Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Revert Blight hug tech

Dear Bvhr,

If we watch any compilation clips from any killer, we'll see that they use some fancy movement that makes the whole video more interesting. In a normal game, when you encounter these type of players, you know immediately that they have dedicated a lot of time with this killer and most people respect that.

Same goes for survivors. They have some techs that only highly skilled players can pull off. Techs in general make the whole gameplay more interesting and exciting for everyone. 

I know that Blight is considered the second best killer in game, but the community has been very clear. Blight add ons are the real problem not the base kit. It's true that his addons overwhole are weaker, but the 2 Iri are still too strong. The base kit has never ever been the problem. Killer should absolutely have strong base kit, but having ok add ons. I have around 5.5 k hours in dbd. I'm an Oni main and I'm practicing to master Hillbilly, Unknown and Wesker as well. You know why these killers have in common? They all need time and dedication to master them.

I've dedicated many months to master Oni flicks and I really enjoy the fact that I can show my skills without a need of add ons. That's because Oni base kit is strong enough. Same goes with Wesker and Hillbilly, i really enjoy trying cool tricks and show it, it makes the game enjoyable. Unfortunately without Oni's flicks I know how insanely boring and difficult the games would be. 

Wesker techs are also very beloved in general. Like I said before, IT MAKES THE KILLER MORE ENJOYABLE TO PLAY AND HAVE AGAINST. I don't play Blight, but I know how awful this change is for them. Blight hug techs are easy to pull of, but they are easy to dodge. Oni flicks are really strong, but his power is too limited without and he has to earn his power. Wesker techs can be strong in some scenario, but they are extremely difficult to learn and to do.

So, please Behavior don't do it. I know that the goal of the PTB is to test and see what the community thinks of the changes. I know that it is impossible to make everyone happy, but at least you should listen to what the majority of the community says.

So in my honest and humble opinion, you shouldn't remove Blight hugtechs neither from other killers. Don't make the same mistake like you did by proposing to nerf Hillbilly Engravings. Don''t remove the fun aspect, especially if we are talkiing about the base kit of a killer. I hope you consider my feedbak and I wish you an happy Easter to all of you devs.


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  • Member Posts: 21

    In the new PTB you want to take away one "Bug" away from Blight that is seen by the general community not as a bug but as one of his strongest and best mechanics, the "Hug Tech".
    I am strongly against this change and can give various reasons why it should stay.

    1. It is not just a bug, and the community has long accepted it as a mechanic for him. Yeah, it was not intended when designing the killer, but that does not mean that it should be removed. This is especially true if you look at other killers with similar mechanics that don't get changed (Wesker) or when you have other Killer or Survivor techs in the game that are bugs but don't get changed (Shift Tech for Surv).
    Yeah, those are bugs. But why should you not let the community discover the game and play it how they want to play it, discovering the quirks and rougher edges is often more fun than getting told exactly what you have to do.
    Let me also remind you that the game at release was played very differently than it is played today, and one can imagine what would have happened if you had forced players back in the game how to play it.

    2. You also write that you remove the Hug tech for a more consisted collision that is easier. What you fail to acknowledge though is that Blight is already consisted. The collision from objects work the same for every Blight, and things where you slide you slide and things where you bump you bump.
    You can learn where what is the case and then consistently use it to your advantage as killer and as survivor. You can also learn how to manipulate this collision to use it better in chases.
    This is difficult yes but if learned it is consistence in its own way and makes learning how to play the game more fun in the long run.

    3. This brings us to the last point, the Skill expression. Blight is a strong but not an easy killer. Getting to know him on the maps where he bumps and slides is a large part of learning how to be effective with him, and a large part of the fun when playing him (and even playing against him). Taking the Hug Tech away is taking away the skill expression and fun one can have with the killer.

    I would also offer some advice on what to do with the Killer and the Hug tech.

    Games like Overwatch for example had an unintended movement mechanic with one of the supports, Mercy. Instead of just fixing this Bug, they implemented it as a feature, making it from a bug to a feature. If you want to go this route, you could for example make Blight always slide for the first 10% of a rush and then always make him bump. I feel this could be a nice compromise, although I am not sure how well it would actually work.

    You could also just leave Blights core mechanics alone and instead focus on other parts of his kit that are still too strong. (Cooldown, Pallet Breaking, Iri Add-ons etc.)

  • Member Posts: 53

    You missed my point that I gave in my post. "If the Blight knows the V1 tech" yeah, but how many Blights can do it? How long did it take to learn it? Even survivor have some techs that literally negate som killer powers or make easier to lose chase, like crouch tech or window tech. Let's not forget the shift tech which is insanely strong against certain killers. My point is that pulling off a tech show the player skil, dedication and it makes the game fun for both sides. Don't quote only half of a sentence and ignore everything else that I said.

  • Member Posts: 306

    he’s another case of a killer that loses a good mechanic because devs are so bad at balancing addons, sure he will have a high kill rate when he can be 20% faster do 180 a have 33% longer rushes with 2 iris. Instead of addressing stupid addons like those they are removing a major part of his skill ceiling.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Then all techs should be removed acordning to you. It will only make the game less interesting and flat.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Or keep both of them, more instening gameplay overwhole.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    I would rather keep all techs and bring back Chuckie flick… It's more interesting for me.

