decisive didnt need any buffs

no 3 seconds were more than enough. with it being returned to 5 seconds again, you can expect to see 4 decisive every match. killers shouldnt be punished for doing their god damn objectives. if a person tries to bodyblock me when i target unhooker, i have no choice except tunneling. if i leave them on the ground, they will either get up with unbreakable or someone will quickly save them. and no, it isnt going to stop actual tunnelers. it will only make them more determined and pissed. if we want to remove tunneling/ punish the killer for hooking same survivor twice, survivors needs gen speed and healing nerfs in order to compensate.
i know %95 of the forum is filled with survivor mains probably want decisive strike reverted to old old version (it used to be activated even when doing gens)
im just hoping DS buff gets removed. otherwise, killers will have to play even more sweat in order to win (slugging, proxy camping and survivors favorite, tunneling.)
It also never needed the last nerf, so we're even now.
11 -
It‘s still bad as long as it deactivates through conspicuous actions. I would much more prefer having only one use and one guaranteed one.
1 -
"so we're even now" is such a bad way of looking at the game.
People used a defensive perk offensively, it was nerfed for a good reason.
6 -
They just need to make DS deactive if taking a protection hit. I'm all for anti tunneling, but only in ways that are literally anti tunneling and not in ways to weaponize it against the killer.
2 -
Yea I completely agree with that.
0 -
Im all for the DS buff. The tunneling in this game is insane, i almost never get a killer who focuses on gen pressure and just chases the hook guy. There needs to be more punishing mechanics to promote a healthier game style on both sides. I'd even go so far that DS should only deactivate if you fix gens.
6 -
You should ask yourself why survivors would use DS in the first place. Maybe stop tunneling and it won't be a problem for you at all. Also no worries that it's still there in EGC, because it isn't. So still no free escapes.
DS or OTR would not be needed if the Devs would finally make tunneling less effective than hooking different people.
4 -
Slug them, wait out their UB, slug them again or leave them and go somewhere else. They don't do gens if they run after you because they have DS.
3 -
It was bad back in the day, because people had a "Get out of Jail" card when using DS. They could sit on a gen/heal/cleanse for 50s, then you down them (maybe already hooked someone else too) and you get DSed because you were "tunneling".
No thank you. I don't need that again.
9 -
slugging an UB survivors makes no pressure at all, 2 survivors doing gens are more than enough after the first unhook
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I don't believe tunneling is required to win, but I do agree bodyblocking off hook with the right builds and buffing DS is a problem.
Mainly, buffing DS doesn't help beginner players who don't own the perk because it's licensed.
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Yeah, DS isn't going to stop Killers from tunneling. If anything, it'll only encourage it even more.
There was a time when I ran both Deliverance and DS for a while, just to see if I'd enjoy them and if they'd help me. I told myself I'd keep running those two perks until I got value from both in the same match. When that match finally happened, the Killer tunneled me because I had those perks.
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The fact that you state all 4 survivors will be bringing it says a lot about the state of the game and tunneling.
8 -
Do you play killer?
can you 3k 4k continuous 50 rounds?
0 -
The CA change prevented offensive use. The 5→3s change didn't. The CA change was good. The 5→3s change was a mistake that took nearly 2 years to correct.
So everyone in soloq knows every other Survivor's perks now? I wish that were the case. Coordinated SWFs don't even bother with DS because they can shift pressure more effectively, and bring it to only counter with streamsniping known tunnelers.
What a bizarre question. No one should be able to win that consistently in a functional MMR system without abusing something broken (glitches/exploits/cheats/poorly designed mechanics). Winning that often reveals a flaw more than personal prowess. Even if that flaw is "I plan on sweating against people who don't".
3 -
Yes I can and I do, its extremely rare that i get less than 3 kills. I main ghost face, i use mindbreaker, undying, devour hope, and pop. If you are genuinely struggling that much, stop tunneling and camping for that kill. let your mmr drop to a skill level where it isn't as difficult for you, so you wont need to tunnel and camp. Alot of killers shoot themselves in the foot by playing like that to win, but winning boosts their mmr to get paired against even stronger survivors.
1 -
Actually, you're right.
Undoing a bad nerf nearly two years later isn't a net even, that's still two years of wrong. They need to make it up to us, let's make it a 7 second stun.
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tunneling isnt a bad thing. only survivors cry about it. its same thing with gen rushing and ignoring chests/totems etc.
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And only Killers throw temper tantrums when they cant get everything their way
2 -
so, low mmr player that even don't know how to move, can suggest nerf and buff?
Even behvr knows how to analyze statistics, as well as the top 5% MMR.
If behvr not analyze top5% killer, they will buff nurse immediately.
0 -
You know too little.
a blight player have 95% chance end the game (3k 4k) before survivor fix all 5 gen.
you still think no one be able to win like this?
0 -
you can try to win like this:
3/4k before survivor fix all 5 gens.
continue win.
until some survivor team fix all gen even be 3/4k, or they get 1~4 escape.
