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Background Player need nerf or rework

Other exhaust perks giving 150% speed boost for 3 seconds but this perk giving 200% for 5 seconds.

Why did you buff this? Swfs abusing this perk with flashlights, flashbangs, sabotages and ftp+bu


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,179

    They buffed it because it wasn't very good.

    Also, how do you abuse it with For the People when it requires a survivor getting picked up for it to trigger? You can't FTP if they're on the killer's shoulder.

    (also calling the intended use case abuse is kinda weird)

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Honestly I don't know?

    Sole purpose of this perk is a help for hook denial, and then they don't even need it for most part, and when they can't do those without it pretty much nothing can be done with perk neither.

    The only real difference being flashbang, but do you actually get mad when survivors managed to do bang save?

  • HolyDarky
    HolyDarky Member Posts: 607

    Year, Background Player is such a stupid Perk in the current metagame. If a survivors lies under a palette or in the open it is nearly impossible to pick this survivor up because a decent Background Player-player can always get the rescue. For example (I have other example but they are similar the same): I had a match in which one survivor (dead-on-hook) was under a palette and I saw another survivor (zero hooks) and this one ran away after I got the hit on him. However, this survivor got the rescue due to Background Player. This was so stupid because this survivor was completly safe as either I pick them up and the other survivor get the rescue or I left them and go for the other survivor and get nothing. Of cause, you could say "try to outplay this survivor" but this would only waste my time because this survivor had enough distance. This was a lose-lose-lose-situation for me and this is nearly always the case against Background Player, especially if you don't play a strong killer like Nurse, Blight, or Spirit.

    The 5 second duration is fine in my opinion but the 200% speedboost is way too much because you can keep it makes rescues more safe and less risky since you can keep more distance against the killer. The Perk should be nerfed back to 150%. This is more than enough and fine.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    I knew this was coming, more nerf survivor perks even though the perk is not even the most picked one is now a complaint. Can you guys just ask devs to remove the survivors out the game and turn dbd into a killer vs killer battle royal? There is so much more sprint burst/lithe compared to the few times I see background in my match and literally background is a killer perk at times. Its like a survivor chasing the killer down with lightborn instead of doing gens, but killers do not think this way do they?

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Perk doesn't even need to be popular to be unhealthy though, and it's not like lithe actually compete with this perk much.

  • goodfriday
    goodfriday Member Posts: 209

    Well when killer i love survivors who bring background player, it means no gens being done and I do not auto pick up down people, I look around first and whack whoever is trying to be sneaky and off they go no pallet saves or anything. On playing survivor the amount of time I see these solo que potatoes do 0 saves with background.

    This only ofc can work in a swf but meh its fine as I will say alot survivors need to start the trial with 2 hook states injured and be by the hook and wait for the killer to hook them to let the killer win. It seem no matter what sort of build people bring its nerf it, ftp/buckle up/sabo builds/chase builds/gen rush builds/heal builds. Everything killers complain about , but let a survivor dear complain about things like annoying grim brace+pain res+pop oh its let go of the gen and what not.

  • YuffieGreatestWaifu
    YuffieGreatestWaifu Member Posts: 196

    Its meant to sabotage hooks and create paths to stun. Its a good perk but you have to be good to use it also FTP and BU REQUIRES DOWNED PLAYERS. Background player only activates when a player in on the killer shoulder. This is another complaint post with little facts in desperation to nerf something that is not a thing.

  • haktas
    haktas Member Posts: 18
    edited March 28

    Some survivor mains couldnt understand what im saying about ftp. If you knock down more than one survivors and go to hook one of them the perk will be active and when you back to hook other or rests they can use ftp. If you play oni you have to knock down more than one survivors when you can. Ok think i didnt say ftp thing then what are you going to complain about? This perk is broken like mft. If you cried about blight tag or pinkie finger then cry about this perk too. Also blight still have injection bug. I hope bhvr will fix it as soon

    Post edited by haktas on
  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    It's just a badly designed perk that removes most of the flashlight/pallet save counterplay. You could have a bad chase and then here comes someone at mach 10 to deny your value. It's not like they need to be following directly behind for them anymore or 99% sb.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,563

    The more I see Background Player complaints, the more I wonder about our balancing priorities.

  • haktas
    haktas Member Posts: 18

    thats it what im talking about. so what when i knocked down a survivor do i have to stop and check around until the gens fly out? anyone have any good ideas like this?

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,233

    Could try ultimate weapon/infectious, but they can just use calm spirit if they're actually dedicating to saves.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    It's clearly a saving perk, and I think it's a bit too powerful, but I'll pass it up. In return, we will not accept any complaints against Lightborn.

  • haktas
    haktas Member Posts: 18

    how can we know if they change their items instantly? also swfs have 16 perks and killer has 4 perks. if you use lightborn 3 perks left not a good idea

  • haktas
    haktas Member Posts: 18

    infectious usefull on oni, blight, nurse and twin. uw not usefull anymore if you checked update notes