    But if they want to remove techs, then I would start with crouch tech.

  • Member Posts: 53

    So yes, you want all tech to be removed. I personally disagree. I prefer a game that allows a players to show different tricks/moves to show their dedication with a specific character.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Chucky flick were interesting, but in his case it have been better to nerf slightly his base kit and keep the flicks rather than removing it and leaving the base kit untouched.

  • Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2024

    That's not true that survivors are unable to do anything (unless specificc scenarios).

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 3,125
    edited March 2024

    In a game like DBD where the balance can easily be tipped from one side or the other depending on how much something from any side is buffed or nerfed, things like hugtech gives too much of an advantage to one side since if you're good enough to use it consistently, then the other won't being able to do anything about it, no counterplay nor any mindgaming to give a fighting chance against it.

  • Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2024

    I 100% agree with you. I made a post about the same topic and I hope they listen the feedback.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 53

    Chucky flicks were interesting, but he has a really strong base kit already, so I'm fine about bringing it back, but they should nerf a little bit his base kit.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Yeah make the gameplay boring af. Sure it will be great! /s

    One question: What is "unfair"?

  • Member Posts: 9,728

    BHVR said a couple years ago that Hug Tech was a bug and they were going to fix it. The devs have already decided they don't want hug tech.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    You can do something about hug-tech. Knowing how and on which tiles it works helps a lot with countering it.

    Same for Wesker. And his hug-tech is even harder to do and even more situational.

  • Member Posts: 53

    Your comment has a really weak argument. "If you are good enough to use it consistently", you have to respect the dedication that someone puts on a character. When I lose against a Blight with double Iri add ons, I'm like "the add ons helped him win". When I lose against a Blight with no add ons, but knows all the tricks, I'm like "Oh god, this guy is cracked, he defently played a lot with this killer". I respect when someone is good for puting the time on it.

    So it doesn't make sense when people say that something is problematic when you know how to do it. We should respect that they managed to come to that position instead.

  • Member Posts: 53

    I understand, but I here to share my opinion on it. I don't like since it lowers the skill ceiling.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    with this argument, how it works for Blight? He doesn't have strong basekit?

  • Member Posts: 53

    He does, but at least you can clearly see Blight and he plays like a normal M1 without his power. Chucky is able negate god pallets it even has third person which allows him to have a better view in chase and it makes the window tech useless.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    so just because he has additional aspects of his power, it's fine to have tech removed even tho he is overall weaker as a killer? I find some holes in that logic.

  • Member Posts: 3,125
    edited March 2024

    Yeah make the gameplay unfair because we allow people to abuse an exploit for long enough that guarantees unfair hits and downs for their own amusement at the cost of the other side having next to no way to deal with it. Sure it will be great! /s

    If you abuse an unintentional feature that can significantly increases your chances of winning the game more easily which doesn't allow for mind gaming or any intentional counterplay to mitigate it's effectiveness, then it is unfair.

    Sorry but no, i don't respect people who abuse an exploit, who tries to excuse it's existence by calling it skill expression because it allows them to end chases more easily than what is intended and who also thinks it's something we should accept just because it's been in the game for so long now.

    It doesn't matter how many copius argument people want to present in order to justify it's existence, it's an unintentional bug that tips the scale in the user's favor while screwing the other side over more, nothing more and nothing less, something even the devs realizes.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Lol, you said it yourself hug tech is ez to do and if you know about hug doing V1 even easier. Learning decent hug on shack for example needs some knowledge and practice but if we talk about most tiles Bligh who knows about this tech almost always guarantees hit on you there's literally no counter play, the only chance if you do a lucky guess, that's it. And if he has double speed / iri there's not a thing you can do. Shift tech is useless most of the time and only help you against m1 killers, window tech is meme tech, the only thing that is useful against ONLY 2 killers is crouch tech and it's only Demo, against buffed Billy you almost never use it cuz he is scary. Techs only should be used for style points, like hug on Wesker, it's very hard to do and if you see this you're like "Wow, he knows this tech" but it doesn't really have much impact while on Blight it's easy to do and it guarantees you hits almost in every tile and there's literally no counter play.

  • Member Posts: 53

    These aditional aspects are not small at all and give a huge advantage. It is true that Chucky is a bit weaker than Blight if you look the whole package, but if we look only base kits I would argue that they are almost the same. In this case we have to consider the survivor perspective. It is more entertaining to play against a killer that is visible and has a terror radius. When you get outplayed by something that you barely see is not the best thing in the world. That's partially why I don't find other killers techs problematic, bbecause you can see them do it and you can act on it.

  • Member Posts: 335

    There is skill expression behind it, Wesker's hug techs are even harder to pull off. The average pub player will obviously lose no matter what but good survivors know how to counter it. Against a good Blight, it's obviously going to be harder to counter. All it takes is playing safe and smart lol.

    While we're at it, lets patch crouch and pluto teching. These 2 techs negate hitboxes.