This is how a normal survivor behaves as an opponent.
most of player don't know how to play.
So BEHVR Additional analysis top 5% MMR player.
0 -
Can they? Yes. Should they (be able to)? no. That was my point.
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I genuinely think your bias is making you completely misread/misinterpret what I’m saying. This what I’m saying
DS buff is needed
Tunneling promotes toxicity
If you have to tunnel to win, you’re playing out of your skill set. Take the loss and verse people on your level with your dropped mmr
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They should, if they are good or survivor play bad.
If the killer only has a 60% kill rate no matter they play good or bad no matter survivor move or just afk, why they play killer?
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buff DS to 2~4s stun and give survivor 8~10s endurance to get 32m pallet and window.
this will Countermeasures that killer have high speed. (like nurse, after stun survivor 'only' move away 10~16m, she can easy get a hit in 7s, other 4.6m/s killer need case for 11.25s~21.25s)
that is very good way to BEHVR.
no new code. means no new bug if use DS to Disable killers power.
Talk about toxicity.
The most toxicity thing is:
Killer: if I play bad, I should Practice more or Change tactics/perk to get more kill. Maybe I need play survivor to know what survivor think if they in this situation.
Survivor: if I play bad, I should cry to BEHVR to nerf killer or buff perk or beg for more free perk. that killer is absolutely OP, and no countermeasures. I don't even have to play that killer to know it.
when this game in 2017, survivor know how and when to save their teammate on hook.
If killer camp or most of killer use 'camp' play style, survivor know how to hide at beginning to take gen Progress advantage(pressure?) to killer, if killer still choose camp, the only results is 4escap and 3escap.
But now, survivor have free Borrowed Time and other free perk(Ui/self-save), killer is nerfed can't catch and hard to stop face save (only have free perk Shadowborn and it have disadvantage when be flashlight), survivor It's like forgetting how to work together to save their teammate. most is trade save.
survivor player that wants to save, they are most talking and thinking is "If I had that perk, how nice it would be."
not the "If I have a teammate to cooperate, how good it would be" anymore.
0 -
the thing is….majority of survivors aren’t on comes or swf. So it’s difficult to communicate that teamwork you’re preaching about. It is needed for balance.
Killer and survivors both wine and cry about perks and addons. And when their perk or addons is nerfed they use it as CONFIRMATION BIAS that the game is unbalanced against them. That is not the case.
Play survivor, grind to rank 1. Learn their perspective and maybe you’ll understand why some perks are buffed for survivor. Your gameplay as killer will so improve because you’re learning both sides and their thought process.
0 -
"So it’s difficult to communicate that teamwork you’re preaching about."
If they play good……I mean not Use phone when repairing the generator, Observe the status of teammates on the UI.
They may will know where the other survivor repairing, should they need to repair that been cased survivor's 80% generator not be kicked just like carry [Rookie Spirit].
"Killer and survivors both wine and cry about perks and addons. And when their perk or addons is nerfed they use it as CONFIRMATION BIAS that the game is unbalanced against them. That is not the case."
Survivor perk the Dead hard, the old version used to have some features:
- provide some distance to gat pallet and window.
- Survive under killer's attack.
- use in flash or pallet save, to get more close to killer or pallet.
After DH become to give 0.5s endurance, BEHVR give survivor:
give survivor [Background Player] perk to Make up for"use in flash or pallet save, to get more close to killer or pallet." vacancies, and do the job better……and buffed Stronger.
give [Dramaturgy] to Make up for "provide some distance to gat pallet and window" vacancies, and do the job better. can move more distance, new item, if use it right, exposure is never be used by killer.
new DH can "Survive under killer's attack." and provide more distance after been hit, Functionally more like give an extra health.
But the situation on the killer's side is:[Ruin] [Overcharge] [Call of Brine] perks can Counter survivor tactics of Multiple repairs.
but correlation perk been nerfed, and no new perk to make up this vacancies.
then, killer have 8 time limit.
If killer want to counter Multiple repairs tactics, have to slug 1~2 survivor(need high skill and clear sense to get this situation) on the ground stop the save and use [Oppression] perk……to get 50% efficiency [Ruin]or[Overcharge]or[Call of Brine].
maybe that perk is not "balance", but killer need more and more skill to keep 60% kill rate, but survivor can easily get 40% escape rate, after get free perk(borrow time), "little" buff perk.
"Play survivor, grind to rank 1. Learn their perspective and maybe you’ll understand why some perks are buffed for survivor. Your gameplay as killer will so improve because you’re learning both sides and their thought process."
My survivor MMR is not below 1600. now get rank 1 is very easy if you get 4 survivor team, even don't have "Out-game voice communication", just let the all survivor have the same purpose, In this trial is quick or slow can be Judged empirically.
killer only get broken hook and flashlight pallet save on their face. killer can't dealing with [Buckle Up+For the People].
survivor have more advantages on map choose. so some perk like [No Mither] [Breakdown] [Boil Over] in those map is hard to deal with.
