enough. with it being returned to 5 seconds again, you can expect to see 4 decisive every match. killers shouldnt be punished for doing their god damn objectives. if a person tries to bodyblock me when i target unhooker, i have no choice except tunneling. if i leave them on the ground, they will either get up with unbreakable or someone will quickly save them. and no, it isnt going to stop actual tunnelers. it will only make them more determined and pissed. if we want to remove tunneling/ punish the killer for hooking same survivor twice, survivors needs gen speed and healing nerfs in order to compensate.

i know %95 of the forum is filled with survivor mains probably want decisive strike reverted to old old version (it used to be activated even when doing gens)

im just hoping DS buff gets removed. otherwise, killers will have to play even more sweat in order to win (slugging, proxy camping and survivors favorite, tunneling.)