  • Member Posts: 53

    We are getting back to your point… You want every single tech to be removed from both sides. But like I said before it makes the game less interesting at mid and high levels. In this world people respect hard work rather than easy work, so I will stand to what I said… I respect a lot more losing to a Blight that knows these techs, rather than someone that use powerful add ons. It almost seems like you are looking it black and white. Is it a bug? Remove it immediatly, instead of seeing what it brings to the game.

    I ask you to picture a chase against a Blight with no hug techs. You reach a pallet, drop it when the killer comes, camp or run around the pallet and then leave once he breaks it. With a Blight that knows how to hug tech you do the same, but you add the fact that you can leave the loop when he's trying to hugtech or can crouch tech to dodge the hit or to force him to break the pallet instead of you getting hit. I know that it is oversimplistic, but I hope you understand the point, which is that both sides have more option in chase making it more interesting.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    It is more entertaining to play against a killer that is visible and has a terror radius.

    Because survivors like Blight so much, right?

    that you barely see is not the best thing in the world

    if you would be able to see the killer, you can see chucky foot prints through wall

  • Member Posts: 53

    I said that it is easy, because compared to other tech like Oni or Wesker is easier, but obviously it takes some time to learn especially to master it. I don't understand why you repeated what I said to the survivors tech. I know that some killer are not affected by some techs.

    Sorry, but I disagree totally about that there is no counter play. Ofc there some scenarios that is makes unavoidable, but maybe the reason why some Blights making it look like "navoidable" is maybe because they are skilled? I think they should make it a part of his base kit. Remeber when they tried to nerf Billy's engravings because some players were cracked? They ended up buffing significantly his base kit and making it him even stronger with add ons. Do you also know what they recently? They made the Billy's 180 easier to do, even though he has a one shot power. They did it because it makes the more interesting and fun for everybody.

    Use the same logic even with Blight that doesn't have a one shot power.

  • Member Posts: 53

    I think most people like Blight base kit. People have an issue with his red add ons.

    Yes, you can the foot prints, but lets be real… They are not that reliable and responsive all the time.

    But you did a mistake here… You can see the foot prints only when he is NOT using his power. Our debate was about his flicks which you can only do it while in power and I said that it is less enjoyable if you don't see the killer easily. Like I said before, he can ignore god pallets, while Blight can't and he's also visible.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    Oh, you are that kind of person.

    So if I continue this conversation, you will continue telling me how wrong I am without even trying to understand my point.

    Sorry, but I am tired of wasting any more time with you.

  • Member Posts: 53

    That's a good and fair argument, but in that case let's make it harder to do or weaker instead of removing it entirely.

  • Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2024

    that is just wrong. he is a strong killer yes but can be outplayed if you know how he works and it can come down to normal mindgames and precise movement and decision making.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2024

    Thank you I also saw your post and i agree with most of your takes there. But I wanted to make my own to make clearer points for the devs to orient themself cause I think this is a change that should not go live like this

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 794
    edited March 2024

    I agree 💯 they’ve nerfed him about 5-6 times the past few updates and this will make him significantly weaker.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 2,257

    You can see the foot prints only when he is NOT using his power

    That's not true, his power just creates more foot prints around, but you can still see his foot prints when you would see other killers.

  • Member Posts: 4,225

    I rarely had problems against Blight's Hug-tech. You just need to know where and when he's going to do it. I don't face many Wesker's who can do it as it is really difficult. I can do it myself but I am not playing him enough to be consistent. And you can also counter Wesker's hug-tech, what a surprise!

    I also agree that crouch tech is worth looking into. I don't know what pluto tech is though.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Because you can't compare survivor teches such as shift tech / window tech to Blight's Hug / V1 from which you constantly getting a value, it's a game changer. Oni flicks are not that hard and it's limited to his power, Wesker's hug tech is just for style points and pretty hard to do, when some of the Wesker's do that you actually impressed unlike every single time Blight doing it leaving you with no counter play. And even if it was hard to do, let's pretend Hug / V1 actually need some insane skill it's still not justifying getting guaranteed hits in most of the pallet loops. We have Nurse, she needs some practice and skill, after you master her you can stomp pubs easily with insane win rate, does it justifying her being broken? I don't think so. Blight is still gonna be strong as most of the blight mains who good with bump logic still gonna destroy, it's just now not everyone can abuse hug and getting ez hits in almost every loop. And to your Billy example, he was weak even if player is expert on him and he had perfect counterplay so nerfing his engravings was stupid and it was basically for no reason. Billy is way stronger now and not punished by mistakes. if Billy needed some skill back then I wouldn't say he is now.

  • Member Posts: 53

    That is just an unecessary and meticulous response. You know perfectly what I meant.

  • Member Posts: 2,162

    Less cheating the better, I say. Hard pill to swallow, but exploiting a bug for a game advantage is always lame. Fix those bugs.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    But you did a mistake here…

    You were saying? You tried to call me out on a mistake about power, while being wrong…

  • Member Posts: 2,162

    Agreed as long as they have been declared a bug by the devs.

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