Nerf Lightborn

If you are going nerf adrenaline, then nerf Lightborn because by your logic that perk needs a nerf too. How is it fair that it can completely remove the effect of flashlights, and it prevents players from doing tome challenges too. Lightborn should have charges, it's a game-breaking perk. Player items already barely last long and flashlights are way too situational so that perk should be nerfed or removed from the game. In almost every match the killer is using Lightborn, really unfair I am wasting items I cannot use that are already rare to get and cannot do tome challenges because of this.
Adrenaline is the 2nd most used survivor perk. Lightborn doesn't even break the top 10.
Lightborn is not nearly as much of a problem as Adrenaline is.
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If your concern is "one nerf/buff on each side" then you already got your killer perk nerf to "match" the Adrenaline nerf.
Ultimate Weapon is going to be gutted in multiple ways.
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Lightborne doesn’t compare to adrenaline
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So you are complaining that the killer is basically running 3 perks only? Guess you always run background player or another perk slot for flasglight/flashbang saves, because otherwise this sounds great... Killer wastes a perk slot almost every game xD
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Sry but lightborn is just a senseless perk. I mean you all killers complain now, that he said he want it to be changed when adrenaline will be changed too. And you all come out and say yea but this perk is not used as much as adrenaline is, yet it negates 100% the effect of flashlights, something what a killer can easily overcome by just look down or up or turn away.
Lightborn is a bad perk and it is way more used than you guys say. I saw it in the past days very often, especially in the matches where one or two survivors take a flashlight with. Most of the times killers just change it out JUST BECAUSE they see that there will be flashlights. Also since the effect that you can not be flashed by it already start at level 1 of that perk makes it sure a good pick for a perk that need to be changed. You can take it with you on level one and do not even need to get it to level 3 because it works still in the same way.
What should be changed, now that you can not get unhurt from a hook after the last gen is made, that camping in the end game also will fill the campermeter. I mean all of you killer crawl out to complain how hard the game is yet it is EXTREMLY easy as a killer to win. IT JUST IS, do not try to say otherwise because it is nonsense. Killers have a wallhack to nearly everything. They move much faster than any survivor without ever become slower after a few seconds. Wiggleing also is useless since the killer is not stunned long enough to lose the survivor after that. All in all the game is much more give advantage to killers than it does to survivors.
And again any critic which is made will be downtalked by the killer mains, who already got the very soft treatment so they can have no trouble AND YET they still use toxic "game mechanics" like tunneling, camping and slugging.
Go on with that stuff and you will be experience much more survivors who just kill themselves on hook or dc. Because it is no fun to play against killers who compansate the lack of skill with using toxic playstyles and still are not satisfied.
I met killers who play very good and with much skill and that is always nice and can go either him or we as survivors. But in these cases where it is a killer which just has no skill it is ALWAYS a toxic match then. It is no fun and I do not get what a killer can enjoy in smash down the survivors play like he is the only person who cares in that game and then will not be outcalled or critisized for that behaviour?
You killermains who KNOW that you are meant, should try to learn to be not hella selfish and egoistic and that this community is not here to obey to your own desires in that game. It would be just good if you just start to rethink your behaviour! Instead of wanting the Devs to make the game so easy for you that you start in a round with all 4 survivors already on the hook. THIS WORLD IS NOT ONLY ABOUT YOU. And it would help that you understand, that every buff the killers get and every nerf the survivors get are highly inequal to each other. Not to forget that the survivors do NOT get really good buffs at all.
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I'd agree to this if they at least add a QoL change where you don't see the blinding animation. Whenever I play killer, I always have to wear LB because my eyes are sensitive to the animation. It got so bad one day that I ended up with a nasty headache and couldn't even look at my phone w/o my eyes burning/watering.
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Sorry to say, but if you really see Lightborn that often, that means that you are at low MMR (have you just started playing the game? Serious question).
Lightborn is a beginner perk, useful when you don't know how to deal with flashlights and "funny" squads (as it seems mods don't like the word used by the community), but the moment you learn that there are things you can do to prevent getting blinded, there are better uses for that perk slot. Doesn't need any nerf.