0 -
So enduring buff when?
1 -
do you never meet the unbreakable? or Plot Twist? or they have [Flip-Flop]+[Power Struggle]?
you slug them, means you are tethered around downed survivor, like they are 99% gen.
and other gen will be fix least 40c/survivor (45%X3=135%)
0 -
it means, all killer need to default all survivor carry DS.
just like the DH that don't need to unhook.
or MFT that just work in injury.
if off-record don't have "Suppresses Grunts of Pain when injured." it change to "if be hit will give 150% speed boost." you think killer will hit when survivor just unhook or wait for 10s then hit?
0 -
If survivor don't want be slug and tunneling.
just don't be found or downed by killer.
0 -
I already played the game when DS was available the second the killer picked you up for the first time. So, yes, I know the DS+UB combo and it never really bothered me, because I am not tunneling.
0 -
Killer then: "Stop hiding, I can't find you! Also Distortion is OP pls nerf!"
0 -
That's why I think 4s+ 2 uses would have been enough.
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if don't want be tunnel, just don't be found or downed by killer.
just like if killer don't want be DS stun 5s just don't tunnel.
0 -
true, what kind of perk can denial all aura perk?
and it can stack in all situation in Terror-Radius?
[Distortion] is a hide perk,
[Diversion] need without being chased.
[Lucky Break] need heal other survivor.
But [Distortion] will stack with out any interaction.
the only way to consume [distortion] token is use Undetectable killer.
About [Distortion] to the aura perk.
just like old [Spine Chill] to Undetectable killer.
0 -
You don't get it, don't you?
0 -
DS+UB is old, now survivor have [Plot Twist]. they can fully healed and keep endurance to body block that killer cased survivor. let DS work, then use DH.
0 -
They can still only use it once. Same stuff.
Just don't tunnel. Same stuff.
1 -
The issue with this is that protection hits really don't give a damn if you're trying to take a hit for someone.
Just got unhooked and there's an injured survivor near the hook? Protection hit. Run away from the killer and there's a Dwight neither you or the killer knows is there injured in a bush on the other side of a rock? Protection hit.
The better solution is to just deactivate collision during basekit endurance off hook, if not during any endurance at all if you want to go that far. They can try to block, but you can just walk through them (and at the same time it actually makes it better for anti-tunnel as the killer can't block them and it's easier for other players to come to take hits for the player being tunneled without accidentally sandbagging them)
0 -
you mean killer can't Take advantage of survivors' mistakes?
if survivor don't missteps, killer will be loop for 5 gen.
most 1V1 race already prove this.
if killer want case other survivor with out Information.
it will start at find some survivor to case.
I don't know What kind of opponent you dealing with.
but most of good survivor team can finish 2 gen before some survivor been hooked.
killer Forced to slug survivor and continue hook that been hooked survivor to Reduce survivor team Actionable member.
you know……If there have 4 survivor alive, someone been case, other 3 survivors can fix the gen.
until that cased guy been hooked, it turn into:
1 cased
1 hooked
1 go to saving
1 fixing the gen.
If there only 3 survivor alive,someone been case, other 2 survivor can fix the gen.
until that cased guy been hooked, it turn into:
1 cased
1 hooked
1 go to saving.
no one are repairing the gen.
There's an old saying in DBD to killer: 4 guy control man, 3 guy control gen.
it can't work now.
Because killer have 8 Regression Events limit, Even if there only have 3 survivor, killer have to keep control survivor not the gen to take long term advantage.
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DS need buff and 5 seg stun and more 150% speed for 5 sec and no scrats marks for 5 sec too!
0 -
That is not what I was saying or referring to.
0 -
lmao no 2 uses is silly, 4s would be enough of a buff though
3s is enough for high level players
low level players get no use out of it since they don't own the perk
mid level players are the only ones who need a duration buff because they don't use it very well either due to lack of skill, lack of planning, lack of communication ect, the only buff is needed for that group anything more is just gravy that the higher skilled players will abuse or slog through
and making the perk have 2 uses means its just a single perk that hard counters an entire strategy which is just no, its like saying unbreakable should have infinite uses, if you want more anti-tunnel use more anti-tunnel don't just giga buff one perk
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You can absolutely EASILY exploit this as a killer, if you simply hit the unhooking survivor, and then hit the hooked survivor, bam, that counts as a protection hit and you lose DS and also OtR. Good idea, however that change can easily be used for tunneling
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bro is 110% a desperate tunneling killer main. He doesn’t want his only strategy to get nerfed
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then make all unhooked survivors lose player collision for 10 seconds during their basekit BT>
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decisive being buffed back to 5 seconds is not the issue (yes I'm a killer main) the issue is if you need to tunnel to win, you shouldn't win.
0 -
tunnel and slug is opposite that after Knock down survivor.
if killer not hook that is slug.
if killer hook that is tunnel.
no other way.
because killer can't win like Injury 4 survivor and get 4 slug, if survivor not too bad.