when are we getting basekit anti tunnel? ir when is tunneing being nerfed?

felipesegatto1 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 95

things are super unhealthy, unfair and unfun the way they are now.


  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I guess when there is way to implement it, without needing to rebalanced the entire game, without it being easily abusable and without breaking other things or limiting the concept and design of newer killers or perks and so on.

    The issue is just that 12 hooking everyone is not possible in an even match, even less likely when you play a weaker killer... So you need to put some kind of focus on at most 2-3 players when you are trying to win. Which leads to the issue that the system might need to be killer specific... Because maybe a Nurse or a Alien could deal with it, but Freddy won't get anything done or so. Which is why I think it is just not that easy.

    Also I don't even know if the devs are willing to remove tunneling or if they consider it a valid strategy. In the sense of well we don't mind tunneling, but if you don't like it here are 4 perks you could run against it. So I don't know.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2024

    The realistic answer to that is: Never. No matter what they implement in the game, removing a survivor from the match ASAP will always be the most efficient strategy for a killer to follow, just as doing all gens as fast as you can is for survivors, unless the design of the game is changed completely.

    They maybe could alleviate "hard tunneling" with another one-sided "anti" game mechanic, but I have not seen any suggestion for it that didn't imply removing the possibility of defending the hook or punishing survivors for their mistakes from the killer. Basically, all of them can be summarized as "guarantee saves".

    But there are ways to prevent or solve tunneling situations in-game. Like waiting for the killer to be distracted to do the unhook, not unhooking 2 meters away from the killer, body blocking to force him to chase you instead of the recent unhooked survivor, etc. Right now, the basekit BT by itself already makes hard tunneling not worth it in most situations (I repeat, in most situations) unless the survivors make it easier for the killer (like using your free Endurance to tank a hit for another survivor or not using your free Haste to get to the safety of a loop). There are also perks you can use if you are getting tunneled that often, including the buffed Decisive Strike in the next patch.

    To conclude, I know that getting tunneled can be frustrating, but that's the game.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I guess you could make the 12 hooks shared so survivors only die from hook 9 onwards... That would removed hard tunneling as the fastest way... And camping as well... Because that person would sit on hook for 9 min before dying, game would end twice... However I don't believe people would be willing to stay on hook that long...

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2024

    That can solve camping, but it won't do anything to hard tunneling. In my opinion, it would only lead to the killer downing and hooking the same survivors up to 9 times in a row with the only way to stop it being the exact same as it is right now (in other words, applying the exact same solutions I already mentioned). In fact, it will make killers tunnel more than ever as now is even more important to get someone out the game as soon as possible, as if you don't there would be 4 survivors doing gens for practically the whole match. Unless BHVR make all those things survivor doesn't like (like spending so much time sitting in place doing gens) take so much longer, of course.

    That, and people complaining about how they died in their first chase because their teammates were "insert gaming insult here" and got downed 9 times before the first gen was done. Sorry, but I don't see it.

  • caligraph
    caligraph Member Posts: 359

    basekit BT is already in the game

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,869

    We are getting basekit anti tunnel on July 19th 2022.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    Tunneling is about to be nerfed with the upcoming DS buff and there have been some smaller changes recently that all work towards tunneling becoming a weaker play style. It's just not enough yet. This will probably take a while but it looks like the devs are slowly trying to push killers towards spreading hooks.

    DS can theoretically be ignored, if you don't tunnel and 2 meta perks right now encourage hook spreading. It's a start but not enough yet.

    Damn, has it really been that long? I feel old.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    OK, but would it mean anything to hard tunnel one survivor 9 times? You are not getting someone out of the game easier with that? The game is over before you got that far because the other survivors are doing gens.

    The priority with that solution would be to get fast downs and apply pressure and not focus one person only... Because you are not getting someone out fast with 9 hooks needed for that xD

    If the killer applies that much pressure that you don't get a Gen done in 9 hooks then sorry dude but then this is on your team xD

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Good change to combat hard tunneling would be making off the record stack with basekit bt. So when killer hits you instantly after save you don't lose otr. Or rather than endurance survivor should be invincible for 10s and collision removed so then they can't bodyblock either after save.

    Killer powers should not counter otr either lile legion or deathslinger. Small changes would allow tunneled survivor chance and maybe make it worth for killer to go chase other target. Overall these ideas would be small change still so killers probably would not need buffs. Targeting 2 survivors would still stay viable. Tunneling would still be probably most viable strat.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    OK, but would it mean anything to hard tunnel one survivor 9 times?

    Against good survivors? No. Against those who don't know how to deal with tunneling and / or get downed 10 seconds after the chase starts? That one survivor would stay on the hook all game and maybe get saved when the 5 gens are done, if the killer doesn't manage to kill somebody else as now the team has run out of hooks and they die at their first hook.

    If the killer applies that much pressure that you don't get a Gen done in 9 hooks then sorry dude but then this is on your team xD

    I agree, but that's the thing. Have you played SoloQ lately? I don't know how many times I have been unhooked in front of the killer, or even worse, have seen how my teammates get downed over and over again in less than a minute because they are a "bully duo" and their only focus is to blind the killer and save their pal to the point of trying smart things like body block the killer off the hook while being injured. That's why I don't even think that it would benefit survivors that much either, because now your survival depends on your teammates doing good even more.

    But hey, trying things like this is what PTBs are for, so I'm all in for them to at least test this.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Have played it and was okayish, but yeah this is an issue... But not necessarily soloq only, just bad player thing sometimes.

    I mean to be fair, if your team is not good but the killer is you would probably lose regardless.

  • cluxdx
    cluxdx Member Posts: 168

    There are base-kit anti-tunnel mechanics. They added the base-kit BT for that exact purpose.

    Here's the thing: There is no way to actually stop killers from tunneling without significantly affecting regular gameplay, especially in scenarios when the killer runs into the same person twice completely by accident. I'm sick and tired of everyone trying to suggest all these new "anti" mechanics, because they're going to get to a point that they will hurt people who aren't deliberately doing those things.

    If you want to reduce tunneling without hurting the overall killer experience, you need to add positive incentives for not tunneling. Maybe nerf all the meta slowdown and give the killer something like a 5% gen speed reduction anytime someone is hooked and they are more than 32m away. Or even just something small like the old BBQ BP bonus.

    Unless you give every killer a reason to not tunnel, there are always going to be many who choose to do so because it's simply an effective way to win.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    What you want is not "anti tunneling measure", but rather complete removal of it.

    And I agree, why not? I'm tired of all the days of tunneling and tunneling, it's boring but still most efficient anyway so I WILL do it regardless.

    When it is made literally impossible, game will be FORCED to buff killers by ridiculous amount, and I DO want it really.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 1,059

    It would be nice to have a chase meta for killers again. I'm still holding out hope for a stealth meta. I think things like undectable and fake terror radius' are really cool and better tools than many give them credit for.