I mean all of you killer crawl out to complain how hard the game is yet it is EXTREMLY easy as a killer to win. IT JUST IS, do not try to say otherwise because it is nonsense.
Grab a killer, play it exclusively for a couple of weeks, and get to a higher MMR. When you start getting matchmaked against survivors that coordinate like a SWAT team and 2-3 gens pop up before you can do your first hook, you will see.
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You gotta be a new player if you see lightborn almost every match….good players dont use that perks bc they know how to counter flashlights without it, next your going to say nerf killers ability to look up or down bc I cant blind them, jesus the amount of entitlement in this post is insane.
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Yeah that looks like a giant temper tantrum, Im not reading all that.
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New players like that really have 0 right to an opinion when they have quite literally no idea what they are talking about honestly.
I havent ran lightborn in YEARS even if I see a bully squad I dont bc I know how to bait saves and slug them as a counter to it. OP is def a new player or he is trolling, and if he is serious then he just sucks at the game (not trying to be rude but people who whine about lightborn are actually stupid, you dont need blinds to win a game, you just want blinds bc you want to get flashlight saves, pallet saves are a thing dear, so are sabo saves, flashlights arent the only way to get people off a killers shoulder but you clearly didnt know that bc of this post.1 -
This whole discussion is a farce. Some just wont read what you have to say at all. Hear me out if you are to lazy to read a complaint, you are to lazy to understand it. So just do not write anything at all it will not help
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Why should I do that? I am no hardcore player like the majority of the game is not. And that is ALWAYS the problem when it comes to that discussion. You guys only view from the high MMR viewpoint you do not even care about the majority of the players who are not in that MMR stuff. And yet your complains are the ones who are more important? Why? Cause you are high MMR and are superior?
It is always that. You think only bout how it is for you in that very specific situation where are not so much more players. Cause say what you want, the majority just is not in that MMR where you are and do not really care bout that they just want to have fun, but because you high MMR guys just only every care about how it is when you are high MMR it is no wonder you do not care how it is for the others. So the big deal here would be to change this MMR stuff to a own rubric in the game. Something which can be chosen at will, means there will be a matchmaking for the casual players and one for you hardcore gamers with your very special high MMR and in this high MMR stuff you can have all the buffs you want as a killer go for it I do not care. But why do the majority of players or the new players have always to deal with these stuff only because you MAYBE can meet a high MMR survivr or a whole team, why do the rest of the players who just want to enjoy the game always have to say what they have an issue with and been downtalked by guys like you only because your game is SOOOO hard for you? Why?
I do not need to hardcore gaming the game for that when the better option would be that all you hardcore high MMR addicted killers try to relax a bit. It is just not normal that all have to go like you wish only you have sometimes so extrem hard survivors. Oh and let me guess you play always like that. I also would assume, maybe I am wrong, but for sure you do tunneling, slugging and maybe even camp right? Be honest. Cause high MMR made you to do that right? Ridiculous if I am right
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I really hope this perks gets changed, that blinding a killer takes twice as long. In the end it would have the same effect with a chance of a save. Most people would still miss the time window for blinds then. Immunity is just unfair.
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Why should I do that?
To have an informed opinion of both sides of the game and not make unfounded claims, for example. And if that is not enough reason for you, so you can get more BP when the bonus is in the other side.
Nobody said that you should "hardcore" it, and nobody downtalked you. I just explained why your claims are objectively wrong.
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Actually, lightborn is a least unfair perks of all, it doesn't really give killers any real advantage like regression faster attack speed aura reading and all that.
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Add franklins on this too it and lightborn should be given a token treatment like distortion gets. Also killers get mad when survivors last min switch but hey who wants to be wasting their items for 0 value cause of lightborn/franklins. Still find it stupid killers can see survivor items.
I also want to ask a serious question about the ones who say they get Epilepsy from flashlights. Idk about dbd but any game I play usually warn if you have certain illness or so to avoid playing the game so why play then? What about clowns gas and dredges darkness, are those not a problem too?
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Did you know those things actually got changed? clown change has been quite new one, too.